UEC-Ikeda group

Condensed matter physics at ultrahigh magnetic fieldsDepartment of Engineering ScienceUniversity of Electro-Communications

We aim to pioneer new research areas in the frontier of science using ultra-strong magnetic fields exceeding 1000 Tesla. Our weapons are our unique experimental techniques and the skills to develop them. Through the development of unconventional experimental devices and experiments utilizing the world's strongest magnetic fields, we invite you to join us in exploring the frontiers of experimental physics.

We are always open to questions about the assignments and requests for visits. (For students interested in graduation research assignments)



For information about "Let's Create a Strong Magnetic Field Mini Bank!", click here.






We welcomed 7 junior high school girls to a Takumi girl event. We tried to observe the Magnetotactic bacteria and see the magnetic field effects. However, our microscope was not good enough to resolve them. It's a pity.

私たちはTakumi girlイベントに中学生の女の子7人を迎えました。磁性細菌の観察とその磁場効果の検証うを試みましたが、私たちの顕微鏡ではそれらを観察するのに十分な分解能がありませんでした。残念・・・。

14 Aug. 2024

 Dilip San is visiting Oak Ridge National Lab. in the US for a Neutron scattering experiment.

1 Aug. 2024

A paper on a portable 40 T generator is uploaded to arXiv. 

It includes examples of FBG ΔL/L, magnetoresistance, and magnetization measurement using a mini-coil. The supplement summarizes the technique for building a mini bank.

19 June 2024

A review paper on LaCoO3 at 600 T is uploaded to arXiv.

18 June 2024

I had a poster presentation in JST-FOREST's annual workshop at Kyoto University 100 yrs memorial hall.

18 June 2024

We had a TAKUMI Girl experiment on 13 July. We took a walk to the Nogawa river, collected water sample, and applied magnetic field pulse during observing them using a high-speed camera.

1 June 2024

I gave a talk at the JST FOREST Meeting for the Kawamura Panel on 26-27 June at Minamisunamachi. I enjoyed topics ranging from mathematics, astronomy, particle physics, and to material science. We took a group photo at the end of the workshop. Half of the people have already left...

22 June 2024



3-10 June 2024

We have been in SACLA for 100 T XRD experiment (2024A). We are successful like never before !!

6 June 2024

Yoko Miyake san has joined our group as a secretary.

28-31 May 2024

I gave a talk in MORIS2024 at York University UK.

"Road to x-ray science at 100 T", A. Ikeda

York city was so beautiful. The workshop venue was beyond imagination with the large stained glass.

7 May 2024


[1] A. Ikeda, T. Nomura, Y. H. Matsuda, A. Matsuo, K. Kindo, and K. Sato.  Phys. Rev. B 93, 220401(R) (2016).

[2] A. Ikeda, Y. H. Matsuda, and K. Sato. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 177202 (2020).

[3] A. Ikeda, Y. H. Matsuda, K. Sato, H. S. Y. Ishii, D. Nakamura, S. Takeyama, and J. Nasu. Nat. Commun. 14, 1744 (2023).

1 May 2024

Dilip Kumar Bhoiさんが特任准教授として着任されました。

14 March 2024


11-13 March 2024


05 March 2024

05 March 2024

みんなの大学 vol. 31, p26 (2023)

04 March 2024

26 FEB 2024

4-10 FEB 2024

22-26 JAN 2024


17-19 JAN 2024 
