1998-1999 "The New Addams Family"

One of the most overlooked incarnations of the spooky family was this American-Canadian sitcom that lasted 65 episodes — which is one more than the beloved ’60s version! Filmed in Vancouver, Canada, it starred Glenn Taranto (Gomez), Ellie Harvie (Morticia), Brody Smith (Pugsley), Michael Roberds (Fester), John DeSantis (Lurch), and Nicole Furgee (reprising her role of Wednesday from the ill-fated Addams Family Reunionproject). John Astin even guest-starred as Grandpapa Addams.

Despite not being remembered by a great many people, certainly around the world, its combination of the ’60s TV series (updating many of the classic episodes to modern times) and tongue-in-cheek ’90s movies, was a hit with North American audiences.


Owen, Dan. “AN ADDAMS FAMILY HISTORY.” Medium, Dans Media Digest, 9 Sept. 2017, dansmediadigest.co.uk/an-addams-family-history-eb270f90a19b.