County Chorus

The 2023 Dauphin County Chorus Festival will be held Friday and Saturday, March 24-25, 2023.

Auditions for UDA's County Chorus representatives will be the first week in January during Chorus. Yes, this means the week we get back from break. They will NOT be rescheduled because you “forgot” about the date / to prepare.

Audition excerpts are posted on our Canvas page.

Students must score an average of 28/35 on the two excerpts in order to be selected, with a maximum of 4 students per voice part. Auditionees are encouraged to examine the Choral Rubric to see what criteria will be judged (see Choral Ensemble page).

Practices will begin Wednesday February 25th and run each following Wednesday morning from 6:40-7:20am (with the exception of musical tech week). All practices are mandatory; missed practices are only accepted by excused attendance in Sapphire. In addition, selected students MUST attend no fewer than 5 voice lessons between the date of selection in January and the festival in late March. Voice lessons can be held during Ms. Cramer’s band lesson periods/before school by appointment, with no more than one lesson scheduled for each week. Do NOT wait to get these in! Failure to meet these expectations will cause students to forfeit their spot.