Fan fiction

Photo novels of Buck Rogers episodes 

(the author/creator prefers to remain anonymous)

Buck Rogers fan fiction by bookscape (Susan Kite)

Several great stories, the following of which include Hawk:

Stories and poetry by Trinette L. Kern

Stories by Marilynn Byerly 

These were originally written under the name Delphin Kent.

Several of these have Hawk in them. Yay!

Scripts for a new version of the TV series. Many familiar elements but with a new twist to them.

Encounters by ladymidath

Buck/Hawk, rating FRAO-18+

"An encounter on a deserted planet changes Buck and Hawk's friendship forever."

Time Out by ZzoaozZ

Buck/Hawk, rating NC-17. 

"Buck Rogers is determined that Hawk is going to get some much needed rest and recreation."