Yellow Fever- Symptoms and Prevention

Yellow fever is an epidemic-prone condition transmitted to humans by mosquito bites. If the signs of this viral infection are left unattended, it can lead to serious illness later. This condition is more common in Africa and South America. If you are traveling to these places, don't forget to take travel medicine in NYC or the yellow fever vaccine to get protection against this infection.

Symptoms of Yellow Fever

Most people don’t feel any symptoms. But more often, a person with this condition may experience the following common signs:

  • Sudden onset of fever

  • Fatigue, weakness, severe headache

  • Muscle pain with backache

  • Loss of appetite

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

If you leave these signs unattended, you will put your health at risk of severe disease. Once the condition becomes serious, it may cause heart, liver, and kidney problems with bleeding. So, it is advisable to see your healthcare provider if you experience the above-listed signs and get the required treatment on time.

Prevention Of Yellow Fever Infection

What’s the most critical measure to prevent yellow fever? It’s vaccination! A single dose of yellow fever vaccine can provide lifelong immunity to a person against this condition. Who should get this vaccine? If you live in an area where yellow fever is common, get the Yellow Fever shots in NYC now.

Get Yellow Fever Vaccine Before Traveling

Are you planning a trip to a country or area where the virus is known to exist? If so, don’t go there before getting yellow fever travel vaccination in NYC or anywhere near your place. You should schedule an appointment with your doctor at least four weeks before your trip because it is best to be vaccinated before traveling to an area with a high risk of infection transmission.