Time Management


People have been using various time management skills and methods to improve their work or research to find the balance in life while dedicating to work a certain amount of hours where the employer should perform and maintain the workload for the tasks given to the employer. Several articles and research were directed to improve the management of self-workload while you are at home or in the office. 

1st Article: A project management system for time planning and resource allocation

In this article, the studies are concentrated on understanding the problem within the management in the group project and how to reduce the failures of the projects that could stick to the planning. After the research on the graphic design companies and a couple of interviews with the employees, several techniques were used to maintain the tasks that needed to be done: 

Fig. 1 - Gantt Diagram

The results and analysis of the study are caused by the belief that integrating the new approach is needed to achieve an efficient workload [1]. The formula is presented on eq.1 with the crucial for achieving cost-efficient results:

C=f( P, T, S )

Equation (1) shows the cost as a function of performance, time, and scope. 

After having observation of the company in more detail, then we could understand the basic functional requirements for having a more appropriate environment for a better workload:

From the overview of a small organization is obvious that a project management system has to meet basic requirements in order to be efficient and fit for work.

2nd Article: A systems model for the design of occupational health and safety management systems inclusive of work-from-home arrangements

In this article, the author argues for designing new OHS (organizations’ occupational health and safety) systems that are based on needs that are present in the psychologically safe work environment. The results are concluded in the diagram in Fig. 2. 

This is the conclusion that changing rapidly different external environments for work and study is positively impacting the OHS regulations.

The right leadership that can help you motivate you to continue working on tasks is also important to achieve success in working from home regime.

The theme that repeatedly appeared in discussions is that the well-being of the work-from-home employees is increased when line management trusts the focus group. Trust and Commitment are important tools.

Communication between co-workers linked to organizational or senior-level conversations is the key theme to managing teams and individuals as well.

Figure 2 -  A systems model for the design of OHS systems and processes to ensure the inclusion of work-from-home arrangements within a psychologically safe work environment. [2]

Tips to stay focused 


[1] T. Mladenova, “A project management system for time planning and resources allocation,” 2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), May 2019. doi:10.23919/mipro.2019.8756834 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8756834 

[2] T. A. Bentley et al., “A systems model for the design of Occupational Health and safety management systems inclusive of work-from-home arrangements,” Applied Ergonomics, vol. 109, p. 103966, May 2023. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2023.103966 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003687023000042?via%3Dihub 

[5]The Pomodoro technique — why it works & how to do it. (n.d.). Todoist. https://todoist.com/productivity-methods/pomodoro-technique