What are the Various Travel Vaccinations Needed When Traveling to a High-Risk Country?

When traveling to a new country, getting vaccination shots might be at the very bottom of your list. However, in today’s time, with the extensive restrictions on traveling due to the coronavirus pandemic, it has become crucial to ensure you have correctly been vaccinated with covid-19 vaccination in NYC before visiting any country. Of course, the Covid-19 immunization is only one of the mandatory vaccinations for traveling anywhere today. However, depending on which country you are visiting, you need to ensure you have had all the immunization shots required for safe travel.

There are many different travel vaccines that travelers need to get before traveling. Especially if you are visiting a developing or high-risk underdeveloped country. It is crucial to gather information regarding various health risks in advance and get vaccinated for your safety.

If you are traveling to a high-risk country, it is best to get the following vaccinations:

  • Yellow Fever

Yellow fever is a nasty viral infection that develops aggressively within 48 hours and can be fatal in 20% of cases. You can visit a travel clinic in NYC to gather the required information and determine whether you need to get vaccinated before you travel abroad if you haven’t already.

  • Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a highly contagious infection caused by the Hepatitis A virus that affects the liver. It can spread through contaminated water, food, or contacting someone who is infected. It is preventable by vaccination.

  • Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. It is a potentially life-threatening disease that can spread by exposure to the bodily fluids of an infected person. However, it is preventable by vaccination. So, it is recommended to get your hepatitis B shot before you travel abroad.

  • Typhoid

Typhoid fever is a serious illness that is caused by an infectious Salmonella Typhi bacterium. It can spread through contaminated water or food. Its symptoms may vary from mild to severe. However, typhoid vaccines are available in government facilities and travel clinics in NYC to prevent typhoid fever.

  • Meningitis

Meningitis is an infection and inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membrane. It can be viral, bacterial, or fungal. Depending on the cause, it can be deadly or resolve on its own. Some types of Meningitis are preventable by vaccination. It is best to visit a travel clinic to learn the risk of Meningitis in your destination country to determine if you will need to get vaccinated.

  • Polio

Although polio has been eradicated in 99% of countries, there are still a few countries where polio is endemic. So, if you are traveling to any such high-risk area, it is crucial to ensure you have had the polio vaccine in NYC.

  • Japanese Encephalitis

Japan is indeed a wonderful country to visit. However, if you are planning to visit Japan, especially during the summer or rainy season, it is recommended to get the Japanese Encephalitis vaccination. Japanese Encephalitis is a mosquito-borne virus that can cause brain swelling and can be fatal.

If you are not sure about which vaccinations are mandatory to get before traveling, make sure to visit a government healthcare facility or a travel clinic to gather the required information. Whether you need yellow fever vaccination or polio vaccine in New York City, the Travel Clinic of NYC is equipped to assist you and make your travel experience smooth.