2014-2017 FB Page COMMENTARY

This is a pretty long strip of Facebook Conversation - extracted from a PDF of the pages that includes all of the images - which is here.

This thread was started in (I think) November 2014 and ended in November 2017.

Peter Lee Just clean up image and re-done Sgt Hall Name in list and re- aligned line entirely as it looked out of place, and merged Derek in better, there was a slight white line around him.

Peter Lee and here's the original with Sgt. Frimston in G.Hall's spot.

Like · Reply · 10 December at 18:05

Simon Harris Bloody Hell Peter. Good work! Like · Reply · 1 · 10 December at 18:08

Seen by 32 Mark Cooper likes this.

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Peter Lee

Here we go the very last Boy Entrant, LBE Derek Hope and his Father, then cropped him on his own and finally added him along with Sgt Hall to D Flights Passing Out Photo, the lads altogether once more

Seen by 32 Mark Cooper, Ray Wilkinson and 2 others like this.

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Peter Lee

Not to late to wish Roy Ogrady a Happy Birthday Lad's

Man Tried To Get On His Wife’s Nerves. How He Did It? PRICELESS!

Being happily married, especially for many years, is an incredible blessing. What is the secret to it? Perhaps those minor ...

Derek Hope You obviously have the right support from computer-savvy kids. Like · Reply · 9 December at 23:43

Peter Lee Well started with a 48k Spectrum, went from there to ahead 128K cannot even get memory sticks that small know. Used to copy programs in from magazines even made a little maths program up for the kids. Then they took over

Like · Reply · 10 December at 08:19

Derek Hope Once you begin something, you never know how it will end. In this case, the pupils teaching the teacher! Like · Reply · 1 · 10 December at 09:01

Peter Lee

Look who I found lurking on our Junior Entries 302 Passing out photo, Yep Mr.J Shelley (Monotonous) our Trade Instructor, my heart went out to them

Third row left belongs to a John Turnbull who thought we were a good fair Senior flight

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Maureen Hale

Please can anyone help I don't seem to be allowed to open attachments - last one posted by John Hale. Many thanks in advance.

Paul Haynes Hi Derek, you were always one of ours anyway, 302 couldn't take that away.

Yes Peter, Cpl Paxton was fun to be with. Hope my classmates agree

Alan Hazon Hi Paul, my enduring memory of Jim Paxton was the leery way he referred to the "fairer sex" as "Judy's"!

Peter Lee You lucky so and so, slept with eyes open during most of his lesson, he tried to catch me out a few times, but seem to know the answer to his queries, much to his annoyance

Maureen Hale Peter you are an absolute genius. I can now see the photos and the excellent adjustments you have made to them - David Bailey has nothing to worry about from me!!!! I was being harassed when I was taking the photos by you know who but I will try to do ... See More Unlike · Reply · 2 · 8 November at 19:19

Peter Lee Glad it worked alright for you, David Bailey as very little too worry from me either, barely scratched the surface of Photoshop, one day I'll read the manual in the meantime I'll just keep experimenting

Like · Reply · 8 November at 19:29

Maureen Hale Just keep doing what you are doing as it seems to be working very well

Like · Reply · 8 November at 20:22

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Seen by 30 Ray Wilkinson, Steve Drewett and Phil Curtis like this.

Andrew Mitchell

Happy Birthday Anthony Osbourne

Seen by 34 Ray Wilkinson, John Collins, Anthony Michael Osbourne and 2 others like this.

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Andrew Mitchell

Thank you all for your Birthday wishes. Have now reached the age of the year Sandy and I were married.

Seen by 34 John Stevens, John Collins, Peter Kenah and 2 others like this.

Seen by 39 You, Peter Lee, Geoffrey Wood, John Collins and 6 others like this.

John Hale Brilliant, did the Australian Poet Laureate get a Knighthood for this - he should have Like · Reply · 7 December at 14:22

John Collins Happy Birthday Ozzie. Enjoy your day! Best wishes, John & Carol Like · Reply · 1 · 5 December at 11:53

Peter Kenah Best wishes Ozzie Like · Reply · 1 · 5 December at 18:08

Peter House Happy birthday Ozzie Like · Reply · 1 · 6 December at 13:30

Peter Kenah Best wishes Andrew Like · Reply · 5 December at 18:06

Seen by 39 Peter Lee, John Hale and Ron Stevenson like this.

Rob Ross

To all the boys, listen to these in remembrance tomorrow 11am

Seen by 39 Peter Lee likes this.

Rob Ross affirmative..... Like · Reply · 26 November at 17:19

John Stevens Thanks David, I am feeling healthy and happy but I hadnt realised that you love me, well I do like you but.... Like · Reply · 27 November at 11:00

Maureen Hale Oh Yes Like · Reply · 27 November at 13:07

John Hale Absolutely brilliant, how it should be done. Like · Reply · 11 November at 11:20

John Hale shared his album.

Andrew Mitchell

John Hale, reading through the threads hereunder, you mentioned that Bill Watson was still at Medmenham in 1975, can you remember if he was married at that time?

Seen by 40 Peter Lee likes this.

Andrew Mitchell

Ron Stevenson, Phil Curtis, would I be right in saying that Steve Kernaghan, Bill Watson, and G Charlett are the only ones that we have not got any trace of?

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Peter Lee

now added name s of Wooden Hutters

John Hale added 49 new photos from 24 July to the album: 2015 Reunion - Mo' Hale Photos. 24 July ·

50th Anniversary of the 51st (and last) Entry of RAF Boy Entrants. Terribly sorry for delay, they got mixed up with the Market Harborough Ladies Rugby Team Hen Night photos !.

Maureen Hale I'm sure the photos in the attachment are lovely but I can't access them - shame!!! Like · Reply · 1 · 8 November at 16:22

Mark Cooper Well done John and thankyou. Like · Reply · 8 November at 19:23

Phil Curtis Excellent! Thanks for sharing. Like · Reply · 9 November at 14:23

John Hale Andrew, third attempt to get this to you - poor contact due to Lincolnshire monsoon season. It wasn't Medmenham but CDA Thatcham (unusual situation). Bill was definitely not married when I left there in July 1975 - he seemed to enjoy a bachelor lifestyle ! Yours John Like · Reply · 5 November at 20:47

Andrew Mitchell John Hale, excellent bit of information. Tks Like · Reply · 6 November at 02:09

Phil Curtis Mitch, I have sent out many letters to those mentioned but cannot confirm that they were received by the intended recipient. Like · Reply · 3 November at 12:18

Andrew Mitchell To take up Ron's list as follows Like · Reply · 3 November at 16:39

John Parker Unless you have found Michael Parker - I have exhausted all my leads around the area he came from in Kent. JP Like · Reply · 5 November at 13:57

Seen by 42 You, Alistair Stewart and Ron Stevenson like this.

Phil Curtis

Today I received an email from Neil Rowbotham. He is hoping to make next years bash..

Seen by 41 John Stevens, Rob Ross and Ron Stevenson like this.

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Simon Harris

I understand that Derek Hope has been let in through the portals by Peter Lee. Welcome to this gathering Derek Hope. Looking forwards to seeing you at Hereford in July 2016. France will have to do without you. You are looking a little blurred below. But it is the best we can do for the moment. (Do you have any photos from Hereford?).

Ray Wilkinson I couldn't get Brian to run for the bus at Finningley!!! Like · Reply · 4 November at 07:04

Terry Bates surely it was the chris's brasher and chattaway who were the pacemakers for bannister's sub 4 minute mile? ibbotson (derek not ours) was the record holder between bannister and herb elliott Like · Reply · 4 November at 15:06

Peter Lee Dash it I've been sussed out fairly sure you are right Terry

Like · Reply · 4 November at 15:21

Phil Curtis It might be. I sent a couple of letters out and that was the last one. I have asked for his post code to confirm. Well done Mitch. Like · Reply · 1 · 3 November at 12:05

Andrew Mitchell Phil Curtis, LE14 4UB Like · Reply · 1 · 3 November at 12:10

Phil Curtis Mitch, I need the confirmation to come from Neil. Like · Reply · 3 November at 12:19

Seen by 42 John Stevens and Alistair Stewart like this.

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Kenneth Sands

Thank u all for birthday wishes, even had message fron the tax man, telling me I owe back tax

Seen by 40 You, Geoffrey Wood, John Stevens and Ron Stevenson like this.

Rob Ross

Dear all, I am renting out a week at Kilconquhar Country Club in Fife for week 23 2016 (Second week in June) Please view on their website if interested. The estate iis 1 mile from Elie and 10 Miles from St Andrews. The Villa has three en suite bedrooms one with Jacuzzi, however can sleep eight owing to the prescence of a large bed settee in the lounge. It is a 45 minute drive from Edinburgh. The rent I need is £875.00 which is a significant discount from the estates non member tariff. For golfers, Fife has too many courses to mention, but they all offer economic fees and the experience of holidaying on the East Neuk of Fife is wonderful.

Seen by 40 Rob Ross likes this.

Terry Bates

market rasen races - next thursday Thursday 5th November Race Meeting!

Derek Hope Thank you for the welcome Alan. I am currently living in Dorset but a friend and I share a boat which we keep near St Malo in Britany. During the last reunion, I was sailing amongst the Channel Islands on a trip that we had been looking forward to for a long time. I think the Cumbrian accent is long gone, except of course in times of stress or copious amonts of French wine! Like · Reply · 26 October at 16:23

Peter Lee This is the back of the original, think it was David Kernaghan's originally, front row 2nd from left

Peter Lee I appear to have taken on the mantle of guardian of the Flight photos

Peter Lee Ooops! That temporary tax set up in the 18th century has a lot to answer for (blame watching to much "The Chase")

Derek Hope replied · 1 Reply

Don't miss the first of our Thursday meetings in 2015, join us for an afternoon with 7 fantastic races. Gates open at 11.10am First race at 1.10pm ... See More

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Peter Lee

Derek Hope can I wish you a belated Happy Birthday for the 25th, you are still playing catch up with myself, need to run a little faster

Seen by 42 You, Mark Cooper, Paul Haynes and 2 others like this.

Mark Cooper

Now I have never had a big one. Mine is classically greek sized as in Statue of David, proportionately speaking. It has always been upstanding and fits the purpose to the extent that it has contributed to the creation of four good children. I have never wished for a bigger one, because they often bend in the middle, I've observed, but why does it have to shrink! I now need a bigger one. The reason for this is that I am incarcerated in the lounge with a newly and painfu... See More

Seen by 42 Peter Lee and Paul Haynes like this.

Ron Stevenson

Just putting out the feelers for one or two days racing at Sandown Park 4/5 December for the Tingle Creek weekend. Currently Terry, John and Geoffrey plus myself have expressed an interest.

Geoff - can you recommend a decent hotel near you at a reasonable cost? ... See More

Seen by 42 Paul Haynes likes this.

Peter Lee :-0 Like · Reply · 29 October at 22:18

John Stevens A period of six months to remove your front teeth Geoff, just answer "does my bum look big in this?" with the wrong reply. The result can be achieved within minutes. The Stoney silence may last longer and after your happy 50 years of marriage it may take more than flowers and chocolates to get you out of the dog house. Personally, I would stick to visiting the dentist. Like · Reply · 30 October at 09:34

Simon Harris I hope those who are able to join Terry have a great day. Pitty about Geoffrey's lost teeth. Still he might have lost his shirt instead on the 5th. Like · Reply · 2 November at 17:04

John Hale Which reminded me of the only time I tried Viagra the strange shaped tablet stuck in my throat, had a stiff neck for three days ! John Unlike · Reply · 4 · 26 October at 19:45

Derek Barnard-Richardson good luck for a quick recovery mark. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 26 October at 20:13

Bart Lucas My commiserations on your knee problem, having injured a knee a couple of years ago, I can sympathise with the hobbling aspect. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 27 October at 20:30

Terry Bates don't sandown do a senior entry scheme like doncaster's half price entry? Like · Reply · 23 October at 21:18

Terry Bates there are several travel lodges in the area and esher/sandown is on a train line

Mark Cooper shared his post.

An element of doubt sewn?

Mark Cooper

Cannot understand why they are making a hero out of Ahmed.

RAF Hereford.

Peter Lee at

Seen by 42 You, Paul Haynes, Peter Kenah and 2 others like this.

Alan Hazon I won't be able to make Sandown in December but I'd be very interested in a "Northern" do in the Spring. Please keep me informed. Like · Reply · 26 October at 14:11

Peter Lee Found another use for video help locating myself in this shot from Parents Day, well bits, Sd, Arms & Legs didn't even think I was there, never mind having the dubious pleasure of having Simon to my left

This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you.

Simon Harris Dubious pleasure young Peter? Who the hell did you think was holding you up vertical, making you look so good? Like · Reply · 23 October at 18:48

Who Peter Lee

was the tall shanks to my Right?:-) Like · Reply · 23 October at 18:56

Peter Lee Not so much Skippy as Hop-a-Long

Way my left knees going may be joining the bionic man club myself

Keep up the good recovery. Like · Reply · 1 · 22 October at 12:05

Mark Cooper Its all that marching and stamping of feet. Like · Reply · 22 October at 12:35

Peter Lee

Bart Lucas Hi John, 3 Rifles are stationed at Dreghorn Barracks, Edinburgh. The clasps I believe are mid 1960's so he will be long retired, but he might attend regimental re-unions, plus the Army Regimental Families are more close knit, than us light blue boys. ... See More Like · Reply · 21 October at 22:09

Phil Curtis Click on the medal and read all the comments! "Just to let you know that the family of the original owner of this medal have been found and

John Stevens

Looking forward to July 2016 and updating the photo with this dodgy character who was awol this year. Maybe next year we can have a group picture which will not cause the ladies such aggravation trying to get us all facing their cameras, mind you it was fun watching them becoming exasperated with the revamped teenagers.

Seen by 42 You, Ray Wilkinson, Malcolm Woodcock and Ron Stevenson like this.



its in the process of being returned to them. Well done to all the former Green Jackets for getting on the case. Good result all round. Celer Et Addax." Like · Reply · 22 October at 09:57

John Hale I don't want to worry you John but Mo has fetched her riding crop from the attic ready for next years photographs, dread to think what Barbara will bring to keep everyone in order !!! Like · Reply · 20 October at 18:01

John Stevens I am now looking forward even more to some entertainment in the evenings, I will supply my own handcuffs. Like · Reply · 21 October at 12:04

Geoffrey Wood What a great picture John really looking forward to seeing you all again next year and what Barbara might bring along sounds exciting Like · Reply · 1 · 21 October at 20:38

Simon Harris Maybe we should have 'fancy dress' for the main night? Like · Reply · 32 mins

Ray Wilkinson I thought you were wearing fancy dress on the last two occasions Simon?. Like · Reply · 30 mins

Ray Wilkinson Wood and Stevens alias Mainwaring and Wilson.......The Russians can try and invade anytime but don't come across these two boys or woe be tide you! Like · Reply · 28 mins

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20 October

David Hocking shared The Casuals's photo.

17 October

Seen by 42 You, Steve Drewett, Paul Haynes, John Stevens and 3 others like this.

Seen by 42 You, John Stevens, John Collins and 2 others like this.

David Hocking shared Advanced Practitioners UK's photo.

Advanced Practitioners UK with James Symonds and 9 others. 23 July

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This was written nearly 67 years ago but the first paragraph remains as evocative and relevant as ever. Please share lest we forget its significance.

Steve Drewett Never thought of doing this, good idea. Like · Reply · 17 October at 18:13

John Parker Brilliant. Jp Like · Reply · 19 October at 13:35

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12 October

David Hocking shared

10 October

Wendy Dyer's post.

John Stevens

Walking back from the beach at Praa Sands we came across this memorial. RIP guys.

Seen by 42 You, John Stevens, John Collins and Malcolm Woodcock like this.

John Stevens

Walking back from the beach at Praa Sands we came across this memorial. RIP guys.

Wendy Dyer 9 October

People of scunny and surrounding areas. Just got flagged down by a smartly dressed guy saying he'd broken down. He gave us a poorly laminated business card, ask...

Peter Lee It's spreading seen reports of simular approaches on the Wirral. So much for being a good samaritan. Like · Reply · 10 October at 21:36

Peter Lee Remember reading about this action, possibly when we were at Hereford, the Sunderlands were not called the Flying porcupines for nothing - Yes RIP guys. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 9 October at 00:04

Seen by 42 You, Mark Cooper, Geoffrey Wood, John Collins and 2 others like this.

John Stevens

I am giving Ron some encouragement to do a gentle workout in Muharraq. This is why he is sporting his sylph like figure today.

Seen by 43 You and Ron Stevenson like this.

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Geoffrey Wood

As I was AWOL at the last reunion can someone please tell me what date Ive got to book the Three Counties next year in 2016 - double celebration its our 50th wedding anniversary as well

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Graham Orchard Sure he isn't over "the hill". Don't remember the hairy upper lip though. Like · Reply · 6 October at 20:41

Mark Cooper One of my favorite films. Like · Reply · 6 October at 21:55

Ray Wilkinson Are you a "Nancy Boy" lad? Harry Andrews superb - with you Mark one of my favorite films Like · Reply · 7 October at 07:41

Peter Lee Sorry cannot help, but see you are ahead of me Wedding wise it will be 46 years for me and my Pat, just before the next anniversary of Passing Out parade

Like · Reply · 6 October at 21:18

Ron Stevenson I believe Simon has booked 20/21 July with 22nd as an optional <<<I think this would be for 2015? >>>.

Like · Reply · 6 October at 21:26

Seen by 43 David Hocking likes this.

Andrew Mitchell

Phil/Ron, when researching Mike Leask did you find a 2nd marriage, and if so did you find a Death/Divorce Cert for the 1st to Pauline J Wroe.

Andrew Mitchell

Mark Cooper, whilst you are convalescing, how do you fancy checking the whereabouts of Steve/Steven/Stephen J Karnaghan in Australia. He is Australian by birth and it is possible he returned after he left the RAF. We cannot find anything for him here.

Malcolm Woodcock shared The Revolution's photo.

The Revolution with Olga Garcia and 6 others. <<1 October 2014 - this is from the entry - it looks as though this pins this date down>>

Are you sick of radical Islam? YES or no?

John Collins This school teacher should hang his head in shame. He offends me.

Like · Reply · 2 October at 08:52

Ray Wilkinson Do I expect anything better from radical left wing bloody teachers!! God help us!!

Like · Reply · 2 · 2 October at 13:33

Francis Seery I I can not wait for a radical muslim to order to take my poppy

Phil Curtis

Ref. CLARENCE J. PERKINS - Apart from he may have moved to USA, do we have any other info? Place of Birth, Lived at, Stationed at etc.

Seen by 43 Mark Cooper likes this.

Andrew Mitchell

Guys, been looking back at info we have and I ask the question, is it Melvin Roy Dickson or Roy Melvin Dickson. On 1 list he is down as M R Dickson and on another list he is R M Dickson.

Seen by 43 John Collins likes this.

Andrew Mitchell

Hello it is me again' I am trying to trace Gordon Charlett who was posted to Lyneham on pass out. I can find a DoB but absolutely nothing else. Can anybody give me a starter for ten.

Seen by 44 Mark Cooper likes this.

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Terry Bates

brilliant weekend. concert with King Pleasure and the Biscuit Boys on friday, followed by a cracking day's racing at Haydock on Saturday. All interspersed with a visit to son & daughter-in-law's, games with the grand- sons and tea with the family. now home again and just the two of us.

band off because he is offended, a quick massage of his windpipe will be my reply, Like · Reply · 1 · 2 October at 23:50

Ron Stevenson Was from Herefordshire Phil. That is the reason he is pictured in Hereford newspaper. One of the gold D of E

Like · Reply · 30 September at 19:26

Rob Ross I think he was from 'Little Hereford' but might have gone to school in Ludlow. Like · Reply · 2 October at 10:33

Phil Curtis Always thought it was M.R. Dickson. We sometimes called him Roy but mostly it was 'Dobbin'. Like · Reply · 2 October at 10:51

John Collins I believe Melvin Roy. Like · Reply · 2 October at 11:06

Andrew Mitchell Tks guys Like · Reply · 2 October at 12:18

Andrew Mitchell Tks for that Phil Curtis. You get the e-mail about Geoff Savage? Trying to trace Clarence Perkins. Have him for 2 marriages and trying to find a Death/Divorce cert regarding his "first" wife. Like · Reply · 29 September at 18:07

Phil Curtis Letter to Geoff sent. Will look at CP later. Like · Reply · 29 September at 18:34

Ron Stevenson It was suggested at Jan 2014 that Clarence had gone to USA... Like · Reply · 29 September at 19:05

Seen by 44 Mark Cooper, John Stevens, Rob Ross and 2 others like this.

Andrew Mitchell

Phil Curtis, Ron Stevenson do we have an up to date list of who is still to be cotacted? or are we still using the list supplied by Graham?

Andrew Mitchell

John Parker, Can you remember where Mike Parker came from?

Found a lot of birth registrations for people with the same name.

Terry Bates

Ron, thanks for making the effor to attendi our Jazz event; good to see you again and see you soon at the races. don't forget we are going to arrange a 51st racing trip.

Seen by 44 John Collins and Ron Stevenson like this.

Ron Stevenson Its on the latest spreadsheet under the files section Andrew. No changes. Like · Reply · 1 · 27 September at 18:08

Andrew Mitchell Tks Bob Ross Like · Reply · 25 September at 12:48

John Parker Hello Yes - He came from near Tunbridge wells. I am on the case for him and have a couple of visits lined up for those that have not responded to my letters and who are not on the phone. I have rung every Parker listed in Tunbridge wells to see if he is one of the Clan so to speak but to no avail. Jp Like · Reply · 27 September at 13:26

Andrew Mitchell John Parker, good on you. What is the name of his wife? Like · Reply · 27 September at 15:13

Terry Bates ok, i'm in Like · Reply · 1 · 23 September at 09:07

John Stevens Ashamed to say that I have never been to a race meeting but with Hexham and Carlisle nearby that could be remedied. How do you put 20p each way on the horse without it deciding that it doesn't want to race today? Like · Reply · 1 · 23 September at 11:06

Geoffrey Wood just go and give the bookmaker your money John to spend on his lovely wife Like · Reply · 2 · 24 September at 06:52

Stu, Francis and me at Stafford

Seen by 44 Mark Cooper, David Hocking, John Stevens and 4 others like this.

Andrew Mitchell

Does anybody know if Bill Watson ended up at RAF Bawdsey?

Mark Cooper

I was just looking through the receipts I kept from the UK which reeinded me to thank you all again for making the event a success. My one regret was being too tired to participate in the post dinner activities. It took me more than a week to get over the jet lag (it is worse flying Eastwards than Westwards). Unforunately I caught a chest infection on the flight back, inevitable being couped up for 16 hours with I don't know what percentage of recycled air. As I write to you it is cold, grey and raining. Next month I am getting a new knee and am hoping that they put it on the right way round. Am a little bit nervous but think of those who get their legs blown off in the field and mostly without access to modern pain treatment. Anyway thanks again and especially to Sir Ron, the bastard!

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Mark Cooper Sorry that I missed you Stu. Also worrying about the company you are keeping, that Francis is a 'bad lad', and as for Ron......

Like · Reply · 2 · 21 September at 22:55 · Edited

Phil Curtis I was thinking more on the lines of great company ! Like · Reply · 2 · 22 September at 08:12

Seen by 44 John Stevens, Catherine Branston, Peter House and 2 others like this.

Andrew Mitchell

Ron Stevenson, "Find my past" has an offer at the moment - £1 for a months subscription. Mention this as you use it, I have.

Seen by 44 Ron Stevenson likes this.

John Parker

Seeing the post from John Stevens, reminded me to redouble my efforts to find my namesake - Michael John Parker (possibly John Michael).

I believe he was posted to Medmenham with you John along with Peter Kenah and Steve Drewett. What was you guys last recollection of him?

Any idea where he went onto - did he get married while at Medmenham etc etc. Heres hoping and sorry if you have already supplied this info.

John Parker

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Steve Drewett Good luck with the knee Mark, mine has improved my life no end, best thing to have happened. Like · Reply · 1 · 17 September at 15:20

Derek Barnard-Richardson Good luck with the knee mark, you will soon be runiing after the kangaroos. Like · Reply · 1 · 17 September at 17:33

Phil Curtis Keep us informed with your progress, Mark. Like · Reply · 1 · 19 September at 09:50

Ron Stevenson Cheers Andrew but im signed up for the year. Like · Reply · 15 September at 17:11

Peter Kenah Sorry Andrew, do not recall Bill Watson. Are you sure that he was a Medmenham posting? 14 September at 17:28 · Like

John Hale Sorry to interupt this conversation but I don't think Bill Watson went to Medmenham.

I have a reasonably powerful memory and think he went to Benson from Hereford.

The connection with Medmenham could be that Bill joined us at CDA Thatcham in the earl... S

ee More 15 September at 10:24 · Like

Andrew Mitchell John Hale, tks for the info. Trying to piece it together with what I know of Bill. He spent a couple of days at High Wycombe, "visiting" I think, between '68 and '70# 15 September at 15:38 · Like

Geoffrey Wood

Happy birthday bob have a good one

Seen by 44 Ron Stevenson likes this.

Terry Bates

hi Rob, happy birthday and many more

Seen by 44 Rob Ross, Bart Lucas and Ron Stevenson like this.

Alistair Stewart

Here are some photos of the reunion. The quality is not great but may be of interest to some.

Seen by 45 David Hocking, John Stevens and 2 others like this.

Kenneth Sands Have a great day mate Like · Reply · 14 September at 12:15

Peter Lee Let me join in celebrating your Birthday, along with the other lads, have a great day

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 September at 09:48

Simon Harris Brilliant Alistair, thank you. We need to organise some lighting for July 2016. And a little make-up. 9 September at 22:29 · Like

Peter Lee Lights and make up, next you will be wanting wigs and corsets

will play with these tomorrow or should I say today and add to collection

10 September at 00:03 · Like

Peter Lee Must read notifications better, saw Simon's message on mobile, only when looked on laptop realised I had already tweaked photos, did think they look familiar, also forgot Simon lives in a different time zone, about 2 months behind GMT

10 September at 10:11 · Like

Seen by 45 You, John Stevens and Ron Stevenson like this.

John Stevens

Did anyone else look at the VJ parade of Vets and see a vision of a 51st reunion in 20 years time, a group of 90 year olds enjoying being 18 again? Respect and honour to those hero's of the past.

Seen by 45 You, Mark Cooper, Ray Wilkinson, Geoffrey Wood and 3 others like this.

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David Hocking shared T Shirt for You's photo.

T Shirt for You with Margaret Paine and 33 others.

15 August

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Simon Harris The girls were just so brilliant. They were the glue. 9 September at 22:27 · Like

Ray Wilkinson Gun that is not the junior entry! 17 August at 10:01 · Like

Ray Wilkinson Geoff how sad about your dad - we can never imagine what he had to go through (thank goodness). There must have been thousands who never got over this dreadful experience. RIP the very brave Mr Wood senior. Did he tell you many stories? 17 August at 10:03 · Like

Simon Harris A topic for the midnight (bar) hour come July Geoffrey. 9 September at 22:23 · Like · 1

Seen by 45 You and Catherine Branston like this.

Seen by 45 You, Geoffrey Wood, John Stevens, John Collins and 5 others like this.

Mark Cooper shared NAVF.org - National Association of Veterans & Families's video.

NAVF.org - National Association of Veterans & Families 4 May 2014

16 Spitfires Flying Together The Sound of Victory " Goosebumps "

John Stevens A thought, bulk purchase discount for the next reunion, two size small and the rest in XXL. An added logo "Have typewriter-will travel" 17 August at 19:10 · Edited · Like

Maureen Hale I think those T shirts are brilliant 17 August at 14:10 · Like

Simon Harris Torchy (Graham Orchard) we need a Boy Entrants version of this (mainly in XXXXL) ready for next July please. Retired RAF BOY ENTRANT. 9 September at 22:20 · Like

John Collins That was magnificent. 18 August at 14:16 · Like

John Stevens The memory of brave lads in fantastic aircraft, the reason we are free today. 19 August at 09:04 · Like

Simon Harris Incredible. 9 September at 22:17 · Like

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18 August

Terry Bates added photos to 24 August 2015.

24 August


Seen by 45 Mark Cooper, Paul Haynes and 2 others like this.

Terry Bates

sorry the photos are late, we've several more if anyone wants to see them

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Seen by 45 You, Paul Haynes, John Stevens and Ron Stevenson like this.

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Andrew Mitchell

Met up with Stuart McNaughton whilst down Bucks way. We chatted about all and sundry for a few hours and he intends going to next years re-union. Unfortunately John Marchant didn't reply to my suggestion of a day/place.

Ron Stevenson What a super set of photos Terry. Thanks for sharing. 24 August at 12:41 · Like

Simon Harris How bloody brilliant was it? Thanks for the new memories Terry. Now we are into reunions of reunions. Never mind 1964/65, how great was 2014/15? 9 September at 22:13 · Like

Phil Curtis Where have you been Stu Bagnall? 24 August at 12:30 · Unlike · 1

Stu Bagnall Yo Phil. I've been spending a lot of time trying to keep the Greek economy afloat (it's tough but we gotta try) and the rest of the time I've been trying to be good... 24 August at 22:24 · Unlike · 1

Simon Harris Give up on being good Stu Bagnall. We missed you, so just be bad and come to the next? 9 September at 22:10 · Like

Phil Curtis "They used to call me stick insect." 27 August at 08:52 · Unlike · 3

John Collins Where has the orchestra gone? 27 August at 17:03 · Unlike · 3

Simon Harris Ron: The House of Lords must become an elected chamber, and I am going to punch the 1st person that disagrees. (for those who were still up at 2 a.m.). 9 September at 22:08 · Like · 1

Seen by 45 Mark Cooper, Alistair Stewart and Ron Stevenson like this.

Mark Cooper

Recently I received the following correspondence on behalf of my father who was a secondary school master in Kenya from 1960 to 63. There are grounds to believe that some atrocities were committed by those involved in putting down the Mau Mau I find it difficult to accept that the British taxpayer is being sued for compensation by Ex Mau Mau terrorista/freedom fighters. No talk of compensation for the Europeans who were murdered and lost property. English judges have already awarded £20 mill to earlier complainents who were in their eighties. What do you think?

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Peter Lee Good to hear you've met up at least, he was across from me and Nigel back in those heady days

1 September at 18:51 · Like

Simon Harris Brilliant Mitch. 9 September at 21:59 · Like

John Gander I quite agree. For one thing, what's in the past is in the past. Why regurgiate now 3 September at 11:43 · Like

John Gander I quite agree. For one thing, what's in the past is in the past and should remain there. Why regurgitate now, or at any time. Just because things have changed (and are now politically incorrect, or whatever it may be) is no reason to apologise or co... See More 3 September at 11:46 · Like · 1

Simon Harris We shall be being sued by the French and Spanish next, for the damage Nelson inflicted on their ancestors at Trafalgar. 9 September at 21:58 · Like · 1

2 September

David Hocking shared Words To Inspire the Soul's photo.

3 September

Seen by 45 You like this.

Seen by 45 You, Rob Ross and Ron Stevenson like this.

Andrew Mitchell

Phil, Ron, tried a short cut by contacting Equinity. Unfortunately they cannot help us, by onpassing letters, on the instructions of the MOD

Words To Inspire the Soul with Mary Suteu and 14 others. 30 August

Find more at ~ www.Daveswordsofwisdom.com

or the inspiring ~ www.wisdomtoinspirethesoul.com

Simon Harris Here's to the good memories Like · Reply · 9 September at 21:55

Terry Bates our latest venture, quiz on the friday, jazz in the garden saturday, plus of course, our usual selection of real ales and cider. please share 6 September at 17:16 · Like

Maureen Hale Sorry Terry, we are in Scotland otherwise would be there. Hope all goes well 7 September at 15:04 · Like

Terry Bates thanks Maureen, I hope you and John have a good trip 7 September at 15:51 · Like

Andrew Mitchell

Phil, Ron, now that I have had a rest am ready to start again tracing our missing guys. I am going to start with Bill Watson, whom I didn't finish tracing prior to July.

Seen by 45 Mark Cooper and Ron Stevenson like this.

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John Stevens

Did anyone watch the military tattoo on tv last night? Still no one to match the 51st for rifle drill. (Or am I just a tad predjudiced?)

Seen by 45 John Collins likes this.

Phil Curtis Some of us have already been down that road Mitch. If they agreed to do that for us they would be bombarded with requests from others to do the same. 3 September at 16:33 · Like

David Hocking I am not sure about this route? Have you tried RAF locations? It is at RAF Cranwell. I believe they will forward to last address they have! 3 September at 19:40 · Like

Paul Haynes Me too. This is awful 3 September at 11:15 · Like

Ron Stevenson Phil. Should name be Kar not Ker? 3 September at 08:34 · Like

Peter Lee I thought his name was Karnaghan, but that could just be my memory cell on the blink, .. now what was I doing ??

3 September at 08:35 · Like

Phil Curtis Ron, You are correct. Bloody predictive text! I did search under KAR. I have amended original post. 3 September at 08:51 · Edited · Like · 1

John Stevens

Baby boomers, keep on booming.

Seen by 45 John Collins, Rob Ross and Catherine Branston like this.

Seen by 45 You, Steve Drewett, John Stevens, John Collins and 4 others like this.

Peter Lee I missed it, but recall we use to loosen the magazine so that we got a louder noise when hit in the present arms, but that only worked once, but you just slapped it harder next time

. 1 September at 12:01 · Like

Andrew Mitchell These guys have it easy, PVC belts, patent lead 1 September at 12:09 · Like

Andrew Mitchell Sorry guys caught the wrong button. As I was saying these guys have it easy with PVC belts, and patent leather shoes/boots. and the Dragoon Guards couldn't keep their arms straight when marching. 1 September at 12:14 · Like

Ray Wilkinson Looking at that cartoon surely it begins with A? 28 August at 13:32 · Edited · Like · 1

28 August

David Hocking shared Pegida Ireland's photo.

John Stevens

I'm sure that any Grandparents out there will have experienced something similar.

Seen by 45 Peter Lee, Ray Wilkinson, John Collins and 3 others like this.

Seen by 45 John Stevens and Ron Stevenson like this.

John Stevens This made me cross. 28 August at 09:20 · Like

Alan Hazon Just had our two grandkids for 4 days so this is very apt! 28 August at 09:05 · Like

Peter Lee I have tweaked and added them to other July 2015 Re-union photos to One Drive Album added a little teaser - https://onedrive.live.com/? id=7C5B2FA919862DB5!17883. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

16 August << 2015 >>

Terry Bates added photos to 23 August 2015.

Seen by 45 Catherine Branston likes this.

Seen by 45 John Stevens and Derek Barnard-Richardson like this.

Kevin Bohea's photo.

Kevin Bohea 21 August 2014

David Hocking shared

Everyone - please share our stolen car photo! I have a short window of opportunity to get this car back before it is shipped out of the country and gone forever...

23 August at 20:00 · Like

Phil Curtis Are you sure about the registration number? 19 August at 07:14 · Like

Mark Cooper

IT'S YOUR MONEY. In about 2013 the British Goverment settled out of court about £20 million in favour of ex Mau Mau terrorists who claim were tortured and otherwise mistreated during Kenya's Emergency. Now there are moves to re-visit the honey pot. If you are interested I recommend you google Mau Mau compensation. To my knowledge the Mau Mau were savage terrorists who murdered more of their own people (Kikuyu) than they did colonialists. If I was a British tax payer I would be furious.

Seen by 45 John Stevens and Roy Wright like this.

John Stevens

In order to save money at Hereford next year I have acquired an alternative means of transport and sleeping arrangements.

Attachment Unavailable

This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you.

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18 August

David Hocking

15 August

11 August

Seen by 45 You, Mark Cooper, Peter Lee, Ray Wilkinson and 8 others like this.

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Godfrey Syers's photo.

I like this!

Phil Curtis shared

Seen by 45 Ray Wilkinson, Paul Haynes, John Stevens and 6 others like this.

Seen by 45 You, Mark Cooper, John Stevens, John Collins and 2 others like this.

John Collins It may not be a good idea to take it to Calais. Stick to Scotland and Cornwall. 12 August at 09:52 · Like · 1

John Stevens I did John but I had a problem evicting two dozen stowaways from the trailer before I arrived back at Dover. 12 August at 09:59 · Like · 1

Joan Turnbull We came back from Belgium, with our caravan, via Dunkirk. They had a look in the wardrobes, bathroom and under the front seats,but didn't lift the fixed bed. We could have stowed 12 immigrants under there! Lol 12 August at 18:26 · Like

Ray Wilkinson Excellent Phil - I would of course normally poo poo this one!! 11 August at 16:16 · Like · 2

Peter Lee Tweak

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11 August

Alistair Stewart

6 August

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Seen by 45 You, John Stevens, John Collins and Ron Stevenson like this.



6 August at 20:38 · Like · 2

Catherine Branston

9 August at 16:11 · Unlike · 2

Mark Cooper Thanks 7 August at 07:37 · Like

Steve Drewett Thanks 7 August at 08:17 · Like

Bob Cutmore Thanks 7 August at 13:07 · Like

John Stevens I want one of those shirts Dave. 7 August at 09:02 · Like

Paul James's post. 6 August

Paul James 4 August

Wednesbury the good old times


Urgent attention : someone is spreading a video clip on a MAS(Malaysian Airlines) flight crashing into the sea. Please do not open. Immediately d...

David Hocking shared

Alistair Stewart

Seen by 45 Mark Cooper, John Stevens and Ron Stevenson like this.

Vivienne Rozario

is it just me or does the Go Compare advert opera singer look like Graham Orchard, is this his day-job?!

Seen by 45 You, Ray Wilkinson and Anthony Michael Osbourne like this.

Peter Lee Dave Haynes is that you a Shark skin shirt or your wired to the mains, certainly spot you in a dark room

6 August at 17:28 · Like

Peter Lee Sharpened etc

6 August at 20:37 · Like · 1

John Stevens I wish that I had worn my flashing/revolving bow tie now. 7 August at 09:00 · Like · 2

Graham Orchard I wish! Could do with his income to support my hair transplant therapy! Vivienne - we will have words. 6 August at 21:37 · Like · 2

Vivienne Rozario it's the wink at the end of the advert that shows the facial similarity!! 7 August at 00:24 · Like

John Stevens I did wonder where the opera singing was coming from. 7 August at 08:47 · Like · 1

6 August

Alistair Stewart

6 August

Seen by 45 You, Mark Cooper, John Stevens and Ron Stevenson like this.

Andrew Mitchell

Of all the photographs taken, can someone send me one of the stormtroopers taken together?

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Seen by 45 You and Ron Stevenson like this.

Peter Lee slight lighten

6 August at 20:44 · Like · 1

John Stevens I loved the chairs at the hotel, I never wanted to leave them, except to go into dinner! 7 August at 08:42 · Unlike · 2

Andrew Mitchell Tks a lot Oz, good photo and have sent copy to Stewart McNaughton and John Marchant. 6 August at 08:07 · Like

Peter Lee Say hi for me too, please

6 August at 14:21 · Like

Peter Lee Noticed Guardrooms wrong side, NAAFI shop missing, as is our Mess, plus Classrooms assuming it from after our time, 6 August at 22:06 · Like

5 August

Alistair Stewart

6 August

Alistair Stewart

6 August

Seen by 45 You, Mark Cooper, Paul Haynes, John Stevens and 3 others like this.

Seen by 45 You, Mark Cooper, John Stevens and Ron Stevenson like this.

John Stevens

I wanted to find a part time job to fill my retirement days, this seemed perfect until my boss noticed that I had dressed in a hurry this morning.

Peter Lee Tweaked the red eye away

6 August at 17:51 · Edited · Like · 1

Seen by 45 Mark Cooper, Catherine Branston, Phil Curtis and 4 others like this.

John Stevens

The mug that should have been on my desk when working in the S&C registry.

Seen by 45 You, Mark Cooper, Geoffrey Wood, Paul Haynes and 4 others like this.

Ray Wilkinson uploaded a file.

Please see attached for Ozzie

Seen by 45 You, Peter Lee, David Hocking, John Stevens and 3 others like this.

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Ray Wilkinson A tad whacky Simon - in some of our escapades he was bonkers! It takes one to know one as they say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 31 July at 11:52 · Like

Bart Lucas Congratulations on a fine prose, it brings to mind the Armistice Day lament "They grow not old as we that are left grow old(er), having been out of circulation so to speak, for a number of years, some of ys have grown a wee bot older. 2 August at 20:19 · Like · 1

Paul Haynes I will always remember Ibby for his dry humour, the night he told the story of the ear and the boxes and the groans all round the barrack room when he'd finished. Classic 3 August at 07:55 · Like

4 August

Lets Raise A Glass to Absent Friends.docx

Ron Stevenson

A fine body of Men!

Seen by 45 You, David Hocking, Ray Wilkinson, Paul Haynes and 5 others like this.

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Malcolm Woodcock shared RAF banter and bollocks, what.'s photo.

I was a pilot boy entrant at Hereford. Pocock would tell me "Pile it over there not over here.

Seen by 45



Peter Lee If I've read this right this is the hutters to the right, brought Rich in from the darkside, next to Simon Harris

31 July at 20:04 · Like

Andrew Mitchell Well done my man, Dave hocking is extreme right back. As I said before Peter there is one with all of us on our own. Will get it to you as soon as I receive it. 31 July at 20:08 · Like · 1

Peter Lee Great what happened to our ginger Hair, mines thinning out Sunroof getting bigger by the minute,so much for Hereford Barber who said I'd never go bald

31 July at 20:21 · Like

Debbie Garrod's post. 31 July

Debbie Garrod 26 July

Can anyone please help !!!! My step-daughter and her husband, have brought a bungalow in Swanton Morley, nr Dereham, Norfolk, and whilst undergoing demolition w...

Seen by 45 Mark Cooper likes this.

Ron Stevenson

What a superb experience last week was. Most enjoyable and really lovely to see everyone again. With the new website days away and Simon taking 'ownership' of the next re-union, now seems an appropriate time for me to step back into the ranks. I will continue alongside Phil and Mitch to search for the missing Lads. Hopefully our Facebook group will continue for a little longer. It has been an interesting journey.

Seen by 45 You, Peter Lee, Paul Haynes, John Stevens and 2 others like this.

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Simon Harris

Time to pack up ready for the flight back to Lanzarote. Sad to be putting away the tie and badge, which made me think of all the little touches added to the occasion by so many - such as Alistair's badges, Graham and Anthony's ties and update,John ( Brenda Aldridge) waiting there on reception, Ron's crucial 'rece' last month, event organisation, and his investment into the large flight photos, Ray and his poem and as MC, Mark's video/cine (and being there, from Australi... See More

RAF banter and bollocks, what. 30 July

Look at the state of this idiot!

Peter Lee With you there Graham, great to see you, Bart and Terry attended, one day you never know I may get there

29 July at 18:03 · Unlike · 2

Graham Orchard Morning Pete. Terry is also coming to the RAF BEA Reunion in September, so we get another chance to remember embarrassing moments from the Stormtroopers' time at Hereford. 30 July at 07:58 · Unlike · 3

Peter Lee

30 July at 16:35 · Like

Seen by 45 John Stevens, Peter Lee, Peter House and 5 others like this.

Mark Cooper shared his post.

Should have posted these in the closed group, my apologies.

Seen by 45 Paul Haynes and Ron Stevenson like this.

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John Collins

Dear Friends, Carol and I have just arrived home after the most amazing 3 days in the best of company. It was absolutely super to rub shoulders, drink lots, and have many fantastic conversations with everybody. We both hope that all our friends arrive at their homes safely. We shall be talking about our wonderful time for a very long time and are looking forward to next year already. Love to you all and many thanks.

Seen by 45 You, Mark Cooper, Peter Lee, David Hocking and 7 others like this.

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Peter Lee This looks like a trailer aka "Arnie " and his " I'll be back" . Fair sends shudders down your back

28 July 2015 at 14:17 · Like · 1

Simon Harris These are excellent Mark. They put my 'snaps' in the shade. Shall need to bring a better camera along next year. 27 July at 20:58 · Like

Maureen Hale Why can't I access the photos 28 July at 13:52 · Like

Ron Stevenson Maureen. You should be ok now. You need to be a member of the Group which you now are. 28 July at 14:05 · Like

Simon Harris This is very nicely put John and Carol, thank you. You of course were a delight too (well Carol was), adding your glow to the overall fireball.

Simon Harris

The cine film converted to video format taken by Mark Cooper's Dad, of the 1964 parents day parade, and the 1965 passing out parade - which was the centrepiece of the 50th anniversary of the 51st's pass-out reunion of 22nd July 2015.

Seen by 45 Francis Seery, Paul Haynes, Malcolm Woodcock and 4 others like this.


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51st RAF Boy Entrants 1964-65






And it was very easy to make you feel welcome Catherine. I, for one felt I had known you years! Just as you say, bring it on again. I am looking forwards more to the next reunion than to Christmas. 27 July at 21:06 · Like · 1

John Collins Thanks Simon. All lovely memories, in particular the afternoon we spent with you and Paul in the Three Horseshoes Pub. Carol says the book comes out next year! Lots of good fun! Roll on next year! 28 July at 09:50 · Unlike · 1

Simon Harris That was a wonderful afternoon. Well worth the 3 mile (30?) drive. Can not wait for book! We talked so much I did not get any pictures after the drinks had arrived, but this will help the memories (and the book).

28 July at 10:20 · Like · 1

Mark Cooper Simon, who and what is the 'Association of Lawyers'? Their logo appears with the video. 28 July at 06:08 · Like

Simon Harris One of my hobby businesses Mark. http://theassociationoflawyers.co.uk It happens to have an online video facility to provide cross platform and stable video rendering (an upmarket YouTube) that will enable me to add the relevant still images, and ot... See More 28 July at 07:07 · Edited · Like · 2

Peter Lee Sheesh No wonder you won that cup for writing those many moons ago

28 July at 10:04 · Like

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27 July

Ron Stevenson

26 July

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Seen by 45 John Stevens and John Collins like this.





Peter Lee Our Band forming up on that magnificent day of our passing Out Ceremony. 26 July at 14:01 · Unlike · 3

Simon Harris Where did this pop up from Ron? Very good. 27 July at 20:59 · Like

Peter Lee One of the Stores Flight supplied it to Ron. Here with a bit of colour.

27 July at 21:15 · Unlike · 2

John Stevens Chest in, stomach out. Or should that be the other way round. 24 July at 15:17 · Like · 1

Simon Harris Is this the maternity ward queue? 27 July at 21:09 · Like · 1

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Malcolm Woodcock shared RAF banter and bollocks, what.'s photo.

22 July

John Stevens

Five hours ago I left the reunion and am already eagerly awaiting the next gathering of friends . It is the only time that I can feel and act like a seventeen year old again, unfortunately not in one particular aspect much to the regret of Ann. I would like to thank everyone who made the event such a great time, lets all keep in touch via the magic of these new fangled computer things and hope that the time until we all meet again passes peacefully and healthily for us all. To quote a phrase, may your God go with you all.

Seen by 45 You, David Hocking, Geoffrey Wood, John Collins and 3 others like this.

Ron Stevenson with David Haynes.

David Haynes Graham King Alan Hazon doing the quiz.

Seen by everyone You, Mark Cooper, Peter Lee, David Hocking and 3 others like this.

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Ray Wilkinson I know we have all probably said numerous times over the last couple of days what a great and worthwhile event this was! Also we expressed a big thank you to those who have worked so hard behind the scenes to ensure that the Reunion was the outstandin... See More 24 July at 17:14 · Unlike · 4

Ron Stevenson Thank You , Ray, for making the event flow and your wonderful poem that was so moving. 24 July at 21:26 · Like · 3

Simon Harris Those are powerful words Ray, but very true, and rather modest, because you play a very full, and indispesible part. 27 July at 21:09 · Like · 1

Peter Lee Sorry took me a while finally spotted your red eye Alan

25 July at 22:19 · Like · 1

Simon Harris This is good to see, as two of these were sadly missing - but - how on earth did it pop up here? 27 July at 21:02 · Like

Peter Lee It from January 2014 Re-Union that why, 27 July at 21:03 · Like

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24 July

23 January 2014

John Stevens

"You are charged with that on Thursday 23rd July you did wilfully and with malice aforethought did fail to buy Ron Stevenson an alcoholic beverage, how do you plead?"

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Ron Stevenson

Jp and John Aldridge

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Mark Cooper That is some defence you mounted Ray. 24 July at 18:37 · Like · 1

Ron Stevenson Raymondo. I thought i was paying you five grand an hour as my defence brief. Not Guilty, Your 'onour! Send for Coops please and 'arris as my character witnesses. Have a feeling Im doooooooomed. Take me down! 24 July at 18:50 · Like

Vivienne Rozario love Ron's expression - "Who me?" 26 July at 10:36 · Like · 1

Ron Stevenson Cheers John! Really great to see you again. Ignore Mr Grumps

17 June at 16:59 · Like

Simon Harris Not a lot of though put into the composition? Was it a Brownie? 23 June at 16:59 · Like

Peter Lee OK just for you and your compost Simon, nipped back and pulled chairs closer

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24 July

16 June

John Stevens

I may have the body of a weak feeble pensioner but I have the heart and stomach of an airman, and of an airman of the 51st too, and think fail scorn of any that would dare to invade our realm of The Three Counties to prevent our reunion in 2016......we shall then have a victory over these enemies of D and J Flights, 2 Squadron, RAF Hereford. (by which you may gather that Ann and I have every intention of attending the reunion next year.)

Seen by 45 You, John Collins, Peter Kenah, Roy Wright and 2 others like this.

Simon Harris

A 51st NEWSLETTER containing the 51st parents day and passing out parade CINE FILM taken by Mark's Dad has been sent out - in the past half hour - to 54 email addresses (probably 51 reunion group members). If you do not receive a copy please send an email to newsletter@the51st.co.uk. Note: As soon as possible we will feature it on the www.the51st.co.uk website in a large window. As soon as we have enabled everyone to LOGIN and gain access to the site.

Seen by 45 John Stevens and John Collins like this.





26 July at 20:42 · Unlike · 2

Geoffrey Wood I Will be there as well with Sandra with our golf clubs I think we should extend our stay at the three counties too a week lol 27 July at 19:06 · Unlike · 2

Simon Harris You know Geoffrey, I have been thinking the same. It is far more fun and pure enjoyment than any week long holiday I take. We need to look at the cost of organising a block booking (as a holiday agent would) for a greater discount. 27 July at 20:48 · Like · 1

Peter Lee I see an previously unseen image at the bottom of above cannot wait to see full image

27 July at 16:42 · Like

Simon Harris What a little bright eyes you are young Peter! I shall be inviting your to download a number of new scans (dozen or so) as soon as I am able. 27 July at 18:03 · Like

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27 July

27 July

John Hale

Just wanted to say what a wonderful time John and I had at the Reunion. Gentlemen, you should be so proud of your wives/partners - they were all so kind,friendly and welcoming. As part of the official "unofficial" group photographers (button pushers after Mark worked wonders with a camera and an ironing board - very many thanks,) Barbara Kenah and I came into our own!!! J Flight you were perfect gentlemen and did exactly as requested. D Flight you behaved impeccably. Both F... See More

Seen by 45 You, Mark Cooper, Peter Lee, David Hocking and 4 others like this.

John Collins

Hello fellow 51sters. Carol and I are once again looking forward to meeting our friends from our fantastic reunion back in Jan 2014. We are also eager to meet those who were not there then. We know that it will be another special occasion not to be forgotten when we will once again raise a glass or two in celebration

Seen by 45 You, David Hocking, John Stevens and 2 others like this.

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Des Jones

Have now recovered from the Reunion and wish the next was sooner. Best get together ever! Cannot wait for new website (or whatever the posh name for it is) to exchange info - then if anyone near Conwy would be more than pleased to see you! Take care all and glad that Adrian is still fighting but there again none of us would not! See you all soon and if not, next year - have already booked. Des Jones

Seen by 45 You, Peter Lee, David Kernaghan, John Collins and 5 others like this.







Simon Harris What tops it Paul Haynes is that half the people at the reunion were lads we only knew vaguely, from fifty years ago, and the other half are lads we knew very well then, but what would they be like to spend time with today? Then it turns out the half ... See More 26 July at 14:38 · Unlike · 5

Paul Haynes The one time you let yourself down Simon was not being able to come up with a daffodil 26 July at 15:07 · Unlike · 2

Simon Harris In July Paul? We shall have to hold a half-way reunion in March!

27 July at 14:56 · Like · 1

Des Jones I like me and obviously have talent. 26 July at 19:45 · Unlike · 1

Simon Harris Great that you enjoyed your first time Des, and great that you were there. For me (and all) it was fantastic to see you. It (51st's closed website) is on its way Des. First step has been to circulate the 51st's parade CINE FILM from Mark.

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26 July

20 July

26 July

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Geoffrey Wood

Hope all you 51sters have got your boots bulled and your brasses all shiny ready for the pass out parade tomorrow I will be with you in spirit have a great time - By the way Sandras angigram went alright we will be fighting fit for the next reunion

Seen by 45 You, Ray Wilkinson, John Stevens and 2 others like this.

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Next s... See More

27 July at 14:51 · Like

Phil Curtis Peter, Is there any way you could brighten up the photos of D Flight and J Flight, please? They are a bit on the dark side when printed. 27 July at 13:58 · Like

Des Jones Geoff, I have the body of a 17 year old but it is in the fridge at home - you may collect at no cost. 26 July at 19:07 · Like

Mark Cooper Good news. 27 July at 05:44 · Like

Alan Hazon Great news and looking forward to seeing you at the next reunion when these medical issues are just a distant memory! 27 July at 12:36 · Like

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Mark Cooper shared his post.

26 July

22 July

Ron Stevenson

24 July

Simon and


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Seen by 45 Steve Drewett, John Stevens and Ron Stevenson like this.

Mark Cooper shared his photo.

Mark Cooper 25 July






Peter Lee See you reverted to the same haircut as you had on your arrival at Hereford in '64 Dave

24 July at 14:25 · Unlike · 2

Alan Hazon And I see Simon's wearing the same tie!!! 27 July at 12:31 · Unlike · 2

Peter Lee Well spotted

27 July at 12:34 · Like

Geoffrey Wood it went into the water 26 July at 16:30 · Like

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26 July

Mark Cooper shared his photo.

26 July

Seen by 45 John Stevens likes this.

David Hocking

Just to tell you Adrian Knowles is still with us and fighting.

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Seen by 45 Mark Cooper and John Stevens like this.

Alan Hazon

Hi Guys, hope you 51sters enjoy the reunion. Gutted I can't make it due to health issues but hopefully they will be resolved so that I can attend any future reunions!

Seen by 45 Peter Lee, David Hocking, John Stevens and 6 others like this.

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Mark Cooper with Steve Drewett. 25 July

Did anyone see me kick that?









John Hale Absolutely excellent news. 25 July at 18:21 · Like

Mark Cooper Keep it up Adrian. 25 July at 19:05 · Like

Simon Harris Our lifelong friend Adrian's situation is sobering. Truly a case of 'Per Ardua ad Astra', and we shall all be there one day. But I find it very uplifting that, following the decisions and expressions of the reunion group bard meeting on the centra... See More 26 July at 09:44 · Like

Catherine Branston Wishing you all the best. Missed you. Pat says bring your clubs next year! 24 July at 15:38 · Like · 1

Paul Haynes All the very best Alan, here's hoping we can meet up next year 25 July at 08:54 · Like

Peter House Get well soon Alan, and hope to see you next July. 25 July at 15:12 · Like

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25 July

Malcolm Woodcock shared RAF banter and bollocks, what.'s photo.

25 July

23 July

Ray Wilkinson

Good luck for the future everyone

Ron Stevenson


Andrew interview with the radio starts about 41/42 minutes in. Fabulous! Thanks Andrew.

Seen by 45 Geoffrey Wood likes this.

Simon Harris

It was difficult to conceive of how this 2nd (22nd July 2015) reunion could match the brilliance of the 1st reunion (of 22nd January 2014). But, somehow, it surpassed it. Thank you so much to everyone who was able to be here, and for your contribution to the event. The'first time' special surprises, for me, were (i) so many new faces, (ii) Mark Cooper's cine film/video of the parents day and passing out parades, and (iii) the way that the 17 ladies (actually girls) added a brilliant extra dimension. Such a lot to savour between today and the next

Seen by 45 John Collins, Andrew Mitchell, David Hocking and 5 others like this.

Derek Barnard-Richardson

Hi, hope you all had a great time, sorry I couldn't make it but had to cancel

23/07/2015, Andrew Easton - BBC Hereford & Worcester

The day's news and the people making it, plus the best music.


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Good Peter Lee Wot some people will do to get out of drill parades

job it not your drinking arm. 24 July at 14:32 · Unlike · 2

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25 July

24 July

24 July

23 July





the booking I had made due to medical appointment. Hopefully the next one will be before another 50 years.

Seen by 45 Peter Lee, Steve Drewett and 2 others like this.

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Ron Stevenson

Roy looking good

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John Collins

We are on our way!!!!

Seen by 45 Ron Stevenson likes this.

Ron Stevenson

Ladies and Gentlemen. The day has arrived - start your engines and here's to a fab two days!

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John Collins It was great seeing you last year Alan, get yourself better so we can meet again in 2016. 24 July at 07:56 · Like · 1

Derek Barnard-Richardson Thanks all, see you next year unfortunately old age dosn't come alone, but then again on reunions everyone is 17 again. 24 July at 08:43 · Like

Simon Harris As John says, we (31 Boy entrants, and 16 wives) missed you Barny - and we all certainly did have a brilliant time, though it would have been just that much better if you had been here too. So here is to the next time, which it the '51st anniversary ... See More 24 July at 13:19 · Edited · Like · 2

David Kernaghan Me too! 22 July at 11:47 · Like · 1

Kenneth Sands have a great time guys sorry won't be with you all 22 July at 11:54 · Like · 1

Phil Curtis If you arrive before me, mine's a bitter. Cannot wait to get started. 22 July at 00:23 · Like · 1

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24 July

22 July

22 July

David Hocking

I just arrived see you soon?

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Ray Wilkinson

Greek bail-out

This, in a nutshell, is how the Greek bail-out package works :

It's a slow day in a little Greek Village. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit. ... See More

Seen by 45 Mark Cooper, Peter Lee, Paul Haynes and 3 others like this.

Phil Curtis

Copy cat!

Seen by 45 Peter Kenah likes this.

John Hale

Thanks for asking, John and Maureen (Mo) Hale are attending and already booked into the 3/4 Counties. See you all then.

"O call back yesteryear, bid times return"

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Peter Lee Have a great time Photoshop on standby as always

21 July at 18:37 · Like · 1

Geoffrey Wood I wish I was coming next time I will be there come rain or shine 21 July at 20:14 · Like · 1

Phil Curtis Talk about being early! 21 July at 21:03 · Like

Mark Cooper Did you write this Ray? 21 July at 15:11 · Like

Ray Wilkinson Unfortunately not Mark - it came from a mate of mine and from his nephew in Jersey! 21 July at 17:34 · Like

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21 July

21 July

20 July

27 June

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Andrew Mitchell

Ron, looking at the "programme" again for the Dinner on the 23rd, it looks as though there are no set places for attendees, rather a case of sitting where your legs take you. Is this the way?

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Ron Stevenson

THREE SHIRES RESTAURANT Wednesday 22nd July 2015

... See More

Malcolm Woodcock shared SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity's photo.

SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity 17 July

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We are very sad to hear that Buster, the hero dog who completed five tours of Afghanistan, Bosnia and Iraq, has passed away.

This special spaniel is said to hav...

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Simon Harris I always thought of you as a quiet chap, John?! 17 July at 17:59 · Like

John Hale So did a lot of people, but guess who was having the fun ! ! For info this was a charity event, the girls were performing arts students at a 60th VE Day anniversary event. There is a lot more to my antics - see you next week - more news reports and photos to come. Best wishes John 17 July at 20:03 · Like

Simon Harris Can't wait! 19 July at 10:52 · Like

Andrew Mitchell No problem, us stormtroopers aren't softies like you guys who were in Gibson!! 17 July at 18:33 · Like

Ray Wilkinson Please don't pick on the Guys Andrew!! 17 July at 18:55 · Like

Phil Curtis I will sit with all the singlies. 17 July at 22:30 · Like · 1

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12 July

17 July

12 July

Seen by 45 John Collins, Andrew Mitchell and 2 others like this.

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Roy Ogrady

Sorry Guys won't be able to make this years reunion, too many other commitments. Will hopefully be able to make future ones. Have a good time Roy Ogrady

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Ron Stevenson

One activity that we can look forward to is Name that Boy!

Thanks to Mark we have access to footage of Parents Day and Passout.

Was Ray really a wall flower all parade? Who is the Cook at the front? Can you spot yourself?

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Andrew Mitchell

Alistair Stewart et al are we hiring a minibus or taking our own cars for the Golf? As of this moment there are 7 down to play.

Seen by 45 John Collins and Catherine Branston like this.









Graham Orchard Looks good to me Ron. Ref my selection of books, do you want me to bring any of them as midnight reading if Simon snores? 14 July at 15:35 · Like · 1

Ron Stevenson Cheers Graham but i'll be fine (fingers crossed). 14 July at 15:49 · Like

Simon Harris I resemble that bloody remark Graham! 17 July at 17:55 · Like

Ron Stevenson Raymondo! 15 July at 10:45 · Like

Ray Wilkinson Sorry Roy I will try to behave myself in future but it is a tall order. Do like your brother Paul though!! 15 July at 13:13 · Like

John Parker I am also sorry not to meet up again - I shall propose a toast to absent friends. 16 July at 20:28 · Like

Peter Lee Thought I had mixed up my camera there for a moment the 127 did use film roll, it was a Kodak Instamatic that used a film in a cartridge had one of them around that time or just after

15 July at 16:54 · Like

John Stevens Now I come to think of it I was confused and I inserted a cheese roll by mistake. 16 July at 08:21 · Like · 2

Peter Lee "Say cheese" had a whole different meaning to you then

16 July at 15:14 · Like

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15 July

14 July

14 July

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Malcolm Woodcock shared Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton's video.


Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton

She"s here!

Make sure you are too!!

RNAS Yeovilton Air Day gates open tomorrow at 0900, see you there!

Seen by 45 Mark Cooper, Peter Lee, Paul Haynes and 3 others like this.

Ray Wilkinson

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Terry Bates - have a good one

Seen by 45 Ron Stevenson likes this.

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10 July





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Steve Drewett Good point, however, hopefully I won't get to the point where we will need transport. But if we do need it maybe can be arranged through hotel on the day. 14 July at 11:19 · Like

Alistair Stewart I can take 1 person with clubs. 14 July at 14:32 · Like

Andrew Mitchell No problem guys, looks as though we won't need a Minibus. Thought I would bring this up now rather than next week 14 July at 15:59 · Like

John Collins Can't wait to see this magnifcent aircraft at Eastbourne in August. 14 July at 08:38 · Like

Paul Haynes What a great way to spend your birthday 13 July at 09:47 · Like · 1

Terry Bates yes, but I am cream cracked now 13 July at 10:30 · Like

Paul Haynes Not surprised. See you soon

13 July at 14:18 · Like

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11 July

12 July

Malcolm Woodcock shared The whole Truth's photo.

12 July

Terry Bates

beer fest at the black sluice lock cottages boston - 10th -12th July

Seen by 45 John Stevens and Ron Stevenson like this.

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Andrew Mitchell

Here we go again. Either the dismantling of the UK, by the Government, or another BLUNDER by the BBC by their statement on the web i.e. "Major reform to vehicle excise duties to pay for a new road-building and maintenance fund in England." I do not mention Wales because what applies to England normally applies to Wales. Also, does it mean that the new VED, if as stated by the BBC, does not apply to Scotland and N.

The whole Truth 10 July

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Blooming Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, coming over here, flying our Spitfires and winning our freedom ​#​BattleofBritain​

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John Stevens To the guys who have real concerns, as opposed to my occaisional whinges, best wishes and stay strong. 2 July at 17:25 · Like · 1

Ron Stevenson Brill evening Terry! Loved the ale, thank you. Super to meet John and Maureen as well. See you a week on Wed. 12 July at 08:03 · Like

Terry Bates thanks for coming, Ron, good to see you again 12 July at 08:26 · Like

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2 July

9 July


Ron Stevenson uploaded a file.

Reconcilation of room bookings and updating of lists.

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Andrew Mitchell

Terry & Co, see there are 1000 free Grandstand tickets available for Doncaster races on 16 and 23 July. Find out more on Martin Lewis's website. Well aware 23 Jul no good to you.

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Ron Stevenson

The Hotel are asking me if our bookings are complete as they can sell the rooms. I have asked for an extension until mid-week.

Come and join us! All welcome.

Seen by 45 John Collins and Brenda Aldridge like this.

Ron Stevenson uploaded a file.

Revised, expanded and now covers the July 2015 Re-union. Please read and any contact me with questions. Apologies for any typos.

The Golf is incorporated.

We have a group booking for the Mappa Mundi so need to see who is interested in that.... See More

Seen by 45 David Hocking and John Collins like this.

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Peter Lee When last over the border it was the first time my wife (Pat) and eldest (Joanne's) had been to Scotland, after awhile Pat asked if we had crossed the border, when I said yes, she replied thought so as everything looked cleaner and the roads were smoother. We had great holiday up in Aberdeen, where my Nephew was working at the time, he's now in New Zealand. 9 July at 10:17 · Like · 1

Ron Stevenson Anyone that you know still hasn't reserved their room please ask them to do so pronto. Cheers! 8 July at 18:02 · Like

Terry Bates thanks, i'll have a look 8 July at 08:25 · Like

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8 July

BoyEntrantList1.xls Spreadsheet

8 July

5 July

24 Junereunion info July2015.doc


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Simon Harris

2nd edition of the pre reunion Newsletter sent out to over 50 email addresses. Primarily to circulate Ron's notes about his visit to the Hotel and the arrangements suggested for 22nd and 23rd July to as many of us as possible. If you did not receive the 1st email of this series please send your e- address to reunion@the51st.co.uk. There are actually14 ex 51st we know of but who we do not have email addresses for, which we will try to rectify. Also we shall be building up the new www.51st.co.uk website, between now and the 22nd, to provide a private area for information (such as contact details and reunion preparation information) out of the public eye behind a login and password.

Seen by 45 Brenda Aldridge, Catherine Branston and 2 others like this.

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Phil Curtis Shouldn't' you be in bed at your time of day Coops? 3 July at 08:56 · Like

Ron Stevenson I think you are down for golf Thurs Mark. Friday morning any good for you? 3 July at 09:00 · Like · 1

Mark Cooper Yup. 3 July at 12:49 · Like · 1

Ray Wilkinson Simon - did you send to Mike Talty and Paddy Anderson? Thank you 2 July at 07:04 · Like

Ray Wilkinson Michael Portillo and Derek Jacobi or is it Graham and Simon? 29 June at 23:01 · Like

Phil Curtis There's a couple of chaps who look content with life.

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29 June

Ron Stevenson

29 June

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Malcolm Woodcock shared BFBS Radio's photo.

BFBS Radio 1 July

Look who's won the lottery !

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The Royal Air Force Museum has just been given £5 million pounds by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Hatchyboy here - Here's the museum...

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Medals Of RAF Vet That Vanquished Record Number Of V1 Bombs Sold

The medals of an RAF hero who saved countless lives by destroying 61 of Hitler's V1 flying bombs have sold for £21,000. Squadron Leader Joseph Berry shot...








30 June at 10:40 · Like

John Collins Carol and I remember you two dapper gentlemen from Jan 2014 and look forward to seeing you both on 22 Jul. Not long now!!! 1 July at 16:51 · Edited · Like

Phil Curtis Only one is dressed in WWI uniform. 1 July at 12:43 · Like

Mark Cooper Time travelling Phil, or modern educated journalists? 1 July at 13:09 · Like

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1 July

Malcolm Woodcock via Forces Reunited

29 June

John Hale

John Hale Nice try John Stevens, sadly no on both counts, all three unavalable. Interested to see you obviously have a connection with East Kirkby and Just Jane. Will talk with you about it, I also used to visit EK with the Poppy Convoy on British Legion events. Yours, John

Seen by 45 You, Peter Lee, John Stevens and John Collins like this.

Simon Harris

With 30 days to go it is time to start bringing everyone up to speed with the 'plans for the day'. So watch out for a plague of newsletter emails. Despite saying he would not be doing so, Ron has been running around nailing things down. For my part I am flying over tomorrow, so as to be in plenty of time! Do not want any sudden Spanish Air Traffic control strikes getting in the way of sharing a beer with Paul Haynes, John Gander, Lawrence Guilfoyle, Des Jones, Dave Hocking, Pete Kenah, Mark Cooper, Steve Drewit (any sign of John Hale or Derek Hope?) for the first time in 50 years - to name but a few. There are just so many new faces this time, and I had been pretty happy rejoining with ALL of with the January 2014 crowd!

Seen by 45 John Stevens, John Collins, Catherine Branston and 2 others like this.

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Malcolm Woodcock

Oh to have been there.





Mark Cooper Sounds like you will all be knackered by the 22nd. 27 June at 23:41 · Like

Ron Stevenson Hopefully once you join the fray Mark! 28 June at 00:56 · Like

Steve Drewett Sorry for delay in posting. Am currently cruising the med so internet very patchy. Looking forward to catch up with everyone but will have to diet to get into posh clothes. 28 June at 08:43 · Like · 1

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28 June

23 June

27 June

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1 share

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John Stevens

My favourite film Ron Stevenson is that you that I can hear shouting my name and banging your mess tin? Like my namesake though, I am fast becoming over "The Hill."

WHO-TUBE: 16 Spitfires Flying Together The Sound of Victory " Goosebumps "

This was a fantastic sight and sound, as sixteen Spitfires flew in formation, to mark the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, after the flypast the Spitfires broke off...


Malcolm Woodcock shared Royal Air Force's post.

Royal Air Force added 3 new photos. 26 June

The Freedom of the Borough of Boston was bestowed upon Royal Air Force Coningsby on the 16 May 1963; in recognition of: “The glorious achievements of the Royal ...

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John Stevens Having only drilled with Lee Enfield's I never think that the modern arms never look quite right, but then someone said the same about the Brown Bess. 27 June at 08:34 · Like

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27 June

26 June

Seen by 45 Geoffrey Wood and Ron Stevenson like this.

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John Stevens

Would any of you "heir hunters" be able to supply any service info on a 1st cousin of mine, Arthur William George Brown, 1912-1999. He served in the RAF during WW2 with family tradition saying that he was in Coastal Command as an Air Signaller. As the last remaining family member I can not obtain further facts or otherwise to confirm a long held belief by my parents that he was involved in the search for the Bismark. Any gen or suggestions will be gratefully received.

Seen by 45 Ron Stevenson likes this.

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John Stevens The SMO, he passed him fit, the swine. Gas masks to be worn during the speeches, Staff? 26 June at 17:50 · Like · 1

Mark Cooper We are not that old John Stevens, ear plugs might be the go. 26 June at 21:01 · Like

Ron Stevenson In twenty-five years, I’ve never known a balls-up like it!” 26 June at 21:24 · Like

Peter Lee And glad I could do your 1st Cousin justice John. 31 May at 17:56 · Like · 1

Phil Curtis Update - He enlisted in the RAF about Nov 1940 with the Service No. 1311827. He attained the rank of Flight Sergeant at some point yet to be found. Commissioned as a Pilot Officer, 1 May 44 (Service No. changed to 177740 on commissioning). Promoted to Fg Off - Nov 44, Flt Lt - Jan 45, Sqn Ldr - Jul 51. Retired - 6 Jan 56. 26 June at 09:31 · Like · 1

John Stevens Thanks Phil, it must have been just after he retired that my parents visited him with me being about 10 or 11 years old. I know that he made a big impression on me. 26 June at 14:11 · Like

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30 May

Metheringham Airfield Visitors Centre.

John Stevens

John Stevens at

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John Stevens Well, if I had more than 2 crates I would have Ron booking in to the next bed space on the sand. 24 June at 16:31 · Like · 1

Ron Stevenson Im interested. If I bring ten crates will you let me stay? 24 June at 17:50 · Like

John Stevens Who needs a beach when you have ten crates? Bring them to Hereford. (But dont tell the others!) 25 June at 09:43 · Like · 1

Mark Cooper A work of art. 25 June at 03:58 · Like

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18 June

Malcolm Woodcock shared I Wear My Poppy With Pride's photo.

24 June

Malcolm Woodcock shared Royal Air Force's post.

24 June

Seen by 45 John Collins likes this.

Ron Stevenson

Welcome John Gander to the group.

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Andrew Mitchell

Phil, have sent a friend request through Facebook to Steve Kernaghan. He is living (I think) in Sheffield along with his wife and daughter.

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Royal Air Force added 3 new photos. 24 June

Personnel from 51 Squadron RAF Regiment based at RAF Lossiemouth, have returned from participating in Exercise Eager Lion 15, a large-scale multinational exerci...

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Simon Harris John is looking a bit sallow though Peter? Did you run out of pink? 23 June at 17:16 · Like

Peter Lee He was not well that day don't you remember Simon, okay I was experimenting, been told by a professional animator if I added a touch of green it would give us a better skin colour, over did him

23 June at 18:55 · Edited · Like

John Collins Welcome indeed John. 23 June at 18:18 · Like

Simon Harris Peter this is where you come up with the photos. Jump to it.! 23 June at 17:15 · Edited · Like

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15 June

16 June

Mark Cooper


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John Stevens

I wonder if we could borrow this for Hereford from RAF Conningsby? Well we were the last as well.


Peter Lee Usually wait until they are found, but here you go after a fair bit of tweaking, meet Steve

23 June at 17:29 · Like

Peter Lee Here's a weird thing I think I am right, but whilst looking around for other Photo's of Steve, realised he is lined up in second row right of our passing out shot with most of our flights missing persons, how did they know ?

23 June at 17:53 · Like

Peter Lee How many Koala bears did you wear out stuck on a stick, to get that deep a shine

Remember having to hop from bed to bed, on morning of inspection or use rags under our hobnailed boots

23 June at 11:24 · Like · 1

Simon Harris Ron's floor is not quite like that.. I had better bring a bumper with me Ron, ahead of Mark arrival. 23 June at 16:32 · Like · 1

Ron Stevenson We'll need a good bull night before the Boss arrives Simon. 23 June at 17:06 · Like

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23 June

21 June


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Geoffrey Wood

Sorry everyone but me and Sandra wont be coming to the re-union as Sandra has an appointment on the 22nd for a Coronary angigram on that day its just come through - I will keep you all informed

Seen by 45 Malcolm Woodcock likes this.

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Andrew Mitchell

Some of you already know about the following. I have been in touch with ITV Central - Regional News -, and BBC Radio Hereford with the possibility of a mention of the Reunion on their News Bulletin programmes. They have both confirmed that they have made notes in their diaries for the 23rd. Have also notified the Hereford Times that we are back again. Mark C, could you have a DVD handy just in case, though don't know if they will request it.

Seen by 45 You, Peter Lee, Paul Haynes, John Stevens and 3 others like this.







Simon Harris How beautiful, and fantastic. It would look so good in reception. Lets do that. 23 June at 16:46 · Like

Mark Cooper I too hope all goes well for Sandra and regret missing the opportunity to meet up again, all the best. 19 June at 22:52 · Like

Francis Seery hope everything goes well, 22 June at 22:38 · Like

Simon Harris That is a blow. It was just brilliant to meet up with you last time, and I, for one, have been really looking forwards to seeing you both again. Good wishes with it Sandra (whatever it actually is) , though the really positive thing is we shall have to have another one in January 2016 to make up for it. 23 June at 16:44 · Like

John Stevens When Hollywood starts filming the event who do you think should be cast as Ron? Perhaps some suggestions can be made for actors to portray other members. I have decided to represent myself as I can not think of a suitably talented performer to do me justice. Maybe Clooney is the closest possibility. 23 June at 08:49 · Like · 1

Simon Harris Brilliant Andrew. Should we get a make up team to hand? 23 June at 16:33 · Like

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19 June

22 June

John Stevens is at

19 June

Petwood hotel, Woodhall Spa.

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Ray Wilkinson

Sex and Good Grammar

On his 70th birthday, a man was given a gift certificate from his wife. The certificate was for consultation with an Indian medicine man living on a nearby reservation who was rumoured to have a simple cure for erectile dysfunction. ... See More

Seen by 45 Mark Cooper, John Stevens, David Kernaghan and 2 others like this.

Andrew Mitchell

Peter, what are the christian names of G Charlett and J Robson and do you know where they came from.

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Ron Stevenson with Catherine Branston and 2 others.

Catherine Branston Phil Curtis John Collins







David Hocking The RAF used it for overflow officers accommodation on many occasions. 19 June at 21:49 · Like

John Stevens I couldn't help but think of the lovely surroundings that made it the Officers Mess compared with the billets that the O R aircrew were quartered after returning from a bombing raid. No particular point to make but to me all of those crewmembers were heroic and deserved only the best accomodation during thir often short lives. 20 June at 10:21 · Like · 1

Malcolm Woodcock Are you sure about Ray, John. Ginge carrying cash, unheard of. 20 June at 14:29 · Like · 1

Phil Curtis I was on 1417 (FR) Flight at Khormaksar. - Hunter FR10s. Stu Bagnall and Dave Banner were also at K'sar at the same time. 18 June at 15:27 · Like

Andrew Mitchell I and Steve Drewitt were at Steamer Point but I did not know it at the time. I was in HQ MEC Engineering, Oh for that lovely weather again. 18 June at 17:24 · Like

Bart Lucas I was at Khormaskar from Jan - May 67, with 51 Sqn, RAF Regt as a Sqn clerk. The Sqn was doing base security. Managed a couple of last night armed helicopter (Whirlwinds) patrols checking likely hidey holes for 18 June at 20:18 · Like

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19 June

18 June

23 January 2014

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Andrew Mitchell

Phil, can you add to the following. Neil Rowbotham, though can't remember him myself. I have a marriage to a Lesley M Lockwood, 1970 - Derbyshire, a daughter - Elizabeth Jane , who married Garry M Manders in 2000, in Leicester. Last I can find is Neil 2002, Leicester, and Elizabeth 2003 in Berkshire. Can anyone else chip in?

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John Stevens

Survivors of the Battle of Waterloo gather to celebrate at their reunion. Their motto - Entente be damned!

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Ray Wilkinson John Collins "wake up Pat I've just bought you another brandy and another bacardi"! 25 January 2014 at 00:06 · Like

Peter Lee Quack Dr Lee here just dropped your blood pressure and sorted out your red eyes

18 June at 19:41 · Like

Andrew Mitchell Phil, would appreciate it, tks 18 June at 10:36 · Like · 1

Phil Curtis Letter in post. 18 June at 11:55 · Like · 2

Ron Stevenson Cheers Guys! 18 June at 12:57 · Like · 1

John Stevens What General Wellington called the Battle of France is over, I expect that the Battle of Hereford is about to begin. 18 June at 08:45 · Like

John Collins Sabres at dawn. 18 June at 08:47 · Like

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17 June

18 June

Ray Wilkinson

Just received this from David Kernaghan brilliant and true


When the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. ... See More

Seen by 45 Paul Haynes and John Collins like this.

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Ron Stevenson

Is anyone interested in a game of golf at the reunion? Currently Pat, Paddy and Mark have their clubs at the ready!

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Paul Haynes This is brilliantly put. 16 June at 16:30 · Like

Steve Drewett What more can be said. 16 June at 17:08 · Like

Malcolm Woodcock Has anybody done a study into the antithesis of this. What happens when the wealth earned by everybody is distributed to a small clique of friends and associates. A bit like when Osbourne recently admitted that the rest of the Royal Mail will be sold o... See More 16 June at 17:31 · Like · 1

John Stevens Perhaps I could man the 19th hole until you all arrive. 14 June at 22:01 · Like

Ron Stevenson You might be Simon if we take my clubs - but as ive not played for a couple of years... John. 19th man... perfect. Mines a half. By the way could we have handicap certificates declared please. 14 June at 22:05 · Like

Ron Stevenson The better courses appear to be Burghill Valley Golf Club or The Herefordshire. Will report back. 15 June at 20:53 · Like

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16 June

David Hocking shared

15 June

22 May

Terry Swain's photo.

Ron Stevenson

I apologise for going off topic but just noticed that Air Force Blue (3.05) and Ray Ward (5.00) are both running at Royal Ascot tomorrow.

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John Stevens

Visited Thorpe Camp yesterday, a remaining part of RAF Woodhall Spa, a great display with memories of both world wars and the cold war. I'm sure that many of you have been but I recommend it to anyone visiting "Bomber Country" in the future. East Kirkby is on my agenda, to watch Just Jane on a taxi run, not as a passenger this time unfortunately. Also a visit to RAF Conningsby to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. At each location when I look at the list of aircrew and ground staff that fell in both conflicts any problems that seem important to me today are put in to perspective. As always my visits mean that I leave having enjoyed the experience but tinged with such sadness for mankind's folly.

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Phil Curtis

I have just taken a phone call from Roy Wright who now lives in Forres. He saw the advert for the reunion and is intent on attending. - Another one!

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Ray Wilkinson I will call John Scullion and let him know. Looks like Paddy Anderson won't be able to make it. Also had a msg from Bob Ross saying he was doubtful but would try his best and if he came he would make his own arrangements 15 June at 15:19 · Like · 1

Ray Wilkinson Ray Ward will win......... 15 June at 15:19 · Like · 1

Ray Wilkinson Ron do you have Graham Kings telephone number handy at all please? 15 June at 15:26 · Like

Ray Wilkinson Thats right Dave - Tony and Pat Pumphrey came out to Cyprus when I was there and we invited them round for a meal. Sadly that was the last time I had a really good natter to Tony. Were you replaced by Larry Berry? I was replaced on the desk by Ray I... See More 15 June at 09:58 · Like

Ray Wilkinson Dave - spoke with Paddy/Andy Anderson this morning looking doubtful if he will be able to make 22/23/7 - please give him a call he would be pleased to hear from you 15 June at 13:50 · Like

David Hocking Ray, Larry berry was there with me, in fact he lived 4doors away. Try again. Will give paddy a call. 15 June at 13:55 · Like

Mark Cooper Congratulations and welcome to the 'other Roy'. 23 April at 09:42 · Like

David Hocking Same place as andrian knowles 14 June at 16:46 · Like

Steve Drewett Welcome to the club Roy. 15 June at 11:09 · Like

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15 June

15 June

22 April

John Stevens

Ex BE John Stevens at work as duty clerk Christmas 1966. (although it could be mistaken for a certain Yorkshire man from J Flight) A very happy and peaceful Christmas to all of you and your families.

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Ron Stevenson

Here's another idea to consider.

Would everyone / anyone like to send to me a couple of hundred words about their time at Hereford (any aspect) or specifically the day of our passing out?

We'll publish and reveal all at the re-union: anonymity guaranteed. Should be a nice momento.

Seen by 45 John Collins likes this.

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Ron Stevenson

As you will have noted it's re-union mode to-day. Next on the agenda is that Alistair has acquired some name badges for the event. Could everyone ensure that we have Partners name where not known. Cheers!

Seen by 45 John Collins likes this.

Ron Stevenson

Im at Hereford Tues / Wed this coming week to finalise arrangements.

Does anyone want me to do address any re-union related topics whilst I'm there?

My current agenda is... See More







Malcolm Woodcock Dosn't look a bit like Ginge Wilkinson. 20 December 2014 at 17:07 · Like · 2

John Stevens Ginge doesnt look a bit like Ginge!!! 21 December 2014 at 11:06 · Like · 1

Ray Wilkinson Thats me guys I've got the central heating on at it is a special day 15 June at 09:10 · Like

Ray Wilkinson I'll start with one Ronnie "Bollocks" 14 June at 23:03 · Like · 1

Ron Stevenson Seems opinion might be divided on this concept.

The thinking behind this idea was / is to collect the words from those who wish to contribute and ally them to the photos that we have from the last re-union. ... See More 15 June at 03:04 · Edited · Like

Ray Wilkinson Ronnie sorry I often look back to Hereford and think what a load of bollocks that does not mean I did not enjoy some parts of our 18 months training and gain a lot from that experience and certainly the lads. Indeed it was the making of me having don... See More 15 June at 08:29 · Edited · Like · 2

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20 December 2014

14 June

14 June

14 June

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Seen by 45 Mark Cooper, John Stevens, John Collins and 3 others like this.

David Hocking shared The Revolution's photo.

The Revolution 23 April

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Well, that'll shut 'em up!!! ***SHARE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHAKE THIS MAN'S HAND***

Lynda Poulter's photo.

Lynda Poulter

7 April · Mundon

David Hocking shared





Ron Stevenson David I will ask the question but i think we do have a 'good' deal, particularly if we get the dining room and annex as an exclusive. 14 June at 17:17 · Like

Phil Curtis Do I read this correctly; The meal on the 23rd is now at lunchtime? Not complaining just curious. 14 June at 17:19 · Like

Ron Stevenson No Phil. Its the running order that we need a meeting place in town or wherever for lunchtime 23rd. Mark me down for lack of full stops, sorry. 14 June at 17:22 · Like

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14 June

11 June

Seen by 45 Ray Wilkinson likes this.

Andrew Mitchell

Phil have been trolling through pages and pages of the internet for Bill Rae, and am now seeing alsorts of things. I have managed to find a Wedding date for his son Jonathan M and a Julie M Walker, married in Dorset in 2002. Also have found a record in 192 for them, but it is only up to 2007. I also found another record for Bill, but can't find it again so that I can confirm it. He also had a daughter Joanna but can't find anything for her. Does this agree with anything you have? Can't find anything on Facebook either for any of the afore-mentioned.

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Phil Curtis

I have just received an email from John Gander and he is intending to attend the reunion.

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A HOLE UNDER THE DOOR LOCK !! worth knowing

Had this sent to me as an email.

On Wednesday, I approached my car from the passenger side to place my computer bag...

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Ray Wilkinson If they get caught what is the punishment? Probably let off or 10 days community service. far, far too soft. There will soon be a human rights case that says you can't arrest me or try me for a crime as you are in breach of my uman rights!! The wo... See More 12 June at 18:00 · Like

Andrew Mitchell Have sent a friend request to a Bill Rae, would like to send a friend request to Graham Hodgson but it won't let me, as the woman in the photo looks familiar/ about the correct age. 11 June at 18:27 · Like

Phil Curtis I have sent a message to a Joanna Hidgson who lives in Sandy, Bedfordshire, not too far from the last entry on ER. 12 June at 09:15 · Like

Andrew Mitchell Have sent a friend request to Julie M Walker. 12 June at 12:15 · Like

John Collins Wow it just gets better. 11 June at 17:18 · Like

Peter Lee Must start a list of those I've done, ho! Ron's done one

11 June at 19:12 · Like

Mark Cooper Look forward to seeing John. 11 June at 23:39 · Like

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9 June

11 June

Ron Stevenson

9 June

We have been allocated another five rooms at the hotel.

Seen by 45 John Collins and Roy Wright like this.

Phil Curtis

I have just spoken to Rich Neal and he is going to phone the hotel today.

Seen by 45 Peter Lee, Paul Haynes, John Collins and 2 others like this.

Seen by 45 Rob Ross likes this.

Malcolm Woodcock shared Angie Kassabie's photo.

Angie Kassabie 22 August 2013

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Stroke has a new indicator! They say if you f...

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Phil Curtis Rich has just phoned to say that he has booked a room at the 3C hotel. Excellent. 8 June at 12:13 · Like · 2

Peter Lee Just in case have not posted previously here's Rich Neal.

8 June at 14:56 · Like · 1

Mark Cooper Welcome Rich. 8 June at 22:47 · Like

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8 June

2 June

Ron Stevenson

Eight weeks to the re-union and really looking forward to seeing everyone again.

We will be going to Hereford in the next couple of weeks to finalise the arrangements.

With that in mind we'd like to hear your views on any / all of the following:... See More

Seen by 45 Steve Drewett, John Collins, Catherine Branston and 2 others like this.

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Brenda Aldridge

The Travellers Rest pub has,unfortunately been turned into a private dwelling. Long story but it is no more. The Scrumpy Pub - The Bell at Tillington is still there but the prices have changed since you last used it. Will let you know more when you visit. John Aldridge

Seen by 45 Rob Ross and Ron Stevenson like this.

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Malcolm Woodcock shared Forces TV's video.

Oh the shame!!!


Forces TV

29 May





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Andrew Mitchell Sorry John don't fancy ​a dress 30 May at 16:06 · Like

Andrew Mitchell bbc.co.uk

BBC - Homepage

Explore the BBC, for latest news, sport and weather, TV & radio schedules and highlights, with nature, food,...


30 May at 16:20 · Like · Remove Preview

Peter Lee Could get your Kilt out of it's box

30 May at 16:21 · Like

Brenda Aldridge Sorry but that is a new one on me. It could be a figment of your formative years or a long for memory jumbbled with escaping from Hereford. If you find the recipe we will give it a go in July 30 May at 09:34 · Like

Brenda Aldridge Regards 30 May at 09:34 · Like

Terry Bates thanks, look forward to seeing you both 30 May at 13:36 · Like

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27 May

29 May

29 May

Seen by 45 Steve Drewett, John Collins and 2 others like this.

Seen by 45 Steve Drewett likes this.

John Stevens

Just what the "Doctor" ordered, Ron Stevenson.

Archive: Some not-so precision drills by the Royal Air Force

Malcolm Woodcock shared Soldiers Off The Street (S.O.T.S)'s photo.

Soldiers Off The Street (S.O.T.S) 29 May

Once a month we welcome all the new members to Soldiers off the Street and ask please share a banner and ask all of your friends and family to join us letting t...

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Bart Lucas Obviously not Brats 29 May at 20:06 · Like

Mark Cooper Thought for a moment that I could see Simon Harris, in the front row! 29 May at 22:18 · Like

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29 May

27 May

Seen by 45 Catherine Branston and Ron Stevenson like this.

Ron Stevenson

I have been speaking to the hotel to-day. We have one room left which is being taken by Paddy Scullion. More rooms may become available early- July once 'other party' numbers are known. In the interim, Simon and I plan to share a room thus releasing another into the pool. if we have others requiring rooms is anyone that is booked for single occupancy prepared to 'double up' if needs be? This would be for just the night of the 22nd as the 'other party' are booked in for just that night. Cheers!

Seen by 45 David Hocking, John Stevens and John Collins like this.

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Ron Stevenson

Welcome to Roy Wright the latest addition to the Group. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Seen by 45 David Hocking, Steve Drewett, John Stevens and 3 others like this.

Ron Stevenson Always Sir John. Come on Guy Martin although i suspect he will come up short. Hutchy might be back. 27 May at 09:31 · Like

John Stevens A British champion on a British bike, if only. 27 May at 09:35 · Like · 1

Graham Orchard Sorry to hear that Alan. Chances are that everything will turn out fine. Best of luck buddy. 20 May at 07:40 · Like

John Collins Carol and I wish you a full and speedy recovery and look forward to the next reunion when we shall meet again. 20 May at 08:17 · Like

Des Jones Dear Alan, 20 May at 16:44 · Like · 1 ,<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Mark Cooper Welcome Roy Wright. 17 May at 22:00 · Like

Peter Lee Welcome Roy Wright from the Wooden Hutters

17 May at 23:24 · Like

Phil Curtis Hello Roy. 18 May at 17:33 · Like

Peter House

I have just added Des Jones to the group. He wants to be at the reunion in July.

Seen by 45 You, John Stevens, John Collins and 2 others like this.

Two British D-Day veterans have spoken out after being told they’ll most likely have to wait until next year to receive their Legion D’Honneur medals. Speaking exclusively to Forces TV, former Army Sergeant John Coode, 89, and former...


Peter Lee but guess your Parents loved you. 12 May at 16:05 · Like

Des Jones No one else did! 12 May at 16:34 · Like

Peter Lee Can't have everything

Seen by 45 You, Mark Cooper, Ray Wilkinson, John Stevens and 3 others like this.

Seen by 45 You, Peter Lee, Steve Drewett, John Stevens and 4 others like this.

Mustangs over Rickenbacker Field at Columbus, Ohio.

Credit to John M Cogar for sharing this Magnificent Photo

Paul Haynes No prob, I've ordered the TShirt 11 May at 14:12 · Like

Ray Wilkinson Good, fair and common sense approach Mark Cooper 7 May at 23:30 · Like

Simon Harris Mark, what is GST, (some sort of sales tax) or should we be saving this for the reunion bar, as it is now just 10 minutes away? 9 May at 22:41 · Like

Mark Cooper GST = VAT 9 May at 22:49 · Like

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David Hocking shared Right Wing News's photo.

David Hocking shared British Troops Remembered's photo. 4 May

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Andrew Mitchell

If you receive a call from 01642878714, don't even answer it. The person making the call purports to be from Microsoft or doesn't say anything. You can find out by going through google.

Seen by 45 Peter Lee, Steve Drewett and 2 others like this.

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Malcolm Woodcock shared Forces Reunited's photo.

No comments about 'Navs' now.

Graham Orchard Interesting. That number is a Teesside number. Honest it wasn't me Andy! 4 May at 10:58 · Like

Peter Lee Yes they seem to be able to generate their own, numbers, I have had calls from them and other ner-do- wells which appears to come from six digit numbers or 000000001, so treat them all the same and put my phone down with possible a few choice remarks. Surprising how many surveys or accidents I or someone in the family have done or had

bar stewards or word to that effect I say

4 May at 11:22 · Like

Andrew Mitchell Graham, it is down as a Middleborough number! I must admit that I don't answer my phone much nowadays, if it is an important call a message will be left. Witheld, Unavailable, International, etc etc. 4 May at 12:32 · Like