
In the first co-design session it began with a warm up exercise where each participant had a minute to draw something of their choice on a piece of paper. The drawings were then passed around, to inspire creativity and help our user be in a more creative mindset. 

1.Direction presentation feedback:

After that was finished the three directions that were mentioned in Phase 1 were shown to the case owner. She provided some feedback about aspects she would like to improve in each directions. This helped understand what works for her and what needs improvement. 

She found the aspect she liked the least about the Bamboo direction was witnessing the Bamboo turning yellow, as it felt more like a negative reinforcement that could become stressful. However, she liked the idea of having bamboo sticks represent different tasks or activities planned for the day. For the Lotus flower direction she appreciated the positive reinforcement that effort leads to visible progress, symbolized by the blooming flower. However, she felt that the flower's singular focus on one task was limiting. 

Therefore she suggested finding a way to combine both the direction of the flower and the bamboo. She liked the nurturing aspect of the flower, which serves as a positive reinforcement, but her suggestion is to include additional tasks rather than solely focusing on one, just like the Bamboo direction. Regarding the third direction, she appreciated the added value of incorporating language into the exercise. However, she indicated that she saw more potential benefits from the other directions.

2.Affinity diagram/ Meaning map exercise: 

To further improve the direction ideas, the participant participated in an affinity diagram exercise. She had to place keywords, along with symbols representing flowers and plants, within the diagram. This visual representation helped identify connections and patterns to get some more insights on her taste and preferences. The diagrams and key words are based on the directions that were explained to her. 

These observations provide valuable guidance for refining the design directions to align more closely with the client's preferences and needs. This insight shows her love for plants and nurturing, which resonated positively with the direction ideas presented (The Bamboo and the Lotus flower direction).

The main takeaways from the exercise are the following:

3. Home Safari 

At the end of the session, she was asked if she could take photos or videos of her work and living spaces, along with any items that are meaningful to her. These insights can help influence and shape the design process, ensuring the solutions align with the needs and preferences of the participant. By designing around her living space and incorporating her preferences, the aim is to create an object that seamlessly integrates with her working environment.

In conclusion, these insights provide valuable guidance for refining design directions to better align with the client's preferences and needs, which can later enhance the overall user experience.