Who Should Get Yellow Fever Shots?

The yellow fever vaccine is an effective way to stop people from getting yellow fever if they are traveling to any area where this infection is commonly found. It’s given in the form of an injection in an upper arm. It’s great if you are already vaccinated against it. But if not, it is best to get a yellow fever shot in NYC today.

Should you Get this Vaccine?

Well, this vaccine is recommended for people who are nine months or more years old and are planning a visit to-

  • An area where the infection is found such as parts of South America, Central America, etc.

  • A country that sets criteria to have a certificate showing you have been vaccinated against this infection.

Are you planning a trip to any such area or country? If so, you can get a yellow fever shot in NYC at least ten days before you travel. In case you are taking your child with you and he has MMR vaccine, you should wait for at least four weeks before getting him a yellow fever vaccine. And if you can’t wait for 4 weeks, the yellow fever vaccine can be preferred over additional doses of the MMR vaccine.

It is best to consult your healthcare provider about this vaccine dosage and schedule. He can guide you in the best possible way.

How Long Can this Vaccine Last?

Yellow fever shots provide lifelong protection against this infection for most people. However, an additional dose of vaccine is required by a small number of people who are visiting areas with a high risk of developing this infection. Therefore, even if you are previously vaccinated against this infection, you need a further dose before traveling to such areas.

You can contact a vaccination center providing yellow fever immunization in New York for the advice!