TWG Outputs

This page is providing the information about the outputs from the Cash and WASH Technical Working Group. You will have access directly to the document or to the dedicated page.

What does "Cash" mean for WASH Outcomes?

This document is intended for both WASH and Cash practitioners as well as programme managers who want to understand and explore how cash and voucher assistance can support WASH outcomes. The document is available below in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. 

This document by the TWG is intended for both WASH and Cash practitioners as well as programme managers who want to understand and explore how cash and voucher assistance can support WASH outcomes.

Que signifie “transfert monétaire” dans l'atteinte de résultats WASH?

Ce document s’adresse tout autant aux spécialistes WASH et aux spécialistes en assistance monétaire qu’aux responsables de programmes qui souhaitent comprendre et évaluer en quoi l’assistance monétaire peut venir en appui aux résultats WASH.

ما معنى "مشاريع المساعدة النقدية" بالنسبة لنتائج برنامج المياه والاصحاح وتعزيز النظافة؟

هذا المستند مخصص لكل من ممارسي برنامج المياه والاصحاح وتعزيز النظافة ومشاريع المساعدة النقدية وكذلك مديري البرامج الذين يرغبون في فهم واستكشاف كيف يمكن أن تدعم المساعدة النقدية والقسائم نتائج برنامج المياه والاصحاح وتعزيز النظافة.

¿Qué significa utilizar Programas de Transferencia Monetaria (PTM) para la obtención de resultados de WASH?

Este documento está destinado a los profesionales de WASH y PTM, así como a los coordinadores de programas que quieran entender y explorar cómo la asistencia con efectivo y/o cupones puede apoyar los resultados de WASH.

Mapping and case studies 

The mini-case studies highlight the use of Market Based Programming (MBP), and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) to support WASH outcomes in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in different contexts and regions. They will provide examples of good practice for the use of Cash for Water supply, Hygiene and Sanitation, market strengthening.

Case studies can be found on this subpage:

Case studies 


The Technical Working Group organized Market Based Programming for WASH e-Courses in December '22 and january '23.

Additionally it supported Face-to-face trainings in South Sudan and Kenya (as part of a market assessment - details can be found here

Reports about previous trainings can be found here.

In 2023 there will the opportunity to join another session of MBP for WASH course. Information will be provided on the following page.


The Technical Working Group has used webinars to ensure wider dissemination of the information. You can find here the different webinars organised since 2021.

Annual reports

These presentations summarize the activities of the TWG over the years. 

2022 - video

2022 - PDF

2021 - video

2021 - PDF

Cash and WASH Technical Working Group in a Nutshell

You want to know more about this Technical Working Group, you can have a look at the Cash and WASH Technical Working Group in a Nutshell page. The document is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. 

Terms of reference of the Cash and WASH Technical Working Group

The first version of the Terms of Reference was done end of 2020, with revisions in June 2021 and March 2022, endorsed by the Cash Peer Working Group. 

Version 1                          Version 2 (update June 2021) Version 3 (March 2022)


In 2021, the TWG participatorily elaborated a detailed roadmap for the coming years.  The documentation about the process and output can be found in this presentation.

2021 survey to National Societies

The Technical Working Group organized a survey sent to all National Societies to understand their level of understanding and interest in Cash and Voucher Assistance for WASH Outcomes. The survey was opened between May and June 2021 through an online form and available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. 

In the report, you will be able to find the main conclusions and recommendations to ensure better dissemination of the work of the technical working group in the world, better support for National Societies, and the means of disseminating information.