TC archives
The materials in the TC Archives were collected by Marilynn Byerly. Many thanks to Marilynn for making them available. All files linked to below are PDF files. Copyright of most files belongs to the Thom Christopher Fan Club (TCFC).
"Directions" by Thom Christopher
Thom Christopher answers fan questions in the yearbook of the Thom Christopher Fan Club. Accompanied by rare photo material. ©TCFC
Magazine articles
Thom Christopher - Wendy Graham Interviews the Hawk Man from Buck Rogers for Space Voyager (August/September 1984). This is the original version of the article on p.11/12 of the Thom Christopher Files below.
Nesting Instincts. "At Home" article from Episodes Magazine (Sept/October 1992) about Thom's apartment.
CFQ Buck Rogers retrospective, Feb/March 2005.
Radio interview
Radio interview with Dave Hinman on WMT-AM, March 18, 1982. It was transcribed by Joni Gillispie. ©TCFC.
The Thom Christopher Files
This is collection of articles, photos, reviews, interviews, and movie posters spanning the period 1972-1985, published by the Thom Christopher Fan Club. ©TCFC unless indicated otherwise (see credits).
4: Talented Newcomer: Thom Christopher (Buck Rogers in the 25th Century)
6: Buck Rogers' Birdman Thom Christopher Flying High as 'Hawk'
7/8: On Stage: Themes from a Summer Place (A Little Night Music)
11/12: Thom Christopher: Wendy Graham Interviews the Hawk Man from Buck Rogers
13: Thom Christopher Master Class at the Winchester-Thurston School
TCFC Newsletter Articles
A selection of articles from the Thom Christopher Fan Club Newsletters. ©TCFC or as indicated otherwise.