Navigate around the 2014 to 2020 51st RAF BEs reunion xntres - and more.

Centres (called xntres in this system) are online 'spaces' that are linked within a network, or web, of associated xntres. Rather like a Universe. In this 51st RAF BEs Universe we are developing xntres for every reunion, and many aspects of our 1964-65 life, our 'lost boys' and many (or even most or all 99 51st RAF Hereford, 2 Squadron, Boy Entrants).

You will have gathered by now that this 'place' is the HUB that stands in the middle of a number of other xntres.

This online place is first a centre/xntre for storage of images and videos etc. Then it has this 'front window' - which is a site. All of these things are in the same online place.

And - there is one xntre for each Reunion where all the photos are stored and many are displayed - and there is the same covering our 1964-65 experiences.

Use the buttons below (every xntre has this same page so you can jump from one xntre to another) to take a tour around the reunion and other xntres.

Many though are building sites! This is a project that is intended to be complete to its first stage by the July 2020 Reunion.

In addition to wanting to safely - and interestingly - archive images and videos and other memorabilia about our 1964-1965 training period, and, about our 2014 to 2019, and onward, reunions - there are now three other specialised 51st Reunion Group Xntres; covering our Lost Boys (those who have passed on before us), our Facebook activities, and a classroom with videos about what this 'universe' if sites is all about, how it works and how 51sters can interface with it: