5 bin

compost Bin

Did you know that more then 28 percent of waste that end up in landfills is organic and yard waste. When organic waste ends up in the land fill it releases toxic greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Compost bins are a sustainable way of returning organic waste back into the environment. By using composting bins it reduces the need to use chemicals such as fertilizer to make home grown vegetables and plants look green and healthy.

Things that can go into compost bin: teabags, fruit waste, vegetable scraps, egg shells, nut shells, etc.

Plastic recycling bin

Plastic recycling bins are one of the most important rubbish bins you could have. Plastic waste floods landfills and makes it hard for workers to separate plastic from other waste. By using a plastic recycling bin, the waste will go to a dedicated waste facility that recycles plastic. The plastic will get recycled and molded into new plastic objects. Plastic does not decompose naturally, which is why it is important to use a plastic recycling bin.

Things that go in plastic recycling bin: milk cartons, plastic bottles, plastic cutlery, styrofoam, containers, etc.

Recycling bin

Using a recycling bin helps conserves Earth's resources and protects the environment. By recycling you are helping to slow climate change, ocean pollution and deforestation. If a plastic container/bottle has a recycle logo with 10 cents on you can collect them and hand them into a waste facility and get money. If you collect 10 bottles that has that logo on it you can be 1$ richer. Recycling helps stop mining because lots of products require fossil fuels to make packaging.

Things that can go into a recycling bin: newspaper, cardboard, cans, soda cans, metal, etc.

Rubbish bin

Using a rubbish bin is the least sustainable waste management system, because whatever ends up in the rubbish will most likely not be recyclable. Rubbish bins should only have trash that cannot be recycled.

Things that can go into the rubbish bin: plastic bags, paper towel, napkins, wrappers, cooked food scraps, etc.

Glass Bin

Did you know that if you recycle 5 glass containers, you would have saved enough energy to power a light bulb for 35 hours? That's right, recycling glass can help save energy being produced by fossil fuels lowering carbon emissions going into the atmosphere. Most glass can be recycled infinitely and reused. Using a glass recycling bin helps reduce your carbon footprint and makes you a more sustainable person.

Things that can go into a glass recycling bin: glass bottles, glass containers, light bulbs, ceramics, etc.