Community Garden

What is the purpose of a community garden?

Community gardens are a great way to grow your food for free and to be one step closer to living more sustainably. Unlike farms that spray the vegetables with chemicals to keep them fresh for longer, community gardens don't spray their vegetables. The vegetables grown are 100% organic and fresher than those at the supermarkets. They are also not packaged up in plastic, which helps stop unnecessary wastage.

Who looks after the community garden?

You may wonder who looks after the community garden? Of course it is the community. If everyone who uses the garden's resources helps to maintain it, then it can be in use all year round. Community gardens may also have compost bins where you can put organic waste such as apple cores, banana peels, etc. The waste over time will start to break down attracting worms and bugs which help make the gardens and vegetables healthier. After all of the waste has be broken down, it can be used as soil which helps new seedlings grow.