
UniDive 2nd General Meeting @L'Orientale

Dall'8 al 9 febbraio 2024, presso Palazzo del Mediterraneo, l'Università degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" ospiterà circa 100 ricercatori in occasione del secondo meeting generale della COST-Action UniDive ("Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology"), organizzato dall'UNIOR NLP Research Group

L'evento sarà preceduto il 7 febbraio dal Meeting del Work Group 1. 

La COST-Action UniDive, mira ad abbracciare la diversità inter- e intra-linguistica, cioè una diversità intesa sia in termini di differenze tra le lingue esistenti sia di varietà di fenomeni linguistici presenti all'interno di una stessa lingua. 

L’obiettivo di UniDive è quello di: (i) perseguire l’universalità delle terminologie e delle metodologie applicabili al Trattamento Automatico del Linguaggio (TAL), (ii) quantificare la diversità inter- e intra-linguistica, (iii) promuovere e coordinare lo sviluppo di risorse e strumenti linguistici orientati all’universalità e alla diversità. Riunisce circa 250 esperti in settori interdisciplinari (linguisti, linguisti computazionali, informatici, psicolinguisti e settori industriali) da quasi 40 paesi e rappresenta dozzine di lingue diverse.

L'evento all’Orientale rappresenta un'importante occasione di visibilità dell’Ateneo a livello internazionale, in cui lo scambio di conoscenze interdisciplinari costituirà un momento di importante confronto sulle attuali metodologie e sui progetti in corso riguardanti le diverse lingue rappresentate in UniDive. 

Si prevedono poster sessions, sessioni dedicate ai Working Groups (WG), interventi da parte di invited speaker, plenary talks e momenti di discussione. 

Il programma dettagliato dell'evento è disponibile qui

UNIOR NLP @ Maker Faire 2023 (European edition)

Dal 20 al 22 ottobre 2023 Raffaele Manna e Giulia Speranza, membri del gruppo di ricerca UNIOR NLP del Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Linguistici e Comparati dell’Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” hanno partecipato come espositori alla undicesima edizione del Maker Faire di Roma (European edition).

L'evento, che si tiene ogni anno, rappresenta un’occasione unica per facilitare e raccontare l’innovazione in modo semplice e accessibile, connettendo le imprese, il mondo accademico, le persone e le idee. 

Nei tre giorni di fiera, nello spazio del padiglione 5 dedicato al Lab AIIS - CINI, il gruppo ha presentato il progetto ATHENA, sviluppato insieme a Maria Pia di Buono, frutto delle ricerche del gruppo nell’ambito della linguistica computazionale, che coniuga le tecnologie del linguaggio per il potenziamento e l’ottimizzazione di contenuti culturali in applicazioni innovative.

UNIOR NLP @ Start Cup Campania 2022

On the 24th of October, 2022, Raffaele Manna, Antonio Pascucci, Giulia Speranza, and Carola Carlino, all young researchers of the UNIOR NLP Research Group of the University of Naples "L'Orientale", challenged colleagues from other local universities participating in the Start Cup Campania, the innovation award promoted by the seven universities in Campania, with the LAPIS project, a multilingual linguistic assistance service for inclusive writing. LAPIS was awarded the prestigious prize for the best social and cultural innovation project. The award, the first of its kind for our university, is the result of the work undertaken in recent years by a team of professors, professors Johanna Monti and Fabiana Sciarelli and professor Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta, to promote and support innovation projects and entrepreneurship of students and researchers.

UNIOR NLP @ EU DATATHON ‘22 with “Across Europe with MAGGIE”

After two pre-selection rounds among 156 participants from 38 countries, the UNIOR NLP Research Group was awarded the third prize for the challenge number 4: 'A Europe Fit for the Digital Age' at the EU DATATHON '22 Awards Ceremony, which took place in Brussels on the 20th of October, 2022.

The team composed of Professor Johanna Monti, researcher Maria Pia di Buono, and PhD students, Gennaro Nolano and Giulia Speranza presented their idea "Across Europe with MAGGIE", a multilingual chatbot that guides different types of users to discover the wonderful European artistic and cultural heritage. See the live recording here.


Our Research Group presented one contribution titled “RITMO: un progetto multilingue per la formalizzazione di risorse terminologiche nel campo dei beni culturali” at the XVIII Giornata Scientifica REALITER which took place on the 6th and 7th of October during the XXXII annual conference “Ass.I.Term: I progetti di ricerca in terminologia: dinamiche e risultati” in Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna.

UNIOR NLP @ Borsa della Ricerca 2022

On the 6th of October, the UNIOR NLP Research Group took part in the XIII Forum of the Borsa della Ricerca in the campus of Fisciano, at the University of Salerno.

During the event, Gennaro Nolano presented the  "Across Europe with MAGGIE" project in an environment full of upcoming startups and spinoffs, which gave the opportunity to share ideas and feedbacks on the technology transfer between universities and industry. 

UNIOR NLP @ The European Researchers Night 2022 

On the 30th of September, 2022, in the splendid setting of the Basilica of San Giovanni Maggiore in Naples, the UNIOR NLP Research Group took part in the European Researchers' Night 2022.

Gennaro Nolano, Maria Pia di Buono and Johanna Monti, in collaboration with Andrea D'Andrea, Francesca Forte, Angela Bosco, and Daniela Giunta, presented the project "VICINA" which offers participants the opportunity to take a virtual tour guided by a conversational agent and explore the map of China created in 1719 by Matteo Ripa and kept in the Museo Orientale Umberto Scerrato of the University of Naples "L'Orientale".

Antonietta Paone, PhD student of the UNIOR NLP, presented "Horror or Funny?", an interactive laboratory designed to involve families in research activities through the viewing of short multimedia content that can be used online, and the compilation of a form for collecting data, useful for the development of a project involving the creation of an automatic online video classifier, based on language, able to detect if a video is suitable for minors or not.


During the LREC main conference held in Marseille from 21 to 23 June 2022, UniOR NLP presented a poster contribution entitled "Assessing the Quality of an Italian Crowdsourced Idiom Corpus: the Dodiom Experiment". The main scope of this paper is the evaluation of the quality of the linguistic data obtained through a crowdsourcing project, namely to assess if the data provided and evaluated by the players who joined the Dodiom game are actually considered of good quality by the language experts.


Our Research Group presented one contribution titled Building community identity through storytelling: the power of digital stories in museum contexts at the Annual Event Conference organised by  Dariah- EU. The hybrid event took place on May 31 to June 3rd 2022 in Athens (Greece) and it was about the topic of storytelling.

UNIOR NLP @ Digital storytelling festival

Our Research Group presented one contribution titled 7 Digital storytelling tips in The story of cats who became mummies at the Opening Gala Event of the Digital Storytelling Festival. The second edition took place online on the 10th and 11th May 2022 and it was oranised by Europeana.  


UNIOR NLP is one of the pre-selected teams for this year's edition of the EU DATATHON 22 launched by the Publications Office of the EU.

The UNIOR NLP Research Group competed in the Challenge 4: “A Europe fit for the Digital Age” with the Across Europe with Maggie project. 

Leveraging natural language processing techniques and reusing the European data collection, UNIOR NLP creates a personal assistant named Maggie, who guides users to explore cultural content across Europe.


Our Research Group presented one contribution titled “Tailoring Terminological Resources to the Users’ Needs: A Corpus-based Study on Appositive Constructions in Italian and English” at the 1st International Conference on "Multilingual Digital Terminology Today: Design, representation formats and management systems (MDTT 2022)”, which took place on the 16th and 17th of June 2022 at the University of Padua, Italy.

Congratulations Antonio!

On 18 January 2022, our PhD student Antonio Pascucci defended his PhD dissertation entitled "Does style characterize haters? An investigation on an Italian hate speech corpus". The defence thesis committee consisted of Professor Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton, UK), Professor Paolo Rosso (Universitat Politècnica de València) and Professor Johanna Monti (Antonio's PhD supervisor). Congratulations Antonio and good luck!

UNIOR NLP Seminar at the Aston University

On December 16th, Professor Johanna Monti and PhD students Antonio Pascucci and Raffaele Manna presented at the Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics (Aston University)  their research titled "Style and falsification. The analysis of the statements of Brigate Rosse".

Digital Forensics 7th working group meeting

From October 21st to October 23rd, the PhD student Antonio Pascucci participated in the "Digital Forensics - Evidence Analysis via Intelligent Systems and Practices" COST Action 7th working group meeting, organized in Cádiz (Spain). On this occasion, Antonio presented his study on "Detecting stylistic features to identify hate speech spreaders on social media".


On October 20th 2021, the UNIOR NLP Research Group  participated in the seventh edition of the Graduate Conference, organised by the PhD students of the Department of Literary, Linguistic and Comparative Studies of the thirty-fifth cycle of the University of Naples "L'Orientale". The conference took place on 18, 19 and 20 October and the contributions provided by the participants focused on the theme "Islands and bridges. For a linguistic and literary topology of isolation'. The research group took part in the conference with a paper entitled 'Inclusion and accessibility. Technologies as a bridge between the past and the future", with the aim of reflecting on the use of technological tools to promote museum fruition in terms of accessibility. 

Training school on Digital forensics

From 4th to 8th October 2021, the PhD student Antonio Pascucci took part in the Training school on Digital forensics: evidence analysis via intelligent systems and practices, organized in Budapest (Hungary) in the framework of the COST Action Digital Forensics Evidence Analysis via Intelligent Systems and Practices of which he has been a member since 2018. 

Europeana as a powerful platform for storytelling - Task force

The UNIOR NLP research Group took part in the task force organised by, entitled Europeana as a powerful platform for storytelling.The task force, coordinated by Beth Delay, took place entirely online, through monthly meetings and activities, from September 2020 to March 2021. The final product was the creation of a toolkit for cultural heritage institutions containing 7 tips for good digital storytelling. 

Crowd for Environment (C4E) @eadh 2021

On September 24th, on the occasion of the 2nd International Conference of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH 2021), Antonio Pascucci presented the research titled “Collective intelligence as a resource to monitor environmental crimes. How to recognize an alert tweet”, a research carried out in cooperation between Antonio Pascucci, Wanda Punzi Zarino, Raffaele Manna, Vincenzo Simoniello, Annarita Magliacane and Prof. Johanna Monti in the framework of the C4E (Crowd for the environment) project.


The University of Naples “L’Orientale” took part in the Meet me tonight event – European Researchers’ Night (Notte Europea dei Ricercatori), which was organized on the 24th of September in Naples, Italy.  For this special event, the UniOR NLP Research Group organized the interactive laboratory “COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: A RESOURCE FOR MONITORING THE ENVIRONMENT THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA” aiming at presenting the C4E project, whose scope is to develop an innovative framework for the detection and monitoring of environmental crimes on the Italian territory.

Furthermore, the University of Naples “L’Orientale” presented to the public the Apps created by the students during the L’ORIENTALE APPLE FOUNDATION PROGRAM.

Summer School: Tran(s)missions

From 10th to 19th September 2021, the UNIOR NLP research Group took part in the Summer School Tran(s)missions: how multimedia shapes and reforms interdisciplinary research in the field of Italian studies and visual culture, organised by the University of Roma Tre and the Virtual Humanities Lab of the Brown University. During the summer school the meaning of interdisciplinarity and multimedia was explored by bringing together different types of studies from the fields of Italianistics, Digital Humanities, digital culture studies and research methods focused on the materiality of the object. On the occasion of the final project, a physical exhibition was held at Spazio Taverna in Rome, and a virtual one within the New Art City platform, which hosted the Parallel Disruptions project.

UNiOR NLP @SLI Workshop 2: Forensic linguistics between scientific research and legal practice

Our Research Group presented one contributions at the Workshop "Forensic linguistics between scientific research and legal practice" hosted in the congress of the Italian Linguistics Society - SLI 2020 (Società Linguistica Italiana) , which took place virtually on the 9th September 2021.

Raffaele Manna, Antonio Pascucci and Johanna Monti presented their research titled “La misurazione stilistica della Falsificazione. I comunicati delle Brigate Rosse”.  This study aims to show the possibilities of linguistic investigation in the forensic field using the techniques of computational stylometry. Taking as example the Communiqués sent by the Red Brigades during the Moro kidnapping, it will be demonstrated a posteriori to what extent the fake communiqué (communiqué 7) can be said to be such and what are the linguistic features that characterize it unlike the original ones.


Our Research Group presented two contributions at the International NooJ 2021 Conference, which took place virtually on the 9th-11th June 2021.

Giulia Speranza, Maria Pia Di Buono, and Johanna Monti presented their research titled “Terms and Appositions: What Unstructured Texts Tell Us”.  By setting up several NooJ syntactic Grammars, this study investigates how appositional constructions are useful in order to retrieve domain terminology. As a case study, a domain corpus of archaeological texts in Italian has been compiled and processed within the NooJ environment. 

Raffaele Manna, Antonio Pascucci, Annarita Magliacane, Wanda Punzi Zarino and Vincenzo Simoniello presented their research titled “Geoparsing with NooJ. Italian Toponym Resolution for Environmental Crimes”.  This study aims to exploit NooJ's dictionaries and syntatic grammars to build a location extraction system able to:

Abstracts from both contributions can be found here


The UNIOR NLP research group participated in the Digital storytelling festival that took place online from 1st to 31st March 2021, with the aim of encouraging people to write digital stories using openly licensed cultural heritage collections. The group participated in the festival with a digital story about some cat mummies dating back to the 1st century B.C., preserved in the Museo Scerrato in Naples, Italy. The story was published on the online platform Medium and it was given the people choice award.


On 11, 12 and 13 November 2020, the UNIOR NLP Research Group participated in the conference organised by, entitled Crisis, Change and Culture. In the session Love stories - digital storytelling experiences we can't stop thinking about, the research group proposed its own contribution on the achievements of digital storytelling in the cultural heritage sector, reflecting on the cultural videogame Past for future, set in the National Archaeological Museum of Taranto (MArTA).

Crowd for Environment (C4E) @CLiC-It2020

C4E @CLiC-It2020  - The first results of a research carried out in the framework of the C4E (Crowd 4 Environment) project will be presented in March 2021 at The Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-iT 2020).  The Crowd 4 Environment (C4E) project aims at developing an innovative framework for the detection and monitoring of illegal spills, such as illegal landfills, micro-dumps or illegal releases in surface waters, and the organisation of subsequent monitoring actions on site.

The contribution of our research group is focused on the development of methods devised to assist the organisations responsible for the environmental monitoring and protection, and in particular on the acquisition of useful information through social media monitoring through NLP techniques. We built a model that is able to discriminate between alert and no-alert tweets on the basis of an annotated subsection of UNIOR Eye corpus related to environmental crimes: Here you can find a first map with preliminary results on alerts concerning illegal fires posted on Twitter between 2013-2020: 

ItaGLAM: A Corpus of Cultural Communication on Twitter during the Pandemic @CLiC-iT 2020

The ItaGLam Corpus is composed of 3,429 tweets published by 213 Italian GLAMs, according to six hashtags used on Twitter, during the lockdown period caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus (#artyouready, #emptymuseum, #museitaliani, #museichiusiuseiaperti, #laculturanonsiferma, #laculturaincasa). The corpus is annotated according to four communication categories:

This study stems from a previous work carried out during the early days of the pandemic available at the following link

“Spotto la quarantena”: Analysis of the language used by university students during COVID-19 pandemics @CliC-It 2020

This research, carried out together with Francesca Chiusaroli and Maria Laura Pierucci from the university of Macerata, focuses on the analysis of the language used by Italian university students on the web during the lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemics. The data used were collected from the “Spotted” accounts on Instagram, which represent a very informal channel of communication, and as such can provide important insights on the spontaneous writing of young people. We collected a corpus of 3,.865 posts converted with an OCR tool from pictures to strings of text. To showcase the importance of the corpus, we decided to describe the linguistic changes that happened after the beginning of the lockdown in Italy. This was done by analyzing two sub-corpora: in the first one we collected the posts written between the 10th of January and the 7th of March, while the second was made up of posts written from the 8th of March to the 4th of May (i.e. during the lockdown). 

The Archaeo-Term Project: Multilingual Terminology in Archaeology @CLiC-iT 2020

Our Research Group is going to present the “Archaeo-Term Project” at The Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-iT 2020).

The Archaeo-Term Project aims at contributing to the improvement of the access to archaeological data in various formats and languages. 

In this framework, we, as Research Group, focus on the creation of a multilingual glossary for the specialized field of archaeology, which is part of the YourTerm CULT Project, in partnership with Terminology  Without  Borders  program  fostered  by  the  Terminology  Coordination Unit (TermCoord) of the European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Translation (DG TRAD).

As a starting point, our multilingual archaeological Glossary is the result of a merging and extraction process from two thesauri (the Italian ICCD thesaurus of archaeological finds and the multilingual Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus), enriched with linguistic information such as Part of Speech, as well as definitions, alternative terms and subfields. It contains terms in Italian, English, German, Spanish and Dutch and we plan to expand it also with French, Chinese and Russian, as part of an interdisciplinary University Project run at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. 

Check out the Glossary first release here

Gender bias in Machine Translation

Argentina Rescigno, graduate student, presents at AMTA2020 Virtual Workshop on the Impact of Machine Translation (# iMpacT2020) a work together with Johanna Monti, Andy Way, Eva Vanmassenhove of the ADAPT research center entitled " Gender bias in Neural Machine Translation

The work is the result of a collaboration with the prestigious Irish research center during a period of stay of Argentina for an Erasmus + mobility. The work is part of a particularly interesting line of research that addresses the issue of gender translation in machine translation and presents the results of an evaluation conducted on Google Translate, DeepL and Bing Microsoft Translator regarding natural gender translation providing statistics on the frequency of feminine, masculine and neutral forms in the translation of a list of personality adjectives, names of professions and epicenes. The evaluation concerns the English → Spanish, English → Italian and English → French language pairs. Here you can find the link of the presentation: .

Great results for our research group at the ELEXIS Monolingual Word Sense Alignment Shared Task 

The ELEXIS project organized a shared task on the task of monolingual word sense alignment across dictionaries as part of the GLOBALEX 2020 – Linked Lexicography workshop at the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020) taking place on Tuesday, May 12 2020 in Marseille (France).

Monolingual word sense alignment is a challenging task of finding matching senses between two dictionary entries and will play a crucial role in the development of new lexical resources. In addition, this task presents a challenging combination of NLP, semantic textual similarity and reasoning in order to find the best alignment across a group of senses.

You can find our results here.  

The UNIOR NLP Research Group at AIUCD 2020

On 15-17 January 2020 our PhD Student Antonio Pascucci took part in the AIUCD 2020 (Italian Association for Digital Humanities and Culture) Conference held in Milan at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore with a talk titled Paul is Dead? Differences and Similarities before and after Paul McCartney’s Supposed Death. Stylometric Analysis on Transcribed Interviews.  

The research has been carried out in cooperation with Raffaele Manna, Professor Johanna Monti and Vincenzo Masucci (of Expert System Corp.) as part of two Innovative Industrial PhD projects between L’Orientale University of Naples and Expert System Corp.

Conference Programme here

The UNIOR NLP Research Group at Ricerca Dipartimentale di Interesse Strategico "Senza Barriere. Il ruolo della creatività nei processi di integrazione sociale"

On 15-17 January 2020 our Research Group members took part in the event Senza Barriere. Il ruolo della creatività nei processi di integrazione sociale organized by L'Orientale University of Naples. Our members presented some aspects of their research:

Conference Programme here

The UNIOR NLP Research Group at the Enet-COLLECT WG1 Workshop "Crowdsourcing related to Corpus Examples for Language Learning" 

Our Innovative Industrial Ph.D. Student Annalisa Raffone took part in the Enet-COLLECT WG1 Workshop "Crowdsourcing related to Corpus Examples for Language Learning" organized by the Enet-Collect COST Action "European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques" (CA16105) and hosted by the University of Coimbra.

The Workshop took place in Coimbra, Portugal, on 5-6 December 2019.

The aim of the Workshop was to develop and adapt explicit crowdsourcing approaches for producing language learning materials. 

During the workshop and by working in different teams, Annalisa contributed to addressing the following aspects:

enetCollect here

University of Coimbra here

The Unior NLP research Group at “Futuro Remoto 2019 - Essere 4.0” 33th edition

Our Research Group took part in the Festival about Science and Technology “Futuro Remoto 2019 - Essere 4.0” at the Science Centre of Città della Scienza, Naples, from 21 to 24 November 2019.

Annalisa Raffone presented her Lab on Digital Storytelling and gaming for the acquisition of English idioms in classroom.  Storytelling & Gaming Lab

Antonio Pascucci presented “Il Mago della Ghigliottina”, a linguistic game based on Computational Linguistics and AI, capable of resolving the last step of the TV game-show “La Ghigliottina”. Il Mago della Ghigliottina

Raffaele Manna presented a system based on AI to spot cases of cyberbullying in texts, with the aim of shading lights on the negative effects on the victims. AI for Cyberbullying and Psychological Distress Detection

Giulia Speranza presented the Apps developed during the Program “L’Orientale” Apple Foundation which periodically takes place at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, giving the chance to students of humanities to learn coding. L'Orientale Apple Foundation Program for Smart Communities

The UNIOR NLP Research Group at the International Conference "Innovation in Language Learning" (ILL 2019) - 12th Edition  

The UniOR NLP Research Group took part in the 12th Edition of the International Conference - Innovation in Language Learning (ILL 2019) organized by Pixel (International Education and Training Institution) with the aim to promote transnational cooperation in the field of Innovation for Education.

The Conference took place in Florence on November 14-15, 2019. 

Our Research Group contributed to the advances in the field of Second Language Acquisition through innovative approaches with two papers:

Annalisa Raffone presented her study on Gaming for Language Learning and MWE assimilation with E-voluzione s.r.l. and Prof. Johanna Monti entitled "LightVerb-Quest: An Adventure Storytelling Game to Foster Second Language Acquisition and Verbal Multi-Word Expressions Assimilation".

Annalisa Raffone presented her study on Digital Storytelling for Second Language Acquisition with Prof. Johanna Monti entitled "A Digital Storytelling Laboratory to foster Second Language Acquisition in Higher Education: Students' Perspectives and Reflections".

Link paper gaming here

Link paper Digital Storytelling here

The UniOR NLP Research Group at CLiC-IT 2019 (6th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics)


The UNIOR NLP Group took part in the 6th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-IT 2019 at the Department of Computer Science, Politecnico Aldo Moro, Bari (Italy) from 13 to 15 November 2019.

Our Research Group presented some contributes during the Poster Session:

Giulia Speranza and Carola Carlino from UNIOR NLP collaborated with Sina Ahmadi from the Insight Centre of the University of Galway (Irland) and presented their work on “Creating a Multilingual Terminological Resource using Linked Data: the case of Archeological Domain in the Italian language

Raffaele Manna, Antonio Pascucci and professor Johanna Monti presented their study on “Gender Detection and Stylistic Differences and Similarities between Males and Females in a Dream Tales Blog

Proceedings of CLiC-it 2019 are now online at 

The UNIOR NLP Research Group at the International Conference "Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age" (CELDA 2019) - 16th Edition 

The UniOR NLP Research Group took part in the 16th Edition of the International Conference - Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA 2019) organized by IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society) with the aim to address the main issues concerned with evolving learning processes and supporting pedagogies and applications in the digital age.

The Conference took place at the University of Cagliari on November 7-9, 2019. 

Our Research Group contributed to the educational arena with one paper:

Annalisa Raffone presented her study on Digital Storytelling for Second Language Acquisition in Higher Education with Prof. Johanna Monti entitled "Becoming Storytellers: Improving ESL Students' Academic Engagement and 21st Century Skills through Interactive Digital Storytelling".

Link to the Conference Program here

The UniOR NLP Research Group at First "Il Parco delle Idee"

The UNIOR NLP Research Group took part in the "Il Parco delle idee" first edition, an initiative that took place from November 8 to 10, 2019, at the Museum of Baia, one of the 25 cultural sites included in the vast area of ​​the Archaeological Park of Campi Flegrei, in the Campania region. The aim of this initiative was to collect ideas and proposals from the numerous participants who took part in it, to facilitate accessibility to the various places of archaeological interest and enhance the artistic-cultural content of the entire area.

The participants were divided into groups and worked on different thematic areas, developing proposals related to each of the requests that were highlighted. Some members of our group, including Carola Carlino, Giulia Speranza and Gennaro Nolano, focused, together with the rest of their team work, on the design of thematic itineraries, of a mythological / cultural, culinary and hiking nature interest, which could involve the greater number of sites in the park. 

The various proposals have been brought to the attention of the Park director, Dr. Fabio Pagano.

Link of the event here

Fifth Graduate Conference - University of Naples  “L’Orientale”  

The UNIOR NLP Research Group took part in the Fifth “L’Orientale” University of Naples Graduate Conference "Tempus". The time within and outside the written texts”, held in Naples on 3-4 October 2019. 

Our PhD Student Antonio Pascucci organized the Fifth “L’Orientale” University of Naples Graduate Conference ”Tempus. The time within and outside the written text”, held in Naples on 3-4 October 2019. The conference investigated Time in its literary, historical, and linguistic possibilities and modes of expression, and also explored its connections to and theoretical applications within the domains of theater and visual arts. The panel that Antonio moderated focused on the time dimension in resources and corpora.

Our member group, Carola Carlino, presented, as part of the panel focused on time dimension in resources and corpora, a research on the use of the linguistic tempora adopted in the explanatory panels of museum exhibitions. The case study was the "Irish in Italy" exhibition, of which some of the “service texts” were analyzed, with the aim of highlighting what effects the language choices have on the entire communication process. 

Find here her abstract!

The UniOR NLP Research Group at International Conference Languaging Diversity 2019   

The UNIOR NLP Group took part in 6th International Conference Languaging Diversity ‘Discourse and Persuasion 3.0: Identities in a Hybrid and Multimodal World” (LD6) held at the Campus of Teruel, University of Zaragoza, Spain on the 24-25-26-27 September 2019. 

In LD6, in order to tease out the nature of persuasion in diverse contexts through diverse channels and as more or less relevant to diverse identities, LD6 set out to cast light on the intricacies of persuasive discourse and the manifold reactions it may engender in today’s globalised and multicultural societies.

Among the keynote speakers there were prof. Laura Alba-Juez who gave a thorough speech about “Persuasive Strategies and Emotion Manipulation in Journalistic Discourse: The case of Fake News”. 

Our Research Group also contributed to the development of the persuasive discourse analysis and study with one talk:

Raffaele Manna presented his study with prof. Johanna Monti and PhD student Antonio Pascucci on “Stylometric analysis on rhetoric of persuasion: The theme of abortion”. 

Abstacts can be found here

Conference Programme here


Annalisa Raffone and Antonio Pascucci, Ph.D. Students of the Research Group, took part in the Notte europea dei ricercatori, held in Naples on 27 September 2019. The event has the aim of involving people in the research community.

Annalisa and Antonio held two laboratories: 

Annalisa: Guess the Idiom

Antonio: Chatbot e giochi linguistici: “Il Mago della Ghigliottina” e “PlagioBot”

The UniOR NLP Research Group at CILGI  2019 

Our PhD Students Annalisa Raffone and Antonio Pascucci took part in  CILGI Conference (Quarto Convegno Internazionale di Linguistica e Glottodidattica Italiana), held in Campobasso on 26-28 September 2019. Annalisa and Antonio held two laboratories:

Antonio: Giochi linguistici e nuove tecnologie.

AnnalisaEvoQuest: un sistema per creare giochi didattici di gruppo

The UniOR NLP Research Group at  Europhras Conference + MUMTTT Workshop 2019 

The UNIOR NLP Group took part in the International Conference ‘Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology’ (Europhras 2019) and the The 4th Workshop on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology (MUMTTT 2019) held at the at Faculty of Humanities, Teatinos Campus, University of Malaga, Spain on the 25-26-27 September  2019. 

Among the keynote speakers there were prof. Aline Villavicencio who gave a thorough speech about “Multiword Expressions Under the Microscope”, prof. Ruslan Mitkov who gave a very interesting speech on the potentialities of comparable corpora. 

The Conference and the Workshop were also accompanied by a practical tutorial on Sketch Engine by CEO Miloš Jakubíček.

Our Research Group also contributed to the development of the MWUs analysis and study with three papers:

Professor Johanna Monti described her work together with Valeria Caruso and Roberta Presta on “Combining descriptive needs and data intelligibility in a dictionary app for Italian idioms: issues and future perspectives”.

Carola Carlino presented her contribute with prof. Johanna Monti about the “Identification of MWUs in the archaeological domain”.

Giulia Speranza presented her study with prof. Johanna Monti on “Evaluating Machine Translation Quality of MWUs in the Technical Domain of Archaeology”. 

Conference Programme can be found here

The UniOR NLP Research Group at the Summer School “I progetti Wikimedia per le Istituzioni Culturali” 

Our PhD student Giulia Speranza took part in the Summer School “I progetti Wikimedia per le Istituzioni Culturali” held at the Wikimedia Italia Foundation in Milan on 9-13 September 2019.  

During the Summer School, participants followed seminars and lectures about Wikipedia and its related projects such as Wikidata, Wikisource and WikiCommons and how the so-called GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) can collaborate and sharing their data to the community. Wikidata, in particular, was described as the wikipedian solution to the Linked Data Principles on the basis of the Semantic Web. Several hours were also dedicated to the SPARQL query language to semantically explore data. 

During the week several projects in support of Cultural Heritage were illustrated such as Wiki Loves Monuments. In addition to lectures, also a practical session in the form of an Editathon (marathon of editing) was organized, where participants edited a Wikipedia page about a masterpiece of Leonardo Da Vinci collection stored in the Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica in Milan, extracting info from material kindly offered by the museum itself. 

Summer School Programme can be found here

September 3rd 2019, our PhD Student Antonio Pascucci took part in the 4th Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment in Social and Expressive Media: Media and Arts for Inclusive, Fair and Reflective Societies (ESSEM), co-located with the 8th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2019), held in Cambridge, United Kingdom.

The ESSEM workshop is focused on models and applications that can impact on monitoring, analyzing inequalities and on supporting the implementation of countermeasures to foster inclusion and fairness. Inequalities are indeed increasingly spreading phenomena in combination with the pervasive of social media, which may play a key role with respect to exclusion of youngers (cyberbullying), women (misogyny), and immigrants (hate speech), just to cite few related challenges for the ESSEM community.

On this occasion, Antonio presented a talk entitled Computational Stylometry and Machine Learning for Gender and Age Detection in Cyberbullying Texts, carried out in cooperation with Professor Johanna Monti and Vincenzo Masucci (of the Expert System Corp.)

Workshop Programme can be found here

1st International Summer School on Computational Forensics (SuCoFo2019) 

Our PhD Student Antonio Pascucci took part in the 1st International Summer School on Computational Forensics (SuCoFo2019) held in Lillehammer (Norway) on 26–30 August 2019. The Summer School has been organized in the context of the COST Action CA17124 “Digital forensics: evidence analysis via intelligent systems and practices”.

During the summer school, participants followed lectures on Digital Forensics and the week spent in Lillehammer gave the participants a unique opportunity to hear influential keynote speakers as well as benefit from interaction and discussions with international experts within the field. The course covered both theoretical and practical aspects of computational forensics and pattern recognition problems, as well as examples of their successful commercialization.

During the summer school, Antonio gave a talk about Computational Stylometry and the importance of Computational Linguistics and Authorship Attribution in Digital Forensics.

On this occasion, Antonio presented a talk entitled Computational Stylometry and Machine Learning for Gender and Age Detection in Cyberbullying Texts, carried out in cooperation with Professor Johanna Monti and Vincenzo Masucci (of the Expert System Corp.)

Antonio Pascucci, PhD Student of our research group, took part in the Codificare, Analizzare, Diffondere: Le Digital Humanities nei progetti di ricerca summer school, funded by the AIPI (Associazione Internazionale Professori di Italiano with the contribution of the AIUCD (Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale). 

The summer school took place in Verona on 16-19 July 2019.

During the Summer School, participants followed lectures on Computational Stylometry, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, Optical Character Recognition methods, Cartography, Text Encoding, HTML Encode, and how tho disseminate the research on the Web.

The UNIOR NLP Research Group took part in  the “3rd Summer School of Computational Humanities: “Mixed Methods in the Making”

Giulia Speranza and Carola Carlino, PhD students of our Research Group, took part in the “3rd Summer School of Computational Humanities: “Mixed Methods in the Making”, which took place at the University of Heidelberg from 15th to 19th of July, 2019. 

The Summer School was intended for PhD students in the field of Digital Humanities and offered different insights about computational approaches applied to humanistic disciplines such as literature and linguistics, cultural heritage, social science and music.

During the poster session, our PhD students presented their projects:

Giulia speranza: “Cross-linguistic Representation for Multilingual Access to Archaeological Data

Carola Carlino: “From Data to new Languages: Towards a Multilingual Fruition of Culture Through the Use of Social Networks

The Book of Abstracts can be found here

Our PhD Student Antonio Pascucci took part in the International conference “Questioning the text in the era of “mechanical intelligence”: digital stylistics between disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies”, held in Montpellier (France) on 11 and 12 June 2019.

The conference focused on precise questions: Is digital stylistics only limited to proposing a method to analyze texts or is it likely to acquire more conceptual and epistemological legitimacy? How to define a stylistic annotation? How to create a "multi-layered" annotation (i.e. an annotation that occurs at different levels of textual and linguistic analysis) in interdisciplinary projects? What are the data extraction and visualization techniques used in digital stylistics and how do they address the specific problems represented by the contrastive dimension of stylistic analysis? How do they reuse existing tools and methods (key-words, clustering, AFC)?

During the conference, Antonio presented his poster entitled Computational Stylometry for Reputation of Medical Texts in which he showed linguistic features characterizing reliable, semi-reliable and unreliable medical advices that users can find on the Web. The research has been carried out in cooperation with Professor Johanna Monti and Jacopo Colombo and Vincenzo Masucci (of the Expert System Corp.).

The UniOR NLP Research Group at the “3rd Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD19)”


Giulia Speranza and Carola Carlino, two PhD students of our Research Group took part in the “3rd Summer  Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD19)” held at Schloss Dagstuhl (Wadern, Germany) from May 12th to 17th 2019.

The Summer Datathon offered theoretical seminars, practical sessions and many hacking sessions where participants should work on their own data in order to make them available according to the Linked Open Data (LOD) Standards. 

Our Research Group proposed to enrich with linguistic information and translations a dataset about Italian Cultural Heritage (ICCD Thesaurus), investigating collaboratively-constructed resources (CCR) such as Wiktionary and Wikidata. 

The final aim was to represent this new linguistically-enriched resource in a standard format using OntoLex-Lemon model. 

Access to the repository

The UniOR NLP Research Group at AILC Lectures on Computational Linguistics 


Our PhD Students Annalisa Raffone and Antonio Pascucci took part in the AILC Lectures on Computational Linguistics, held in Pavia on 8-10 May 2019.

These lectures, organized by the AILC (Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale), are dedicated to central topics in the context of Computational Linguistics.

Annalisa and Antonio presented some results of their Innovative Industrial Ph.D. projects during the poster session.

Annalisa Raffone: Digital Storytelling and Digital Gaming: creatively enhancing SLA through interactive CALL

Antonio Pascucci: Computational Stylometry for Authorship Attribution in Social Media Texts

The UniOR NLP Research Group at the International Conference - The Future of Education 2019 - 9th Edition

The UniOR NLP Research Group took part in the 9th Edition of the International Conference - The Future of Education organized by Pixel (International Education and Training Institution) with the aim to promote transnational cooperation in the field of Innovation for Education.

The Conference took place in Florence on June 27th-28th, 2019. 

Our Research Group presented one of the results of the Innovative Industrial Ph.D. Project by Annalisa Raffone entitled: Developments and Effects that the Use of Digital Storytelling provides in Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages and Cultures

The Research Project is carried out in cooperation with E-voluzione s.r.l. and the Research Group in Computational Linguistics of the University of Wolverhampton. 

Our contribution was selected for the panel Gamification and is entitled: Phrasal-Quest: Designing a Game-Based Storytelling Approach to Teach English Verbal Multi-Word Expressions

The full text of the paper can be found at:

Our PhD Student Antonio Pascucci took part in the 13th Newcastle PostGraduate Conference in Linguistics, held in Newcastle (United Kingdom) on April 4th 2019.

During the conference, Antonio gave a talk entitled Stylometric Analysis: “Unconscious Cyberbullying. A Sociolinguistic Approach”.

The UNIOR NLP Group at the first Ital_IA Conference 

The UNIOR NLP Research Group took part in Ital_IA, the first  National Conference on Artificial Intelligence organized by Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (AIIS) Laboratory of the Italian National Interuniversity  Consortium for Computer Science (CINI) in cooperation with  Confindustria. The conference took place in Rome on March 18-19, 2019. Our research group presented some preliminary results of the Innovative Industrial PhD project by Antonio Pascucci titled: Computational Stilometry: an interdisciplinary approach to authorial profile.The project is carried out in cooperation with Expert System and the Research Group in Computational Linguistics of the University of Wolverhampton

Our contribution was selected for the Workshop AI for Cybersecurity and is titled La stilometria computazionale e l'intelligenza artificiale contro il cyberbullismo. 

Abstract and slides of the presentation are available here


The UNIOR NLP Research Group is the research group for Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing at the University of Naples L'Orientale. The group recently created with the arrival in 2016 at the University of Naples L'Orientale of prof. PhD Johanna Monti is formed by a group of about ten professors, postdocs, programmers and PhD students of the Department of Literary, Linguistic and Comparative Studies working on applications that allow computers to process and understand language.

The research activities of the group range from basic research in computational linguistics and Natural Language Processing to language analysis and generation applications and cover areas such as human-machine interaction, dialogue systems, translation technologies, information retrieval, text analysis, analysis of social media, semantic-syntactic analysis, as well as the development of linguistic resources (annotated dictionaries and corpora) for various applications.

The UNIOR NLP Research Group is the local node at the University of Naples L’Orientale of the LABORATORIO NAZIONALE DI INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE E SISTEMI INTELLIGENTI DEL CINI.

A distinctive feature of the research group is the realization of cutting-edge technologies that make use of Machine Learning approaches and linguistic resources for Natural Language Processing. Thanks to some fundings recently obtained, the group will shortly acquire four new researchers on topics related to multilingual access to cultural heritage, Translation technology and computational stylometry. The group has numerous national and international collaborations with prestigious research institutions and companies on the subjects of automatic processing of natural language.