All You Need To Know About The Rabies Vaccination

Vaccinations are important for maintaining public health. As traveling is inevitable, the outspread of various serious viruses and infections poses a great threat. A plausible solution to contain the risk of contagious infections and diseases is the use of immunization and travel medicine in NYC.

Getting vaccinated can be the most important step when planning a journey abroad. However, it is also important to be immunized even if you are home-bound. One of the most serious infections is caused by the rabies virus. Although death caused by this virus is rare in America, rabies vaccination in New York is nonetheless essential.

What is Rabies and How Does it Affect Humans?

Rabies is a dangerous virus that attacks the human brain and the nervous system. The known source of rabies transmission is a rabid animal, whether wild or domesticated.

Rabies is a known term among pet owners. All pets are required to be immunized with an anti-rabies shot annually to avoid them becoming rabid. And humans are at danger of rabies if a rabid animal scratches, bites, or even licks us.

The transmission of the virus can be quick and undetected and so are the symptoms. The virus does not show symptoms very soon because of its long incubation period. However, once the symptoms show, it's often too late as the disease is incurable. Although rare, rabies infection has no cure, thus can be fatal.

Who Needs Rabies Vaccination?

Due to the severity of the disease, it is crucial to get the vaccine even if it has to be administered after exposure to the virus. There are three scenarios when the vaccine is important:

  1. Once a known contact with a rabid animal has been made, whether the animal is known or only thought to be carrying rabies. It is highly important to get the rabies vaccination at the earliest to contain the virus and instigate the production of antibodies in our system.

  1. Secondly, people who you are constantly in contact with animals must get rabies vaccination as a precautionary measure. For example, veterinarians, lab workers, animal handlers, etc. are at high risk since they deal with various wild, stray, and domesticated animals.

  1. Lastly, anyone planning to travel in a region where rabies outspread is common or someone planning to stay in the outdoors. For example, someone on a jungle safari or exploring tropical caves can potentially be at risk so a rabies vaccination is a must for such people before setting out for the journey.

Hence, whether you have been exposed to a rabid animal or are traveling to a high-risk region, it is extremely important to get travel medication. Consult the specialists at The Travel Clinic NYC to get your rabies vaccinations in New York City. Call to book an appointment at the earliest.