Technical Working Group

Latest news May 2024

Market Based Programming (MBP)  for WASH - trainigs in Ethiopia & Austria

Face to face trainings on market based programming for WASH were organized in Ethiopia and Austria from December 2023 to March 2024. Details about these trainings can be found here.

Case studies

The first set of case studies that show the application of CVA in WASH programs in Bangladesh, Iraq, Kenya, Nepal and Philippines is finalized and can be found here:

Case studies 

Site Structure

Giving disaster affected people cash and voucher assistance is a growing and critical part of humanitarian action with the potential to drive transformational change in the architecture and ways of working for aid agencies. As RedCross/Red Crescent WASH practitioners, in coordination with the CASH Hub platform we developed a dedicated Technical Working Group to strengthen the WASH members’ understanding of and engagement with market-based approaches when designing and implementing WASH interventions. This site is used to record & disseminate all the discussions and outputs of this technical working group as well as provide links to relevant external sites.

In the "About TWG" section you will find info about current members, a short summary of the objectives and working modalities of the TWG, the recordings & transcripts from our meetings and all outputs that are produced by the TWG, such as case studies, surveys, etc. 

In this section you will find a selection of external documents related to Market based WASH, training resources as well as info about upcoming events and a compilation of WASH market assessments.


Here you find a contact form as well as a list of questions that we are frequently asked and our answers to them.