PassOut - 91 of the 99 RAF be Passed out into Adult RAF service on 22 july 1965

Of the 99 lads that attested into the RAF, S Squadron, RAF Hereford, on 22nd January 1965 - 91 successfully 'passed out' of training on 22nd July 1965, leaving RAF Hereford to join their new RAF stations around the UK.

90 of the 91 are listed below. In addition to which 369 Aston ST transferred to 3 Training Squadron on 28/1/64 passing out as a Supplier.

396 Hope DR missed the passing out parade, and returned to RAF Hereford, after a period in hospital, in order to complete his final examination part II, before taking up his posting to North Luffenham.

<<< I have no idea why it is blue (not ever RAF blue) does anyone have a 'white' one. Ed >>>