
Here at THSMUNC, we pride ourselves on having the most unique, innovative, and engaging committees you can find at a one-day conference. We hope you enjoy our diverse selection!

General Assemblies

The General Assembly (GA) is the main collaborative organ of the United Nations and is home to the largest committees THSMUNC has to offer. In a GA committee, delegates work together to discuss a variety of far-reaching social, economic, and political issues, making it a great fit for new and experienced delegates alike. Come conference day, GA delegates will use diplomacy and cooperation to tackle some of the most pressing issues that face our world today. This year, we are proud to offer two unique and engaging General Assembly committees, which are introduced in more detail below.

Specialized Agencies

Specialized Agencies are often a unique blend of crisis simulations and General Assembly debate. They feature 2 topics for resolution writing, while also introducing crisis elements that test delegates’ critical thinking and efficient problem solving, best emulating the fast-paced and unpredictable nature of global debate. Specialized Agencies feature smaller, more intimate committees than GA that will allow delegates to work closely with their peers to resolve the issues facing our world today, or maybe hundreds of years ago. You never quite know what to expect, as these committees can take place at any time period or fantasy world. But, no matter the topic, our THSMUNC chairs will be sure to keep you engaged!

Crisis Committees

Crisis committees are the most fast paced and dynamic of Model UN committees. There are less delegates in a crisis committee, usually less than 20, and delegates write directives instead of resolutions. Committees begin with a set of topics to address; however, delegates may be forced to adapt at a moment's notice to whatever crises may arise with creative solutions. Crisis delegates represent people, not countries - meaning that they are able to take any action that their character could through Crisis Notes. Crisis is certainly wild, intense, and a ton of fun, with Joint Crisis Committees featuring two crisis committees working against (or with) each other. All crisis committees are fast paced and challenging, making them ideal for more experienced delegates because in Crisis, anything can happen.

Our committees are hard at work preparing for THSMUNC!