Plastics and single use plastics

Did you know that 1 million plastic bottles are bought each minute in America and only 23% of that is recycled?

Plastic waste has become a massive issue worldwide. Our oceans, rivers and lakes are all being trashed with plastics which has major effects on animals and the environment. Sea animals all across the world are slowly becoming more and more endangered. One species becoming endangered can affect the lives of other species greatly. Plastic pollution does not just affect the lives of animals, it is also very dangerous if we consume it. If you buy fish from the ocean, they can contain micro-plastics in its body which you will eventually be digesting. The micro-plastic ends up in the fish because they mistake it for food. The plastic can be digested all the way up the food chain from microscopic plankton all the way up to sharks and even whales.

335 million metric tons of plastic was produced in 2016 alone and about half of that plastic was was single-use plastic

Examples of single use plastics:

  • Plastic water bottles

  • Plastic knives

  • Plastic forks

  • Straws

  • Wrappers

  • Coffee cups

  • Coffee cup lids

  • Drink lids

  • Plastic bags

  • Packaging plastic

Why cant single use plastics be recycled/Biodegrade?

Most single use plastics cannot be recycled because of the polymers chemical bond that makes it irreversible. They also cannot naturally biodegrade because plastic lasts forever. Plastic can be broken down into smaller pieces, but to destroy it is physically impossible to do.

Ways to prevent this issue?

A few ways to help stop this issue is:

  • Bring your own reusable water bottle

  • Don't use plastic straws that fast food restaurants offer you.

  • Don't put on plastic drink lids

  • Bring your own reusable shopping bag

  • Ask coffee places if they can fill up your own personal cup