General Assembly

Loaning Help: Relieving Student Debt

Anisa Kalil

Co Chair

Anisa is a sophomore at Towson in the Law and Public Policy magnet program. This is her second year in Model UN and first year as a member of THSMUNC. Anisa is also an active member in student government and the tennis team. Outside of school, Anisa enjoys playing the violin, cooking, traveling, and listening to music.

Brahnan Greben

Co Chair

Brahnan is a junior at Towson High School in the Law & Public Policy Program. This is Brahnan's second year as a THSMUNC Committee Chair and his third year as a part of the Model United Nations club. When Brahnan isn’t debating, he enjoys cooking and walking his dog. Brahnan is excited to see all the debate to come!

Loaning Help Background Guide FINAL.pdf

Background Guide 2024 - General Assembly

Embark on a diplomatic journey as you step into the shoes of world leaders in our Model United Nations General Assembly committee! Join us in addressing the pressing issue of student loan debt on a global scale, acting within the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Represent your chosen country and navigate parliamentary procedures to advocate for universal debt relief. Explore the intricate details of your nation's debt landscape, from the percentage of constituents burdened by loans to the average duration of debt, as we work together in order to find comprehensive solutions to the financial burdens faced by students worldwide. Engage in meaningful dialogue, forge alliances, and contribute to shaping a brighter, debt-free future for students across the globe!