By: Jayden De Silva

What is sustainability?

Sustainability is the action of using what is needed without affecting future generations and their chances of survival. Sustainability is also the process of being able to use what is required at a rate in which it can replenish itself. If we are destroying more then we are replacing, that is not sustainability. To be sustainable there must be a balance. For example, if one tree is chopped down anothershould be planted.

The importance of sustainability

Sustainability is not just important to ensure the survival of future generations, but it is also important to ensure that our Earth is kept green and healthy for as long as possible. If we are not sustainable our entire human race can go extinct as well as all the animals and plants. Our planet that we call Earth will eventually be destroyed by global warming that was created by us humans.

What the world could look like without sustainability

  • Oceans rising

  • Animals going extinct

  • Polluted air

  • Very hot & cold weather

  • Drought

  • Warmer oceans

What the world could look like with sustainability

  • Proper weather cycles

  • No ocean pollution

  • Cleaner air

  • Greener environment

  • No global warming

  • No animal extinction