Palma, C. (2024). Modelling interestingness: A workflow for surprisal-based knowledge mining in narrative semantic networks. In ESWC 2024 Workshops and Tutorials Joint Proceedings (Vol. 3749, pp. 1–10). CEUR-WS.
Castaldo, A., Zafar, M., Nayak, P., Haque, R., Way, A., & Monti, J. (2024). The SETU-ADAPT Submission for WMT 24 Biomedical Shared Task. In Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Machine Translation (pp. 647–653). Miami, Florida, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Chiusaroli, F., Sangati, F., Monti, J., Pierucci, M. L., & Uricchio, T. (2024). Emojilingo: Harnessing AI to Translate Words into Emojis. In Proceedings of CLiC-it 2024: Tenth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics.
Castaldo, A., & Monti, J. (2024). Prompting Large Language Models for Idiomatic Translation. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Creative-text Translation and Technology (pp. 37-44).
Trajanov, D., Apostol, E., Garabik, R., Gkirtzou, K., Gromann, D., Liebeskind, C., Palma, C., Rosner, M., Sampri, A., Serasset, G., Spahiu, B., Truica, C.-O., & Valunaite Oleskeviciene, G. (2024). From linguistic linked data to big data. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024) (pp. 7489–7502). ELRA and ICCL.
Zafar, M., Castaldo, A., Gajakos, N., Nayak, P., Haque, R., & Way, A. (2024). The SETU-DCU Submissions to IWSLT 2024 Low-Resource Speech-to-Text Translation Tasks. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (p. 128). Bangkok, Thailand: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Palma, C. (2024). HILDEGARD: Human-in-the-loop data extraction and graphically augmented relation discovery. Journal of Computational and Cognitive Engineering, Bon View Press.
Monti, J., Pastor, G. C., Mitkov, R., & Hidalgo-Ternero, C. M. (Eds.). (2024). Recent advances in multiword units in machine translation and translation technology.
di Buono, M. P., & Monti, J. (2024). Apprendimento degli idiomatismi e modelli del linguaggio: una valutazione di ChatGPT. In Abstract IX Congresso della società DILLE (Società Italiana di Didattica delle Lingue e Linguistica Educativa APS).
di Buono, M. P., Monti, J., & Caruso, V. (2024). Ontology-based formalisation of Italian clitic verbal MWEs. Recent Advances in Multiword Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, 366, 243.
Speranza, G., & Monti, J. (2024). Evaluating the Italian-English machine translation quality of MWUs in the domain. Recent Advances in Multiword Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, 366, 40.
Zafar, M., Castaldo, A., Nayak, P., Haque, R., & Way, A. (2024). The SETU-ADAPT Submissions to WMT 2024 Chat Translation Tasks. In Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Machine Translation (pp. 1023–1030). Miami, Florida, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Manna, R., Speranza, G., di Buono, M. P., & Monti, J. (2024). Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis for Improving Attractiveness in Shrinking Areas.
Manna, R., Di Buono, M. P., & Monti, J. (2024, May). Riddle Me This: Evaluating Large Language Models in Solving Word-Based Games. In Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Games and Natural Language Processing@ LREC-COLING 2024 (pp. 97-106).
AIT ELFQIH, K., & Monti, J. (2024). Large Language Models as Legal Translators of Arabic Legislatives: Does ChatGPT and Gemini Care for Context and Terminology?. In Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference (pp. 111-122). Association for Computational Linguistics.
Palma, C. (2024). Epigrafi cifrate nelle chiese antiche. De Cifris Koine, De Cifris Press, 3, 35–51. Eruditorum Acta 2024.
ElFqih, K. A., Di Buono, M. P., & Monti, J. (2023, May). Towards a Linguistic Annotation of Arabic Legal Texts: A Multilingual Electronic Dictionary for Arabic. In International Conference on Automatic Processing of Natural-Language Electronic Texts with NooJ (pp. 51-63). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Palma, C. (2023). No XAI without XI, no XI without I²: Ethical Paradoxes and Borderline Situations in AGI. In 2nd International Conference on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (book of abstracts), pagg. 42-43, University of Porto.
Palma, C. (2023). Modelling Interestingness: Stories as L-Systems and Magic Squares. n: R. Campos, A. Jorge, A. Jatowt, S. Bhatia, M. Litvak (eds.): Proceedings of the Text2Story’23 Workshop, pp. 127-133. Dublin (Republic of Ireland). 2-April-2023.
Palma, C. (2023). Encrypted epigraphy - the case of a mysterious inscription in the Neapolitan church of Santa Maria La Nova. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Historical Cryptology HistoCrypt 2023, pp.139-147
Palma, C. (2023). Neurosymbolic Narrative Generation for Cultural Heritage. In Paul Lukowicz, Sven Mayer, Janin Koch, John Shawe-Taylor, Ilaria Tiddi, editors, HHAI 2023: Augmenting Human Intellect - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence, June 26-30, 2023, Munich, Germany. Volume 368 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 509-523, IOS Press
Orăsan, C., Mitkov, R., Corpas Pastor, G., & Monti, J. (2023). International Conference on Human-Informed Translation and Interpreting Technology (HiT-IT 2023) Proceedings. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Human-informed Translation and Interpreting Technology Proceedings. Incoma Ltd..
Rescigno, A., & Monti, J. (2023). Gender Bias in Machine Translation: a statistical evaluation of Google Translate and DeepL for English, Italian and German. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Human-informed Translation and Interpreting Technology (HiT-IT 2023) Proceedings (pp. 1-11). Incoma Ltd..
Chiusaroli, F., Uricchio, T., Monti, J., Pierucci, M. L., & Sangati, F. (2023). GPT-based Language Models meet Emojitaliano: A Preliminary Assessment Test between Automation and Creativity. In CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS.
di Buono, M. P., Nolano, G., & Monti, J. (2023). NEAT—Named Entities in Archaeological Texts: A semantic approach to term extraction and classification. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, fqad017.
Savary, A., Khelil, C. B., Ramisch, C., Giouli, V., Mititelu, V. B., Mohamed, N. H.,Monti, J....& Walsh, A. (2023, May). PARSEME corpus release 1.3. In Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2023) (pp. 24-35).
Speranza, G., di Buono, M. P., & Monti, J. (2023). Towards terminological resources tailored to the users’ needs: Terminology extraction based on appositive constructions. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 38(Supplement_1), i83-i92.
Monti, J., di Buono, M. P., & Caruso, V. (2023). Ontology-based formalization of Italian Clitic Verbal MWEs: an Approach for Supporting Machine Translation. In Recent Advances in MWU in Machine Translation and Translation technology. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Speranza, G., Di Buono, M. P., & Monti, J. (2023, September). Formalizing Translation Equivalence and Lexico-Semantic Relations Among Terms in a Bilingual Terminological Resource. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (pp. 652-658).
ElFqih, K. A., & Monti, J. (2023, September). On the Evaluation of Terminology Translation Errors in NMT and PB-SMT In the Legal Domain: A Study on the Translation of Arabic Legal Documents into English and French. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Terminology in NLP and Translation Studies (ConTeNTS) Incorporating the 16th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora (BUCC) (pp. 26-35).
Manna, R., Pascucci, A., & Monti, J. (2023). La misurazione stilistica della Falsificazione: I comunicati delle Brigate Rosse. Book series Studi AISV, 10, 125-137.
Monti, J. (2023). Per una didattica della traduzione automatica. mediAzioni, 39, A55-A83.
Speranza, G., Di Buono, M. P., & Monti, J. (2022). Tailoring Terminological Resources to the Users’ Needs: a Corpus-based Study on Appositive Constructions in Italian and English. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Multilingual Digital Terminology Today (MDTT 2022), Padua, Italy, June 16-17, 2022. CEUR Workshop Proccedings Vol-3161. ISSN 1613-0073.
Monti, Johanna; di Buono, Maria Pia; Speranza, Giulia; Centrella, Maria; De Carlo, Andrea F. (2022). Le projet Archaeo-Term: premiers résultats. Revue Traduction et Langues, 21 (1), 121-136. . ISSN : 1112-3974, EISSN: 2600-6235
Nolano, G., di Buono, M. P., & Monti, J. (2022). From Monolingual Multiword Expression Discovery to Multilingual Concept Enrichment: an Ontology-based approach. Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology, 28, 197.
di Buono, M. P., Gonçalo Oliveira, H., Barbu Mititelu, V., Spahiu, B., & Nolano, G. (2022). Paving the way for enriched metadata of linguistic linked data. Semantic Web, (Preprint), 1-25.
Cirillo N., and Paone, A (2022). "The Role of Semi-productivity in Multiword Expression Identification: Why can BERT Capture novel MWEs?." Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology 28 (2022): 152.
Morza, G., Manna, R., & Monti, J. (2022). Assessing the Quality of an Italian Crowdsourced Idiom Corpus: the Dodiom Experiment. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 4205-4211).
Monti, J., Basile, V., Di Buono, M. P., Manna, R., Pascucci, A., & Tonelli, S. (2022). Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Resources and Techniques for User Information in Abusive Language Analysis. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Resources and Techniques for User Information in Abusive Language Analysis.
Eryiğit, G., Şentaş, A., & Monti, J. (2022). Gamified crowdsourcing for idiom corpora construction. Natural Language Engineering, 1-33.
Monti, J., Chiusaroli, F., Di Buono, M. P., & Pierucci, M. L. (2022). Nuovi repertori dei linguaggi giovanili: voci e scritture. Introduzione. RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI LINGUISTICA APPLICATA, 3, 25-28.
Monti, J., De Carlo, A. F., di Buono, M. P., Speranza, G., & Centrella, M. (2022). Le projet Archaeo-Term: premiers résultats. TRADUCTION ET LANGUES, 21(1), 121-136.
Monti, J., Basile, V., Di Buono, M. P., Manna, R., Pascucci, A., & Tonelli, S. (2022, June). Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Resources and Techniques for User Information in Abusive Language Analysis. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Resources and Techniques for User Information in Abusive Language Analysis.
ElFqih, K. A., di Buono, M. P., & Monti, J. (2022, June). Automatic Translation of Arabic Legal Terminology Using NooJ. In 16th INTERNATIONAL NOOJ 2022 CONFERENCE (p. 26).
di Buono, Maria Pia (2021), Rappresentazione formale degli aspetti morfo-sintattici in applicazioni multilingue: il caso dei clitici nelle espressioni polirematiche verbali italiane, Annali del Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Linguistici e Comparati, sezione linguistica (AION Linguistica), 10/2021, pp. 243-270.
di Buono, Maria Pia; Oliveira, Hugo Gonçalo; Barbu Mititelu, Verginica; Spahiu, Blerina; Nolano, Gennaro (forthcoming) Paving the Way for Enriched Metadata of Linguistic Linked Data - Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability - IOS Press
Eryigit, Gulsen; Sentas, Ali; Monti, Johanna, (2021), Gamified Crowdsourcing for Idiom Corpora Construction, arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.00881.
Gagliardi, G., & Guarino, M. (2021). Risorse e applicazioni computazionali per l’accesso ai beni culturali: il Corpus CHerIDesCo. CHIMERA: Revista de Corpus de Lenguas Romances y Estudios Lingüísticos, 8, 25-43.
Manna, Raffaele & Monti, Johanna (2021), UniOR NLP at eRisk 2021: Assessing the Severity of Depression with Part of Speech and Syntactic Features. In CLEF-2021 (pp. 1022–1030).
Manna, Raffaele; Pascucci, Antonio; di Buono, Maria Pia; Monti, Johanna (2021), The Use of Figurative Language in a Dream Descriptions Corpus. Exploiting NooJ for Stylometric Purposes. In: Bekavac B., Kocijan K., Silberztein M., Šojat K. (eds) Formalising Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities. NooJ 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1389. Springer, Cham.
Manna, Raffaele; Pascucci, Antonio; Punzi Zarino, Wanda; Simoniello, Vincenzo; Monti, Johanna (2021), Hashtags as an information source. Analyzing tweets to map La Terra dei Fuochi. In: Boschetti, F., Del Grosso, A. M., & Salvatori, E. (eds). AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell’era digitale-DHs for society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age. Book of extended abstracts of the 10th national conference
Monti, Johanna; Chiusaroli, Francesca; Laura Pierucci, Maria; Nolano, Gennaro, (2021) #POIVORREI TORNARE IN AULA: VIAGGIO SENTIMENTALE NEGLI ATENEI ITALIANI IN TEMPO DI COVID-19 - Un corpus linguistico e un caso studio di etnografia della comunicazione tra studenti universitari, in RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI LINGUISTICA APPLICATA; 1/2021; Roma, Bulzoni; pp. 1 - 19 (ISSN: 0033-9725)
Monti, Johanna; Chiusaroli, Francesca; Sangati, Federico, (2021) Emojitaliano: A Social and Crowdsourcing Experiment of the Creation of a Visual International Language in Design, User Experience, and Usability: UX Research and Design; Heidelberg, Springer, Cham; pp. 426 - 441 (ISBN: 9783030782214)
Nolano, Gennaro; Elahi, Mohammad Fazleh; Di Buono, Maria Pia; Ell, Basil and Cimiano, Philipp (forthcoming) An Italian Question Answering System based on grammars automatically generated from ontology lexica. CliCLIC-it 2021 - Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics
Speranza, Giulia; Di Buono, Maria Pia; Monti, Johanna (2021) Terms and Appositions: What Unstructured Texts Tell Us. In Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities, Springer. 15th International Conference, NooJ 2021, Besançon, France, June 9–11, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. pp. 219-230 (ISBN 978-3-030-92860-5)
Vanmassenhove, Eva; Monti, Johanna (2021), GENder-IT: An Annotated English-Italian Parallel Challenge Set for Cross-Linguistic Natural Gender Phenomena, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing, Association for Computational Linguistics,p. 1-7
Monti J. Gender issues in Machine Translation: an unsolved problem? (2020) in Luise von Flotow and Hala Kamal (Eds) Routledge Handbook on Translation, Feminism and Gender, Routledge.
Carlos Ramisch, Agata Savary, Bruno Guillaume, Jakub Waszczuk, Marie Candito, Ashwini Vaidya, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Archna Bhatia, Uxoa Iñurrieta, Voula Giouli, Tunga Gungor, Menghan Jiang, Timm Lichte, Chaya Liebeskind, Johanna Monti, Renata Ramisch, Sara Stymne and Hongzhi Xu (2020) Edition 1.2 of the PARSEME Shared Task on Semi-supervised Identification of Verbal Multiword Expressions. In Proceedings Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Electronic Lexicons (MWE-LEX 2020) (forthcoming)
Basile, P., Lovetere, M., Monti, J., Pascucci, A., Sangati, F., and Siciliani, L.. 2020. Overview of the evalita 2020 evaluating artificial players for the language game “la ghigliottina” (ghigliottin-ai) task. In Basile, V., Croce, D., di Maro, M., and Passaro, L.C. editors, Proceedings of the 7th evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech tools for Italian (EVALITA 2020)., Online.
Carlino, C., Nolano, G., di Buono, M. P., Monti, J. (2020). LaCulturaNonSiFerma - Report su uso e la diffusione degli hashtag delle istituzioni culturali italiane durante il periodo di lockdown, in arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.10527.
Chiusaroli, F., Monti, J., Petrucci M. L., Nolano, G. (2020). “Spotto la quarantena”: per una analisi dell'italiano scritto degli studenti universitari via social network in tempo di COVID-19", in Proceedings of the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it).
Di Buono, M. P., Cimiano, P., Elahi, M. F., & Grimm, F. (2020, May). Terme-a-llod: Simplifying the conversion and hosting of terminological resources as linked data. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2020) (pp. 28-35).
Argentina Anna Rescigno, Eva Vanmassenhove, Johanna Monti and Andy Way. (2020) A Case Study of Natural Gender Phenomena in Translation. A Comparison of Google Translate, Bing Microsoft Translator and DeepL for English to Italian, French and Spanish (CLiC-It 2020)
Manna, R., R., Speranza, G., di Buono, M. P., & Monti, J. (2020). UNIOR NLP at MWSA Task-GlobaLex 2020: Siamese LSTM with Attention for Word Sense Alignment. In LREC 2020 Globalex Workshop on Linked Lexicography (pp. 76-83). European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
Manna, R., Pascucci, A., Punzi Zarino, W., Simoniello, V., & Monti, J. (2020) Monitoring Social Media to Identify Environmental Crimes through NLP. A preliminary study, in Proceedings of the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it).
Manna, R., Pascucci, A., & Monti, J. (2020) Profiling fake news spreaders through stylometry and lexical features. UniOR NLP @PAN2020 in In: Cappellato, L., Eickhoff, C., Ferro, N., Névéol, A. (eds.) CLEF 2020 Labs and Workshops, Notebook Papers. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Sep 2020), 18.
Monti, J., Basile, V., di Buono, M. P., Manna, R., Pascucci, A., & Tonelli, S. (2020). Proceedings of the LREC 2020 workshop on Resources and Techniques for User and Author Profiling in Abusive Language (ResT-UP 2020).
Nolano, G., Carlino, C., di Buono, M. P., Monti, J. (2020). ItaGLAM: A corpus of Cultural Communication on Twitter during the Pandemic. In Proceedings of the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it).
Nolano, G. (2021). La città narrata nel lockdown [Cities Narrated during the Lockdown]. In Proceedings of the Sixth Edition of the Graduate Conference of the University of Naples “L’Orientale” (forthcoming).
Pascucci, A., Manna, R., Caterino, C., Masucci, V., & Monti, J., (forthcoming) Is this hotel review truthful or deceptive? A platform for disinformation detection through computational stylometry, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Social Threats in Online Conversations (STOC) at the 12th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020)
Pascucci, A., Manna, R., Masucci, V., & Monti, J. (2020). Paul is dead? Differences and Similarities before and after Paul McCartney’s supposed death. Stylometric Analysis of Transcribed Interviews. In Atti del IX Convegno Annuale AIUCD 2020 - La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica, 197-203 ISBN 978-88-942535-4-2
Sangati, F., Pascucci, A., & Monti, J., (2020) The Challenge of the TV game La Ghigliottina to NLP, Proceedings of Games and Natural Language Processing Workshop at the 12th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020)
Sangati, F., Pascucci, A., & Monti, J. (2020). When Linguistics meets Artificial Intelligence. “Il Mago della Ghigliottina” @Ghigliottin-AI. In Seventh Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop(EVALITA 2020)., Online.
Speranza, G., di Buono, M. P., Sangati, F., & Monti, J. (2020). From Linguistic Resources to Ontology-Aware Terminologies: Minding the Representation Gap. In The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 2503-2510). European Language Resources Association.
Speranza, G., Manna, R., Di Buono, M.P., & Monti, J. (2020). The Archaeo-Term Project: Multilingual Terminology in Archaeology. In Proceedings of the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it). CEUR Workshop Proceedings (forthcoming)
Speranza, G., & Monti, J. (2020) Evaluating Machine Translation Quality of MWUs in the Technical Domain of Archaeology. Chapter published in Monti, J., Corpas-Pastor, G. & Mitkov, R. (2020) Recent Advances in Multiwords Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology. John Benjamins Publishing Co. (forthcoming)
Monti J. (2019), Dalla Zairja alla traduzione automatica - Riflessioni sulla traduzione nell'era digitale, Napoli: Loffredo Editore.
Pascucci, A., Masucci, V., & Monti, J. (2019, September). Computational Stylometry and Machine Learning for Gender and Age Detection in Cyberbullying Texts. In 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW) (pp. 1-6). IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-3888-6 .
Sangati, F., Monti, J., Pascucci, A. (2019). Il Mago Della Ghigliottina, Amazon Alexa Skill for the resolution of the Ghigliottina game.
Manna, R., Pascucci, A., & Monti, J. (2019). Gender Detection and Stylistic Differences and Similarities between Males and Females in a Dream Tales Blog. In CLiC-it 2019 Sixth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (Vol. 2481). ISSN 1613-0073
Caruso, V., Balbi, B., Monti, J., Presta, R., “How Can App Design Improve Lexicographic Outcomes? Examples from an Italian Idiom Dictionary”, Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. eLex 2019 conference. 1-3 October 2019, Sintra, Portugal
Speranza, G., Carlino, C., Ahmadi, S., (2019). Creating a Multilingual Terminological Resource using Linked Data: the case of Archeological Domain in the Italian language. In Proceedings of the Sixth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Bari, Italy, November 13-15, 2019 (Vol-2481). ISSN 1613-0073
Speranza G., Monti J., (2019) Evaluating Machine Translation Quality of MWUs in the Technical Domain of Archaeology, MUMTTT 2019, University of Malaga, 25-27 september 2019
Caruso, V., Monti, J., Presta, R, “Combining descriptive needs and data intelligibility in a dictionary app for Italian idioms: issues and future perspectives”, ‘Europhras 2019: Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology, Malaga, Spain, 25 - 27 September 2019
Carlino, C., Monti, J., (2019). Identification of MWUs in the archaeological domain, MUMTTT 2019, University of Malaga, 25-27 september 2019.
Raffone, A., Sacerdoti, F. M., Maraffi, S., Monti, J. (2019). LightVerb-Quest: An Adventure Storytelling Game to Foster Second Language Acquisition and Multi-Word Expressions Assimilation. Conference Proceedings. Innovation in Language Learning 2019 (ILL 2019). Firenze, Filodiritto Editore.
Raffone, A., Monti, J. (2019). A Digital Storytelling Laboratory to foster Second Language Acquisition in Higher Education: Students’ Perspectives and Reflections. Conference Proceedings. Innovation in Language Learning 2019 (ILL 2019). Firenze, Filodiritto Editore
Raffone, A., Monti, J. (2019). Becoming Storytellers: Improving ESL Students’ Academic Engagement and 21st Century Skills through Interactive Digital Storytelling. Conference Proceedings (Eds. Sampson, D.G., Ifenthaler, D., Isaias, P., Mascia, M. L.). CELDA 2019 (Cognitive and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age). Cagliari, IADIS Digital Library.
Millour, A., Araneta, M. G., Lazić Konjik, I., Raffone, A., Pilatte, Y-A., Fort, K. (2019). Katana and Grand-Guru: a Game of the Lost Words (DEMO). 9th Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics (LTC’19). Poznań, Poland. hal-02106757
Monti, J., Caruso, V., 2019, “L’Orientale Foundation: un programma per l’introduzione delle nuove tecnologie nei curricula umanistici”, Didattica e ricerca al tempo delle Digital Humanities/ Teaching and research in Digital Humanities' era, Ottavo Convegno Annuale/8th Annual Conference, AIUCD 2019 Udine, 23 – 25 gennaio 2019
Raffone, A., Sacerdoti F. M. , Maraffi S. , Monti, J. (2019). Phrasal-Quest: Designing a Game-Based Storytelling Approach to Teach English Verbal Multi-Word Expressions. Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education 2019 Filodiritto Editore.
Christos Rodosthenous, Verena Lyding, Alexander König, Jolita Horbacauskiene, Anisia Katinskaia, Umair Ul Hassan, Nicos Isaak, Federico Sangati and Lionel Nicolas. Designing a Prototype Architecture for Crowdsourcing Language Resources. In Proceedings 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019). Maria Eskevich and Gerard de Melo and Christian Fäth and John P. McCrae and Paul Buitelaar and Christian Chiarcos and Bettina Klimek and Milan Dojchinovski (Eds.)
Kocijan K., di Buono M.P., Mijić L., Detecting Latin-based Medical Terminology in Croatian Texts. in Mirto, I. M., Monteleone, M., & Silberztein, M. (Eds.). (2018). Formalizing Natural Languages with NooJ 2018 and Its Natural Language Processing Applications: 12th International Conference, NooJ 2018, Palermo, Italy, June 20–22, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Vol. 987). Springer.
Lyding, V., Rodosthenous, C. T., Sangati, F., ul Hassan, U., Nicolas, L., König, A., ... & Katinskaia, A. v-trel: Vocabulary Trainer for Tracing Word Relations-An Implicit Crowdsourcing Approach.Galia Angelova, Ruslan Mitkov, Ivelina Nikolova, Irina Temnikova (Eds) Proceedings International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing RANLP 2019 Natural Language Processing in a Deep Learning World, Varna, Bulgaria 2–4 September, 2019.
Monti J., Mitkov R., Corpas Pastor G., Seretan V. (eds), (2018) Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins
Monti J, Mitkov R, Seretan V, Corpas Pastor G (eds) (2018). Workshop proceedings for: Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology (Organised at Europhras 2017), London, 14 November 2017.
Sangati, F., Pascucci, A., & Monti, J., "Exploiting Multiword Expressions to solve “La Ghigliottina”." Sixth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2018). Vol. 2263. ceur, 2018.
Sangati, F., Abramova, E., & Monti, J. (2018). DialettiBot: a Telegram Bot for Crowdsourcing Recordings of Italian Dialects. In Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2018) (pp. 342-347). Accademia University Press.
Monti, J., Cordeiro, S. R., Ramisch, Advances in Multiword Expression Identification for the Italian language: The PARSEME shared task edition 1.1. C., Sangati, F., Savary, A., & Vincze, V. (2018). In Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics-CLiC-it 2018 (pp. 271-277). Accademia University Press.
Monti, J., Caruso, V., & di Buono, M. P. (2018). PARSEME-IT Issues in verbal Multiword Expressions identification and classification. In CLiC-it 2018 Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (Vol. 2253, pp. 278-282). Accademia University Press.
Gluhak, M., di Buono, M. P., Akkasi, A., & Šnajder, J. (2018, June). TakeLab at SemEval-2018 Task 7: Combining Sparse and Dense Features for Relation Classification in Scientific Texts. In Proceedings of The 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (pp. 842-847).
Chiusaroli, F. Monti, J., & Federico, S. (2017). Pinocchio in emojitaliano. Sesto Fiorentino: Apice Libri.
Monti J. (2017), Questioni di genere in traduzione automatica. in De Meo, A., di Pace, L., Manco, A.; Monti, J., Pannain, R. (a cura di), Al femminile. Scritti linguistici in onore di Cristina Vallini. Firenze: Franco Cesati editore.
Constant M, Eryiğit G Monti J, van der Plas L, Ramisch C, Rosner M, Sangati F, Todirascu A. (2017). The PARSEME WG3 Survey on Multiword Expressions Processing. Computational Linguistics, 43:4.
Monti, Johanna, Maria Pia di Buono, and Federico Sangati. "PARSEME-It Corpus-An annotated Corpus of Verbal Multiword Expressions in Italian." Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics-CLiC-it 2017. Accademia University Press, 2017.
Monti J.,di Buono M.P. , Sangati F. , PARSEME-It Corpus An annotated Corpus of Verbal Multiword Expressions in Italian (2017), Proceedings of Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2017), Rome November 11-13 2017.
di Buono M.P., Šnajder J., Linguistic Features and Newsworthiness: an Analysis of News style, CLiC-it 2017 Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Rome, Italy, 11-13 December, 2017.
di Buono, M. P., Šnajder, J., Basic, B. D., Glavaš, G., Tutek, M., & Milic-Frayling, N. (2017, September). Predicting news values from headline text and emotions. In Proceedings of the 2017 EMNLP Workshop: Natural Language Processing meets Journalism (pp. 1-6).
di Buono, M. P. (2017). An Ontology-Based Method for Extracting and Classifying Domain-Specific Compositional Nominal Compounds. In ACL 2017. Proceedings of the Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (pp. 83-88).
di Buono M.P., Tutek M., Šnajder J., Glavaš G., Dalbelo Bašić B., Milic-Frayling N., Two Layers of Annotation for Representing Event Mentions in News Stories, Proceedings of the 11th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, pages 82–90, Valencia, Spain, April 3, 2017. c 2017 Association for Computational Linguistics, pp.82-90. ISBN 978-1-945626-39-5
di Buono M.P., Endpoint for Semantic Knowledge (ESK). In Barone L., Silberztein M., Monteleone M. (eds.) Automatic Processing of Natural-Language Electronic Texts with NooJ. 10th International Conference, NooJ 2016, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, June 9-11, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. CCIS Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-55001-5
Gudivada V., Bhulai N. D., di Buono M.P., (eds.) Proceedings of ALLDATA 2017, The Third International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data. IARIA 2017. ISBN: 978-1-61208-552-4.
Corpas Pastor G, Monti J, Mitkov R, Seretan V (eds) (2016). Workshop proceedings for Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology (Organised at Europhras 2015), Spain, 1-2 July 2015.
Shiva Taslimipoor, Anna Desantis, Manuela Cherchi, Ruslan Mitkov, Johanna Monti, Language Resources for Italian: towards the Development of a Corpus of Annotated Italian Multiword Expressions (2016), Proceedings of Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016) Napoli, Italy, December 5-7, 2016.
Johanna Monti, Federico Sangati, Francesca Chiusaroli, Martin Benjamin, Sina Mansour, Emojitalianobot and EmojiWorldBot – New online Tools and Digital Environments for Translation into Emoji (2016). Proceedings of Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016) Napoli, Italy, December 5-7, 2016.
Losnegaard, G., Sangati, F., Parra, C., Savary, A., Bargmann, S., and J. Monti. (2016): "PARSEME Survey on MWE Resources", in the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16), 23-28 May 2016, Portorož, Slovenia
Johanna Monti and Amalia Todirascu. (2016). Multiword units translation evaluation in machine translation: another pain in the neck? Corpas Pastor G, Monti J, Mitkov R, Seretan V (eds) (2016). Workshop proceedings for: Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology (Organised at Europhras 2015) Spain, 1-2 July 2015.
di Buono M.P., Semi-automatic Parsing for Web Knowledge Extraction through Semantic Annotation. in N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, T. Declerck et al. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). European Language Resources Association (ELRA) pp. 714-717. ISBN: 978-2-9517408-9-1.
di Buono M.P. Semi-Automatic Indexing and Parsing Information on the Web with NooJ. In Okrut T., Hetsevich Y., Silberztein M., Stranislavenka H. (eds.) Automatic Processing of Natural-Language Electronic Texts with NooJ. 9th International Conference, NooJ 2015, Minsk, Belarus, June 11-13, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. CCIS Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-42470-5 (Print) 978-3-319-42471-2 (Online).
di Buono M.P., Monteleone M. A Semantic Annotation Model for Syntactic Parsing in Ontology Learning Task. In Proceedings of ALLDATA 2016, The Second International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data IARIA 2016. ISBN: 978-1-61208-457-2.
Gudivada V., Roman D., di Buono M.P., Monteleone M. (eds.) Proceedings of ALLDATA 2016, The Second International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data. IARIA 2016. ISBN: 978-1-61208-457-2.
Monti J., Monteleone M., Silberztein M., di Buono M.P.(eds) , (2015) Formalizing Natural Languages with Nooj – 2014 – Sassari, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
J. Monti, M. Monteleone, M. P. di Buono 2015 A Knowledge-Based CLIR Model for Specific Domain Collections in Monti J., Monteleone M., Silberztein M., di Buono M.P.(eds) , (2015) Formalizing Natural Languages with Nooj – 2014 – Sassari, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Monti J, Federico Sangati, Michael Arcan (2015). TED-MWE: a bilingual parallel corpus with MWE annotation . In: (a cura di): Cristina Bosco, Sara Tonelli, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015 3-4 December 2015, Trento. p. 193-197, Torino:Accademia University Press srl/Centro Altreitalie, ISBN: 9788899200626, Povo, Trento, 3-4 dicembre 2015
Monti J, Clara Montella (2015). About adequacy, equivalence and translatability in Human and Machine Translation. In: (a cura di): Gloria Corpas Pastor, Míriam Seghiri Domínguez, Rut Gutiérrez Florido and Míriam Urbano Mendaña, AIETI7 - New Horizons in Translation and Interpreting Studies. p. 690-700, Geneva:Editions Tradulex, Malaga , 29-30 gennaio 2015, doi: 978297073659
di Buono M.P. Information Extraction for Ontology Population Tasks. An Application to the Italian Archaeological Domain. International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application. Vol 3, No 2 (2015). ORB Academic Publisher. pp. 40-50 ISSN: 2336-0984
di Buono M.P., Maisto A., Pelosi S. From Linguistic Resources to Medical Entity Recognition: a Supervised Morpho-syntactic Approach. In Grzymala-Busse J., Schwab I., di Buono M.P. (eds.) ALLDATA 2015 - The First International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data. Proceedings of the Conference. 19-24 April 2015. ThinkMind ISBN: 978-1-61208-445-9
di Buono M.P., Monteleone M. Knowledge Management and Extraction from Cultural Heritage Repositories. In Monti J., Silberztein M., Monteleone M., di Buono M.P. (eds.) Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2014. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. International NooJ 2014 Conference, 3-5 giugno 2014, Sassari. ISBN: 978-1-4438-7558-5
Grzymala-Busse J., Schwab I., di Buono M.P. (eds.) ALLDATA 2015 - The First International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data. Proceedings of the Conference. 19-24 April 2015. ThinkMind ISBN: 978-1-61208-445-9
Monteleone M., Di Buono M.P., The Inflection of Italian Pronominal Verbs, In Monti J., Silberztein M., Monteleone M., di Buono M.P. (eds.) Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2014. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. International NooJ 2014 Conference, 3-5 giugno 2014, Sassari. ISBN: 978-1-4438-7558-5
Monti J., Monteleone M., di Buono M.P. A Knowledge-Based CLIR Model for Specific Domain Collections. In Monti J., Silberztein M., Monteleone M., di Buono M.P. (eds.) Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2014. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. International NooJ 2014 Conference, 3-5 giugno 2014, Sassari. ISBN: 978-1-4438-7558-5
Monti J., Silberztein M., Monteleone M., di Buono M.P. (eds.) Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2014. Cambridge Scholars Publishing ISBN: 978-1-4438-7558-5
Monti J, Elia A, Monteleone M, Postiglione A, Marano F (2014). Linguistically motivated knowledge management: exploitation of language resources for NLP applications. In: (a cura di): Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa, Penser le Lexique-grammaire - Perspectives actuelles. p. 399-412, PARIS:Editions Honoré Champion,
Monti J. (2014). “Dictionaries in the cloud: state of the art, trends and challenges”. G. Dotoli (a cura di) Les Cahiers du dictionnaire n.6, Fasano, Schena Editore, p.95-110.
Monti J (2014). Le tecnologie per la traduzione nell’era del cloud computing: stato dell’arte e prospettive future. Testi e Linguaggi, p. 55-65,
Monti J (2014). An English-Italian MWE dictionary. In: (a cura di): Roberto Basili, Alessandro Lenci, Bernardo Magnini, The First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2014 Proceedings. p. 265-269, Pisa:Pisa University Press srl,
Monti J., Monteleone M., di Buono M.P., Marano F. Multilingual and Information Retrieval Systems. A proposal to manage multi-word translation and ontology alignment. In Proceedings of Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications - TOTh 2014. June 12 - 13, Chambéry, France.
Barreiro A, Monti J, Orliac B, Preuß S, Arrieta K, Ling W, Batista F, Trancoso I (2014). Linguistic Evaluation of Support Verb Construction Translations by OpenLogos and Google Translate. In: (a cura di): Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair), Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Hrafn Loftsson, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis., Proceedings LREC 2014, Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Reykjavik, 26- 31 maggio 2014
di Buono M.P., Monteleone M. From Natural Language to Ontology Population in the Cultural Heritage Domain. A Computational Linguistics-based approach. In Calzolari N. and Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J., Piperidis S. (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14). European Language Resources Association (ELRA) ISBN: 978-2-9517408-8-4.
di Buono M.P., Monteleone M., Elia A. Terminology and Knowledge Representation. Italian Linguistic Resources for the Archaeological Domain. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Lexical and Grammatical Resources for Language Processing, pages 24-29, Coling 2014, Dublin, Ireland, August 24 2014. ACL Web Anthology.
di Buono M.P., Monteleone M., Elia A. How to populate ontology. Computational linguistics applied to the Cultural Heritage Domain. In E. Métais, M. Roche, and M. Teisseire (Eds.): Natural Language Processing e Information Systems - Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Application of Natural Language to Information Systems NLDB 2014, LNCS 8455, pp. 55-58. Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2014) NLDB 2014, 18-20 June 2014 - Montpellier, France.
Monti J, Mitkov R, Corpas Pastor G, Seretan V (eds) (2013). MT Summit workshop proceedings for: Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology (Organised at the 14th Machine Translation Summit). p. 1-71, CH-4123 Allschwil: The European Association for Machine Translation,
Elia A., Marano F., Monteleone M., Monti J., Napoli A., Postiglione A., Vellutino D. (2013). “Applicazioni di NLP per il web semantico: il trattamento delle polirematiche terminologiche nel dominio della medicina”. In P. Collesi, A. Serpente, M. T. Zanola (eds) Terminologie e Ontologie. Definizioni e comunicazione fra norma e uso. EDUCatt: 39-50.
Monti J., Monteleone M., di Buono M.P., Marano F. (2013). Natural Language Processing and Big Data. An Ontology-Based Approach for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval. In Proceedings of the Social Computing (SocialCom), 2013 - 2013 ASE/IEEE International Conference, 8-14 settembre, Washington D. C., USA. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 725-731. ISBN 978-0-7695-5137-1.
di Buono M.P., Monti J., Monteleone M., Marano F. (2013). Knowledge Management and Cultural Heritage Repositories. Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Strategies. In Proceedings of Digital Heritage – International Congress 2013, Marseille, France. 28 Ottobre - 01 Novembre, Marseille, Francia, IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 295 - 302.
di Buono M.P., Monti J., Monteleone M., Marano F. (2013). MWU processing in an ontology-based CLIR model for specific domain collections. In Proceedings of: Machine Translation Summit XIV, At Nice, France, Volume: Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, Nice, Settembre 3, 2013. Monti, J., Mitkov, R., Corpas Pastor, G., Seretan. V., eds. © 2013 Nice - France, 2-6 Settembre 2013.
Monti J, Barreiro A, Orliac B, Batista F (2013). When Multiwords Go Bad in Machine Translation. In Proceedings of: Machine Translation Summit XIV, At Nice, France, Volume: Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, Nice, Settembre 3, 2013. Monti, J., Mitkov, R., Corpas Pastor, G., Seretan. V., eds. © 2013, Nice - France, 2-6 September 2013.
Monti J., Monteleone M., di Buono M.P., Marano F. (2013) Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval and Semantic Interoperability for Cultural Heritage Repositories. In Angelova G., Bontcheva K., Mitkov R. (eds.). Proceedings of International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing 2013. Hissar, Bulgaria 7—13 Settembre 2013. INCOMA Ltd., Shoumen, BULGARIA. ISSN: 1313-8502.
Monti J., (2013) “Crowdsourcing e Cloud-computing: una nuova generazione di risorse e tecnologie per la traduzione” in Atti del XII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata Comunicare le lingue attraverso le discipline: prospettive traduttiva, didattica e socioculturale – Macerata 23-24 febbraio 2012: 85-100
di Buono M.P., Hermon S., Monteleone M., Ronzino P., Vassallo V. Decision-Making Support Systems for the Archaeological Domain: a Natural Language Processing Proposal. In DigitalHeritage 2013: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Digital Heritage, (Volume:2), 28 October - 01 November, Marseille, Francia, IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 397-400. ISBN: 978-1-4799-3168-2
Monti J., Elia A., Monteleone M., Postiglione A. e Marano F. (2012). Electronic Dictionaries for Information Retrieval, Automatic Textual Analysis and Semantic-Based Data Mining Software applications . In: (a cura di): Maiello G, Pellegrino R, Database, Corpora, Insegnamenti Linguistici. p. 381-396, Fasano-Paris:Schena-Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne.
Monti J., (2012) “Translators' Knowledge in the cloud the new translation technologies” in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Language and Communication – Research, Trends and challenges - ISLC 2012 - Izmir (Turchia).
Elia A., Monteleone M., Postiglione A., Monti J., Marano F. (2012) Electronic Dictionaries for Information Retrieval, Automatic Textual Analysis and Semantic-Based Data Mining Software applications in Atti del convegno Database, Corpora, Insegnamenti linguistici - Convegno internazionale del CLA - Università degli studi di Salerno
Monti J. (2011), “Scrittura, traduzioni e ipertesti: voci al femminile” in Palusci O. (a cura di) Traduttrici: Female voices across languages, Trento, Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche: 321-332.
Monti J., Elia A., Monteleone M., Postiglione A., Marano F. (2011), In search of knowledge: text mining dedicated to technical translation, Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 33 ASLIB Conference – London, 17- 18 Novembre 2011.
Elia A., Monteleone M., Postiglione A., Monti J., Marano F. “Linguistically motivated knowledge management: exploitation of language resources for NLP applications”. Proceedings 30th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar Nicosia, Cyprus, 5-8 Ottobre 2011
Monti J., Elia A., Monteleone M. (2011) “CATALOGA®: a Software for Semantic and Terminological Information Retrieval”. Proceedings of International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS’11) Norway 25-27 Maggio 2011
Monti J., A. Barreiro, A. Elia, F. Marano, A. Napoli (2011) “Taking on new challenges in multi-word unit processing for Machine Translation”, F. Sanchez-Martinez, J.A. Perez-Ortiz (eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine Translation Barcelona, Spain, gennaio 2011: 11-19
Monti J. (2010), “Patchwork girl di Shelley Jackson: esperienza di traduzione di un ipertesto letterario” in Vallini C., De Meo A., e Caruso V.(eds) - Traduttori e traduzioni, Napoli: Liguori: 311-327.
Monti J. (2010). “Alla ricerca della conoscenza. Quali strumenti per la traduzione saggistica?”. Montella C. (a cura di) Tradurre Saggistica. Milano: Franco Angeli: 143-161.
Monti J. (2010). “La E-translation da Google a Second Life: le più recenti applicazioni di Traduzione Automatica online”, in Atti del XLIII Congresso della Società Linguistica Italiana. 24-26 settembre 2009. ROMA: Bulzoni Editore.
Barreiro A., Monti J., A. Elia, M. Monteleone (2010). “Mixed up with machine Translation: Multi-word Unit Disambiguation Challenge”. ‘Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 32 ASLIB Conference – London, 18-19 Novembre 2010.
Monti J. (2008). “Gli atlanti tematici informatici: oltre il dizionario elettronico. Esemplificazioni dalla versione tedesca dell'Atlante Universale dei Numerali e delle Istanze di Numerazione (AUNIN) e dell’Atlante Universale dei Logonimi e delle Istanze Logonimiche (AULIL)”. In: Elia A., de Bueriis G. (a cura di) Lessici elettronici e descrizioni semantiche, sintattiche e morfologiche. Collana “Lessici & Combinatorie”,. vol. n. 2, Salerno: Plectica: 69-100.
Di Maio F, Monti J. (2008). "Conceptual maps and Computational Linguistics: the Italian ALTI project". Langtech 2008 - Proceedings. Roma, 28-29 Febbraio 2008: 23-27
Monti J. (2007). “Localizzazione: il ruolo e i saperi della traduzione”. In: Marchesini G., Montella C. (a cura di) I saperi del tradurre. Analogie, affinità e confronti. Milano: Franco Angeli, 173-197.
Monti J. (2007). "Ricchezza e complessità del logonimo sprechen". AION. Annali del Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico. Sezione linguistica, vol. 29; p. 247-268.
Monti J. (2005). “La traduzione automatica deve sempre essere trasparente? Spunti di riflessione su trasparenza e qualità nella traduzione”. In: Guarino A., Montella C., Silvestri D., Vitale M. (a cura di) La Traduzione: Il paradosso della trasparenza. Napoli: Liguori Editore: 299-318.
Monti J. (2004). “Dal sogno meccanico alla e-translation: la traduzione automatica è realtà?”. Media Duemila, vol. 219; 60-67.
Monti J. (2002). “Traduzione automatica e assistita: stato dell’arte e prospettive future”. In: Scelfo M.G. (a cura di). Le questioni del tradurre: comunicazione, comprensione, adeguatezza traduttiva e ruolo del genere testuale. Roma: Edizioni Associate Editrice Internazionale srl, 160-169.
Monti J. (1997). "Le tecnologie al servizio della Comunicazione multilingue". La Comunicazione - Numero Speciale. Roma, 13-14 GENNAIO 1997, vol. XLVI, p. 133-137.
Iovieno N, Calabrese G, Monti J., Micucci F (1996). "Telelang un market-place telematico di servizi linguistici su Internet". Atti del Congresso "La Società dell'informazione" AICA'96. Roma, 25-27 Settembre 1996, ROMA: SIPI, p. 429-437