About this TWG

You want to know more about this Technical Working Group, you can have a look at the Cash and WASH Technical Working Group in a Nutshell or to the dedicated page.

You can also have a look at the Terms of Reference of the TWG here.

You will find also the list of the current members of the TWG here.

What does "Cash" mean for WASH Outcomes? webinars
Two webinars were carried out on 30th and 31st March 2021 to introduce the work of the Technical Working Group, where the events gathered a total of 100 people from various National Societies, IFRC and ICRC. The evaluation poll at the end of the sessions indicated that participants have a better understanding on Cash and WASH (86% of the votes) and all of them would like to have further updates on the topic after the webinar.
You can find the recording and the presentation from the two webinars