Yellow Fever- Signs and Treatment!

Yellow fever, a severe viral infection, occurs due to mosquito bites. There is no specific treatment available for it till now. But the best defense against this condition is to get vaccinated. If this condition is left untreated, it can be a more serious condition later. Yes, you read it right! Severe cases can lead to serious bleeding, heart failure, liver or kidney damage within a week or 10 days. Hence it is important to visit a yellow fever clinic in NYC or near your home and get the required treatment instead of leaving it unattended.

But how do you know someone is suffering from yellow fever? Are there any signs that can hint towards it? Yes! Read on to learn the common signs of yellow fever!

Symptoms of Yellow Fever Appear Suddenly and May Include the Followings-

  1. Headache

  2. High fever

  3. Slow heartbeat

  4. Backache

  5. Jaundice (yellow skin)

  6. Vomiting and nausea

  7. Bleeding from mucous membrane present in nose and mouth

  8. Bleeding in the gastrointestinal part leads to vomit blood

  9. Bloody urine

  10. Bleeding of gums

These signs usually develop within 3-6 days of exposure. At first, the signs may appear similar to other medical conditions. A patient should consult a doctor for diagnosis of this condition. A doctor can provide the needed treatment to him. Getting yellow fever immunization in NYC can reduce your risk of developing this infection. If you have not been vaccinated against it yet, schedule an appointment at a vaccination center now near your home!

Is there any Cure?

Well, there is no cure for yellow fever. Vaccination/yellow fever shot in NYC or nearby your home is one of the important preventive measures for it. A doctor can aim at providing supportive treatment to affected people. The treatment may include controlling the signs with proper rest, fluid consumption, and medications.