United Shores Professional Baseball League (USPBL) / Delivery Value Systems (DVS)

Baseball Operations Intern

The summer after my senior year of high school, I was selected to join a team of baseball operations interns at the United Shores Professional Baseball League (USPBL) in Utica, Michigan. This internship allowed for remote work as a video analyst and research analyst for Delivery Value Systems (DVS). Both positions worked closely with former MLB pitcher Justin Orenduff.

During my time with the USPBL interns, we worked at Jimmy Johns Field, where four independent ball teams play in a league of their own. The teams work incredibly hard with younger players, hoping to get them in, see them, and sign them. While working for the USPBL, I learned skills such as typical "clubbie" work in a baseball clubhouse, frequent practice schedules, gameday procedures, and how things function at the Independent ball level.

I would be in centerfield during games, in a dugout, or in the press box with a video camera recording our hitters and pitchers. We would cut the video in downtime and label it for coaching and DVS scoring. We also helped with the facilitation of practices during the week and in-game press box duties that allowed each game to run smoothly and efficiently while working as a team.

For DVS, I worked a lot on cutting videos of MLB players who Justin Orenduff was using for the company's research and development aspect. I also helped compile a database for Orenduff, filling in the information in excel spreadsheets to be used in DVS's scoring process.

This was my first position within the baseball operations industry, and the experience I gained here was immeasurable. I used this as a stepping stone once I got to Miami and was exposed to a whole new level of baseball and opportunities within the game.