Important Facts to Know About Hepatitis A Vaccine

A healthy body is a vehicle of energy, capable of many wonderful things. But there are various external elements that pose a grave danger to the vitality of our health. One such harmful agent that attacks and weakens one of the largest organs of the human body - the liver is Hepatitis A. It is an infection spread by the Hepatitis virus, resulting in the inflammation of the liver tissue.

The only way to prevent this disease is by getting Hepatitis A Vaccination in NYC. Although the Hepatitis A virus is the mildest strand of the infectious disease, it affects the immune system and can make the victim vulnerable to more severe infections. Hence it’s important to know important details about the Hepatitis A vaccine to determine who needs it and when.

  • Understanding the chain of transmission of this virus can help eliminate the spread of the virus to a great extent. Hepatitis A virus is transmitted through unhygienic cooking and eating practices. Moreover, people who use shared injections for drugs or have a sexual encounter with a Hepatitis A Positive person are more prone to contracting this virus. Even people living or eating with hepatitis A Positive individuals can contract the infection.

  • Additionally, people traveling to countries where Hepatitis A is widespread should be careful in their eating habits and maintain strict personal hygiene. Proper washing of hands and dining at places with hygienic kitchens are essential safety measures to follow.

  • In the United States, a rising number of person-to-person transmission of Hepatitis A has been reported for the past couple of years. Hence, it's crucial for people at high risk, like those who experience homelessness, injecting illegal drugs, have unprotected sex, and frequent international travelers must be aware of the dangers and get their vaccinations shots.

  • Although HAV is a mild strand of the Hepatitis virus and does not cause severe liver damage, it is essential to take the preventive measure of getting a Hepatitis A vaccination in New York. These vaccination shots are administered with a gap of 6 to 12 months. So, all avid travelers should get their vaccinations a minimum of two weeks prior to their departure.

You can get your travel vaccines from the Travel Clinic of New York City. We also provide vaccination to foreigners. So, schedule a visit to get the necessary immunization pre or post-exposure.