Inclusive Teaching Practice Observation Protocol

ITPOP (Inclusive Teaching Practice Observation Protocol) was designed by THRIVE Team at the University of Missouri to capture inclusive teaching practices among STEM faculty. The observation protocol was intended to be used for professional development to enhance inclusive teaching and for research purposes. ITPOP development included the conceptualization of the construct, item development, expert review, pilot testing, and refinement (Nguyen et al., 2023; Siegel et al., 2024).

Here are some video examples that highlight inclusive teaching practices from our research:

Encourage Students to Share Learning Goals

The instructor employs inclusive teaching practices by involving students in the process of creating shared learning goals at the beginning of the course. He outlines the upcoming tasks and learning objectives, such as focusing on hypersensitivities, and encourage students to see how these concepts connect to broader areas of interest like immunology and disease understanding. 

To facilitate collaboration and discussion, the instructor offers flexible options for engaging with course material, including meeting online as a group or in person in the lab, accommodating various schedules and learning preferences. The instructor also emphasizes the importance of keeping up with the coursework during breaks and provides clear plans for what will be covered upon returning.

Finally, the instructor encourages student participation by prompting questions and discussions on specific topics, like T cells, B cells, and antibody production, thus helping students actively engage with the material and contribute to the collective learning experience.

Addresses Origins of Ethnocentric Terms and Promotes Inclusive Language

The instructor demonstrates inclusive teaching practices by emphasizing the importance of using respectful and person-first language when discussing weight and obesity. 

She encourages students to be intentional and thoughtful about how they talk about these topics, such as referring to individuals as "adults with obesity" instead of using potentially stigmatizing terms like "obese person." 

The instructor acknowledges that language around these issues has evolved over time and stresses the need for mindfulness in discussing complex topics like weight, race, and health disparities. She also highlights the geographical and demographic differences in obesity rates to provide a more nuanced understanding of the issue.

Highlights Student Learning Outcomes

The instructor uses her feedback to highlight student learning outcomes by reviewing previous lessons and clarifying areas where students may have had difficulty

She begins class with a recap of the last session's material, providing students with an opportunity to revisit and solidify their understanding. 

By focusing on specific areas where students have been confused, such as distinguishing between methyl and ethyl groups, the instructor reinforces key concepts and addresses any misunderstandings

Additionally, she integrates technology like iClicker to engage students and check their comprehension in real-time, enabling her to offer immediate and targeted feedback. This approach helps students grasp the material better and reinforces their learning outcomes.