

    • recommended
      • Bar, M. (2004). Visual objects in context. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 5(8), 617-629. (ncsu) (pdf)
      • Summerfield, C., & Egner, T. (2009). Expectation (and attention) in visual cognition. Trends in cognitive sciences, 13 (9), 403-409. (ncsu)
    • optional readings
      • Cadotte, E. R., Woodruff, R. B., & Jenkins, R. L. (1987). Expectations and norms in models of consumer satisfaction. Journal of marketing Research, 305-314. (ncsu)
      • Haberman, J., & Whitney, D. (2011). Ensemble perception: Summarizing the scene and broadening the limits of visual processing. Chapter to appear in an edited volume. A Festschrift in honor of Anne Treisman. (pdf)
      • Henderson, J. M., & Hollingworth, A. (1999). High-level scene perception.Annual review of psychology, 50(1), 243-271. (pdf)
      • Wagemans, J. (2013). Historical and conceptual background: Gestalt theory. (pdf)
    • additional readings
