MuApp Song Challenge

There is a community on Facebook called the "30 Day Song Challenge." Heard of it? The idea is that you share a song relating to that day's prompt to your Facebook profile. It helps people to get to know you, or maybe discover really cool songs they wouldn't ordinarily have stumbled upon.

We're going to do something similar, except that we'll use Edmodo. Each day, Miss Cramer will post a prompt, and you will hit "Turn In" and respond by sharing a YouTube link of the song and writing a little bit about what it means to you / how it relates to the prompt. This way, it is totally private, and you can be honest in a way that you wouldn't be able to if you had to post it publicly - Miss Cramer will not share your thoughts without your consent. However, if you wish to share with your classmates, copy-paste your response to the "Reply" box underneath the assignment post. You'll learn a lot about each other, and hopefully have fun doing so!

One stipulation: no song may be picked twice. Variety is the spice of life! If you find yourself wishing you could choose a song you already used, say so, and then post your second choice song.

Questions? Email Miss Cramer!