
We are entering our 6th year of Varsity Park Neighborhood Association (VPNA). After coronavirus put a severe crimp in our activities, we are again engaging with neighbors, kicked off in May 2023 with an exciting ice-cream social in Varsity Park and our fabulous November Halloween Haunted Jefferson City. As Mountain View, Santa Clara and the State open up further, we will again work towards Varsity Park becoming a vibrant, active and resilient neighborhood, welcoming new neighbors, and engaging to us all. 

Use the mailing list VPNA-members@googlegroups.com to reach the current set of neighbors (some 134 people) interested in growing our neighborhood association.  Please send us your ideas to about what kind of activities our neighborhood association could and should engage in.

If you wish to be added to this mailing list, please send a message to Martin Griss.

The mailing list VPNA-core@googlegroups.com consists of VPNA officers (VPNA-officers@googlegroups.com) and volunteers to grow the VPNA organization and  plan and run events.

See our shared VPC/VPNA map for details. The NW quadrant on the map corresponds to our adjacent NA, SMNA.

2024-2025 VPNA Officers and Board:

Upcoming Event

Haunted Jefferson Village - Thursday Oct 31, 2024 

Donations Encouraged

Our Mountain View provided budget for July 2024-June 2025 is thankfully larger than previous amounts due to changes in city procedures.  

However, any support is gratefully appreciated and will enable to support more events and activities.  We would like to see more supported block parties.

                        Note: VPNA is not a non-profit organization so the donations are not tax deductible.

Past  Events

Corona Virus Pandemic

For up to date information on the guidelines and status of the response to COVID-19, please see the Corona Virus page and the Mountain View Virus page.


We were launched in 2018 by a group of neighbors in Varsity Park with an award from Mountain View in 2019.  We are coordinating with the existing Springer Meadow Neighborhood Association and  with our VarsityParkCERT to make sure that we have a fun and informative series of events. We have begun to explore the new Mountain View sponsored Cool Block initiative.

Over the next several years we will run several community building activities, such as ice-cream socials,  block-parties, bike-safety evening, Halloween events, garden tours,  and  further develop our outreach and this website to expand our VPNA. We will schedule an annual organizational meeting to gather information, assess interest in various activities and make detailed plans.