These two sacrifices, chanting Hare Krsna attentively, and studying carefully the philosophy, are essential. Then there are other sacrifices that must be performed. If you want a brahmin for a husband, then the woman will have to give up any habits that a brahmin husband will not allow, such as using bad language, eating indiscriminately, getting intoxicated, associating with persons who do the above things, talking frivolously, listening to low class music, etc. She must make an altar and perform daily puja-her future husband will be expecting that of her. She must offer all of her food first. She must be very chaste and not flirt with men. There is no need of thinking that a woman must flirt to meet a perspective husband. When Krsna sees she is sincere in her sacrifices, He will arrange a suitable husband for her. When this happens she will know it from within.

If the woman is not inclined to this strict lifestyle then maybe she is not meant to have a brahmin for a husband. She has to make the decision of how strict she wants to live with her husband and she has to live that strictly herself. If she wants to live a life full of sense gratification, then she should pray for a husband who will also be a sense gratifier, but who wig be able to give it up in time. It all boils down to sincere prayer and sacrifice.