51ST related

A XNTRES Universe is an interconnected* COLLECTION of Xntres (planets) that, between them, deal with the, often many, aspects of the core subject.
The XNTRES WORKSHOP UNIVERSE for example contains Xntres concerned with the many aspects of the conception and experimentation, development and creation of Xntres as a product/service.
A FAMILY UNIVERSE on the other hand might be 30 or 40 Xntres honouring the lives, with images and narratives, of ancestors in a family tree.
Universes are linked together at two levels.
Most Xntres in a Universe has their own public facing Site* - and many have their own NARRATIVES (Blog). These sites or narratives can be available to be visited by only selected people - or anyone in the world at large.
Once they have landed on the site belonging to any single PLANET visitors are able to hop from site to site, around that entire Universe.
Of course each, of what we call a PLANET, is a Xntre. Made up
of rooms called SPACES.
With its own LOGIN and PASS, providing access to that Xntr's collection of SPACES each
with a different purpose. Such as to hold photos, videos, documents.
Each XNTRE's LOGIN is an open secret, becuase it is also its 'Loading Bay' Gmail address - and the key to the door is its PASSWORD which the Universe Controller can change at will and issue to whoever he/she wishes.

51st RAF Hereford Boy Entrants


The 51st | Reunions


51st | Our Lost Boys


51st | Zoom Meetings & Reunions






51st | Group Control Xntre

51st | iIndex of sites
