

Bouldering is a more authentic version of rock climbing, ditching safety features like safety ropes and harnesses. Climbers rely on climbing shoes, safety mats and chalk to ascent the wall. This activity presents cognitive and physical challenges, as it requires participants to navigate short climbing routes or a combination of moves, developing balance, techniques and strength. 

Bouldering is an accessible sport as expensive equipment is not required and experience is not necessary. Furthermore, the use of safety mats limits the chances of injury without limiting the adrenaline, since the climbs are high enough to be thrilling without being intimidating.


Every climb presents its own challenge which the climbers need to solve. The solution to these challenges vary from person to person, depending on the individual’s body shape and personal strengths. For instance, a tall individual can struggle in a cramped course, but excel in a more spaced out problem. It means that bouldering does not favor a certain body type over another, but rather it is highly reliant on the participant’s climbing technique.


Bouldering can be an outdoor and an indoor sport. It can be performed on natural boulders, or ‘’climbing holds’’ secured on a wall, which replicates elements of a natural boulder. In the case of the latter, climbing circuits are rearranged by spinning the orientation of the climbing holds.

Social aspects

Bouldering is often performed in a social setting. Often, several climbers end up cooperating on a problem, since there are no ropes to limit the number of participants. This interaction is a nice setting to meet people and make friends.


As mentioned before, bouldering is a physical and cognitive challenge. The sport focusses on core strength, but it also develops muscles all over the body. Not only that, the thinking challenge diverts climbers from the stresses of everyday life.


It is where the climbing chalk is kept, which improves grip on the hand holds. They come in different shapes, sizes and closure types. 

Improves grip on hand holds, they come in various forms such as loose chalk, chalk balls, chalk blocks and liquid chalk, depending on personal preference.

Specially designed to provide adequate grip and support for climbing. They are very tight and highly dependent on foot size and shape.

It is less messy than normal chalk and longer lasting. It is less dusty and more resistant to warm conditions. More suitable for indoor bouldering.

Used to dust off debris and dust from hand holds. It is recommended to use a soft brush so not to damage the holds or the rocks of the course. 

Protects fingers, joints and skin from injury. Made from durable cotton.

Used for warming up before a bouldering session, can be used for exercises such as pull-ups and pilates. 

Essential for outdoor bouldering. Provides a safety caution in case of a slip and fall.

Protect guide book from wear and tear.

Used to store all of the above in one place.



What is bouldering? | (n.d.).,%2C%20strength%2C%20and%20your%20brain. 

Grove, B. (2024, April 10). Top 10: Must have bouldering equipment for beginners. Psychi. 

Grade conversions. (n.d.). Rockfax.