
General guidelines on Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) 

The primary objectives of this Glossary are to provide clarity and encourage common understanding and harmonized use of terms and definitions for cash and voucher assistance.

The guidelines are for field practitioners with experience of humanitarian programmes and are designed for use by the entire Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, whether operating at national or international level or based in headquarters, the field or a branch office.

The purpose of this guidance is to support National Societies in demonstrating improved capacity and operational readiness to provide scalable and timely emergency cash transfer programming (CTP).

Market assessment tools

A step by step guide on how to undertake rapid assessments for markets (RAM). Including templates and forms.
Why they are useful and explaining their limitations.

The MAG is organized into five chapters, each one covering a different phase of the project cycle. The chapters follow a logical sequence but can be used independently. Within each chapter you will find guidance and technical tools to integrate market information into the respective phase of the project cycle. 

With Pre-Crisis Market and Analysis (PCMA), market analysis takes place before emergencies occur, when markets are functioning “normally.” This can help to inform not only potential emergency responses but also to improve preparedness, contingency planning, mitigation, disaster risk reduction, and early recovery.  

The MISMA establishes the standard that must be met in any market analysis exercise to ensure the quality of humanitarian response and associated contingency plans. This means assisting disaster-affected populations to meet their basic needs and recover with dignity while using and supporting local markets as an engine of that recovery. It is linked to the Sphere standards.

EMMA is a toolkit for humanitarian staff in post-emergency contexts that aims to improve emergency responses by encouraging and assisting relief agencies to better understand, support and make use of local market systems.

Guidelines for Cash Interventions in the WASH Sector

Step by step document guidance on how to implement marketbased programming for the WASH in refugee settings. Good overview of the types of programs carried out before. Essential reading if planning WASH MBP in refugee setting.

This document provides guidance on how to use cash for latrines in camp setting. It captures both cash specific recommendations and general guidance on latrine construction. It also technically supports WASH officers on how to best accompany multipurpose grants should they cover household latrines.

Step by step document guidance on how to implement market based programming for the WASH sector. Essential reading if planning WASH MBP.

Step by step document guidance on how to implement marketbased programming for the WASH in refugee settings. Good overview of the types of programs carried out before. Essential reading if planning WASH MBP in refugee setting.

This document provides guidance on how to use cash for latrines in camp setting. It captures both cash specific recommendations and general guidance on latrine construction. It also technically supports WASH officers on how to best accompany multipurpose grants should they cover household latrines.

A concise tool to assess feasibility and plan for CVA intervention for menstrual health&hygiene managment (MHM), incl. simple market assessment templates & planning considerations.

Arabic English French Spanish

Evidence Building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies Summary of Findings (final version)

Despite the increasing use of market-based modalities in the humanitarian WASH sector, considerable barriers still exist to using them at scale. A study reviewed all available documents which describe practices related to the use of market support or CVA modalities to achieve WASH outcomes and impact in emergencies, as well as documents which describe the evidence of effect of these modalities on WASH outcomes. The results of this review are presented in five separate documents and a summary of all five.

Other relevant publications