L'Orientale Apple Foundation Program



App developed by Carola Carlino, Simona Virgili, Vito Gallo, Antonio Scognamiglio, Arianna De Cicco, Maria Pia Lamberti

The app intends to involve an audience of young users and encourage them to visit and appreciate the artistic and cultural beauties of the city of Naples, in an interactive and funny way. During the use, they can interact with a virtual character, the street-urchin Lelluccio, who is the custodian of an ancient Neapolitan cultural tradition


App developed by Gennaro Nolano, Benedetta Palumbo, Roberta Guarino, Alessia Marchi, Antonella Tortorizio, Angela Tagliafierro

Based on the mood and literary tastes of the user, the app developed recommend selected excerpt in order to provide ideas for future reading.


Hurry App!

App developed by Giulia Speranza, Claudia Lamagna, Arianna Riello, Emanuele Di Donato , Michele Di Guida

The App is intended for tourists willing to visit the city of Naples but they only have few hours. After setting the starting point, the time at your disposal and your interests (cultural / experiential) the app proposes a complete tour of the city showing description of neapolitan cultural heritage during the tour as well as funny tricks and tips.



App developed by Annalisa Raffone, Elisabetta Crisafulli, Tonia Oliva, Federica Auricchio, Giuseppe Rana

InSight is an app developed with the aim to provide interesting and immediate insights on different types of monuments directly on a mobile screen.