Music Boosters

Donations & Matches Instructions

** The suggested amount of donation for 2024-25 for each student is $450 **

Our main source of funding comes from your annual donations made during the annual band program registration timeframe, plus your corporate matching on donations and/or volunteer hours. 

Donation with Corporate Matching

Music Boosters

4760 Valpey Park Ave

Fremont, CA 94538

Donation without Matching  

Setting up a payment plan

If you cannot volunteer,

Field Trip Forms

Donation Receipts


Why is Your Donation so Important?

Why is your $450 suggested donation so important for Irvington Band Programs? Because Irvington Band Programs need $100K~$120K in annual donations to maintain basic operations, including but not limited to:

Adding all of the above, the total estimated expenses for Irvington band programs are $100K~$120K each year. With 250+ students in total, the suggested annual donation of $450 is based on all the reasonable expenses expected. 

Although Irvington band programs have very limited funding and poor field conditions, we do have:  dedicated and experienced teachers & coaches who have been working here for 10, 20 or 30 years, hardworking and talented students who always try their best, super supportive parents behind the scene of each brilliant show. If you don't already know, Irvington Marching Band and Color Guard consistently have won the best prizes at band review trips among competitors in Northern California.

If you are proud of Irvington Band Programs, excited to start the new season,  and willing to offer your best support, please consider making the suggested annual donations, helping claim donation matches whenever possible, plus signing up to volunteer!

Your support is critical, essential and highly appreciated! Thank You!

****Notes: You will sign field trip forms at the beginning of the school year. If you have already made the one-time suggested donation of $450, you don't need to add any donations. If not yet, you are expected to attach a check payable to "IHS Band" to at least cover the bus trip fees.  

IHS Viking Music Boosters

IHS Viking Music Boosters is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with EIN# 82-1535625

Board of Directors 2024-2025

Board of Directors 2023-2024


Parents volunteers are essential to make our band programs successful.