Women in Vedic culture are not neglected, intimidated, or disrespected in any way whatsoever. In fact, Indian women are adored for their chastity, purity and motherhood. Pregnant women in India are practically worshipped for carrying that burden so nobly. Srila Prabhupada has even stated that the closest thing in this world to spiritual love, is the love a mother has for her child. This love is a glorious thing and women should be proud of this ability, but at the same time, they should know that they can be misled and hurt more easily than men. For this reason they must be carefully protected in all stages of life. Women are generally more simple and softhearted than men. That is why women are able to cry and become emotional so much more easily than men. Softhearted is the word Prabhupada often uses although sentimental can be used synonimously. Women's minds take pleasure in simple things. This is not a demeaning quality. In fact, it is a glorious quality and more men could use some of that. But in women it is essential for if women were not endowed with this soft-hearted and simple nature, how could they possibly care for small children day after day? Men by nature get bored with child's play in a matter of hours or minutes, or even seconds. So if women were also like this, then who would look after the children. Therefore, women are naturally simple and softhearted. Again, this is not a defect, or a demeaning thing, but a glorious quality that enables them to care for their children without going insane. This ability in women, along with their chastity, are the real qualities that make a woman beautiful. How well society is able to keep those qualities intact in its women is directly related to how advanced the society is in spiritual culture.