If one has bad qualities that are a serious disqualification for getting a good husband then one has to sacrifice some time to remove those habits. There are many ways of changing one's conditioning. If a woman has some bad habits that she wants to purify before meeting a husband, then she can sacrifice some time every morning and evening to praying for help in removing those bad qualities. For example, if a woman has the bad habit of being rebellious toward following instructions, then she can write out a long prayer on all the reasons why she has that terrible quality, and all the good reasons why she should give it up. Every morning and evening she should recite that prayer with full attention. This is a sacrifice. The more sacrifice one performs, the better the chances of getting a good mate. One has to have complete faith that Krsna will send the perfect husband/wife when the time is right. One must be patient. There is never any loss in performing sacrifice.