In all the species of life, both the males and females have their respective roles to play. Those roles are very different and so the nature of men and women is very different. That holds true for the human species as well. To question or criticize God for creating us differently, one strong, and the other weak, etc., is simply foolishness.

This section is meant to show the difference between men and women in their natural states. That is, the consciousness they manifest when raised in a simple, but God conscious atmosphere, according to God's laws, and able to manifest their God given propensities. These natural propensities, or varnas, although covered over or latent in many Westerners, are still fully existing under the surface, and need to be recognized and awakened if we are to manifest our true potential and act accordingly. Part Two wig go into some of the problems our modem conditioning has imposed on us, and how we can gradually adjust to make the best use of a bad bargain. The following is a description of men and women as they live when raised in a healthy environment.