Illicit sex for a woman means unwanted children and without a husband, these unwanted children simply mean suffering. Therefore intelligent women, take great pains to learn the practical method of keeping a husband devoted to them. In the West, they think it is by making themselves beautiful with cosmetics, perfumes, sexy clothes, intellectualism, etc. But that is not the real method. That method is also there in Vedic culture, but by far the most important qualification for a woman is her chastity. Only a man of the lowest, most abominable quality will impregnate a woman and then leave her if she is faithful and submissive. Such a mismatch seldom takes place in India. But if the wife is not submissive, but is always bickering and causing anxiety to the husband, then naturally he cannot tolerate her for very long. This is because he is struggling hard in the material world to earn money, and when he comes home, he needs peace, not argument. Therefore the Vedas teach; if the woman has any good sense, she will be as sweet and pleasing as possible, for that is the way to capture her husband and literally enslave him as her servant. But to do that, she has to play the role of surrendered, submissive, and faithful wife. This is just common sense.