Neighbors Helping Neighbors

In emergency or for more information, please email

 Corona Virus/COVID-19 

Please continue to  follow the guidelines established by Mountain View, Santa Clara and the CDC.
See  the Mountain View Virus page for information.

News and Upcoming Events

                                                  See Glossary for important Acronyms

This website supports communications for VarsityParkCERT members and neighbors .

VarsityParkCERT (VPC) is a group of Mountain View neighbors who volunteer as a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) for emergency preparation and timely response.

Goal: Grow and empower a group of Varsity Park neighborhood volunteers with training, experiences and resources to enable them to provide the most good to the most neighbors in times of emergencies or at other important neighborhood or city events, to encourage household preparedness in Varsity Park, and to effectively coordinate with MV emergency services.

See the March 2022 newsletter and other documents.

Volunteer Opportunities:  An effective neighborhood CERT  includes volunteers with a variety of skills and roles.  Some are trained in a local CERT academy, other have amateur radio licenses, first aid training, serve as block volunteers, or help with outreach and communication. We are always looking to grow our CERT volunteers to increase our ability to respond in time of need. See Volunteers.

Courses: For information about Mountain View, FEMA and other CERT related courses and training, see Courses.

To volunteer or for information, contact:  Martin Griss or any of the Varsity Park officers,

Varsity Park Boundaries: Sladky, Marilyn, Miramonte west and Springer east. Our neighborhood has about 600 families, distributed across 4 quadrants and about 30 streets. See VPC Map and Mountain View CERT map.

Donations of money, equipment and supplies are critical to ensure a  well-prepared VarsityParkCERT team. See Donations.

View/Download Files: Useful Downloads and Handouts (Downloads page) about VarsityParkCERT, emergency supplies, etc.

Upcoming Events: 

Past Events Of Interest:

To volunteer or for information, contact:  Martin Griss or Nancy Singer or other committee members

Emailing the VPC officers or committee: VPC-officers

Links: Information on MV CERT and preparation.

Membership: Varsity Park residents or members of a CERT or Neighborhood Watch team in an adjacent area in Mountain View can join. CERT, Fire, Police and Emergency Services leaders from the city of Mountain View Emergency Operations Center are also encouraged to join and help our efforts.  VarsityParkCERT members might have CERT, FirstAid, or amateur radio training, serve as a block volunteer or have other relevant skills and roles. See Volunteers.