Who Should Get Vaccinated Against Polio?

CDC recommends that every child should get 4 doses of polio vaccine in NYC to get protection against poliovirus. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) shots are usually given in the legs or arms of infants/children.

Infants or Children

The vaccine is given at each of the following ages-

  1. 2 months

  2. 4 months

  3. 6-18 months

  4. 4-6 years old


If you are an adult, you may not need the polio vaccine if you were already vaccinated as a child. But in case you belong to the following three groups of adults, you are at higher risk.

1. If you are traveling to a country with a high risk of polio. Ask your doctor for specific information on whether you should be vaccinated or not!

2. If you are working in a laboratory handling samples that might contain polioviruses.

3. If you are a healthcare worker and interact with patients who might be suffering from polio or if you have close contact with infected people.

You should get the polio vaccine in NYC if you fall in any of the above-listed situations and have no history of being vaccinated against polio. You should get 3 doses of IPV-

· First dose at any time.

· Second dose after 1-2 months of the first dose.

· Third dose after 6-12 months of the second dose.

If you are an adult who has had only 1 or 2 doses of polio vaccine in the past, don’t ignore the third one. You should also get the remaining dose of the polio vaccine.

Adults who have been vaccinated with all three doses of polio vaccine and are at greater risk of exposure to poliovirus can receive a lifetime booster dose of IPV as well.

If you have to travel immediately to an area where poliovirus is common, you can contact any travel clinic to get the polio vaccine in New York City.