the BE 410 LEE

march 2019 PHOTO Album

Peter Lee (410 Lee P) is the 51st's archiver of (our) images, who also has a rare talent for turning our old black and white 'monochrome' images into colour.

In addition to everything else Peter works continuously to create online photo albums that capture our 1964-1965 images and some from later years when we were in adult service, as well as our reunion photographs. Thanks go to Peter's long suffering wife Pat, who is widowed for long periods of time whilst Peter does all this for us.

410 Lee's albums are very popular as raffle prizes, and have been used with great effect as gifts, by the 51st, at birthdays, funerals and other occasions, when 'memory lane' is a nice place to walk.

Here is a glimpse of Peter's latest creation - of 1st March 2019. These albums cost around £80 per copy to be printed from their online publisher. Two of these will feature as prizes in the 2019 reunion raffle. Thanks go to my long suffering sister Julie, who received the books at her house rather than us risking the post to Spain and then patiently photographed them to show me/us what they look like.

Peter watches out for discount offers - giving us the chance to purchase with 40% - or even 50% off that price - circa £38. Scroll down to the foot of this page to see Peters conversations from FaceBook about the offers that have come and gone (and will doubtless come again).

1. Who could resist owning a copy of Ray Wilkinson's cheesy grin?

2. Nice to see *396 Hope DR's (Derek Hope) beaming smile, as he is one of the last of the missing 51st to be 'found'. I hope we see him at Hereford soon. The cake is the 2017 version organised by the hotel - which was supposed to be (1) round (2) in RAF colours. Oh well. For the following year Mo and John Hale 'took control and arrived with a masterpiece.

3. What an amazing cake (the 2nd - 2018 version - of our 70th birthday celebration cakes) courtesy of 391 Hale JA (and Mo. 423 Orchard G looking very dapper.

4. We have some very good looking women between us all. Why is 275 Seery F (and his glass) in every shot?

5. Several of these are from the 2017 Hereford Town Hall and Mayor trip, in case you are wondering.


7 (Facebook?)











Good images of our sportsmen. Nice shots of 374 Bates TR (Terry Bates RIP)

The pre passing out flight photos. With Peter's help I am in the process of converting KING'S LIST onto a page of this website - with each of the individuals here above their current known situation.

The 'offer situation' is reproduced below from Peter's FaceBook postings - to give an idea of the £ figures involved.

Whoops although it seemed clear to me and to Simon , the Album offer code was reusable for any number of orders and to different addresses . Just had it rejected on my second order, on the phone to Customer care, but they say it a one use code and although passed it on to their supervisor to see if it can be used again, they doubt it will be allowed, the present deal is 40% off + P and P, which works out as £45.72, but saying that they alter their offers quite regularly so upto you if you want one now or wait until later.

Sorry for building your hopes up :-/

Yes they have a range of cover colours about 8 if mem serves. Graham and John's are dark blue, don't do RAF blue unfortunately. Your sister may have noticed each re-union section pages are colour coded. The reunion pages follow the RAF Fin colour .

Will be picking Pat up soon from hospital, been in for a check up, they have made some changes to her medical regime so hopefully it will help get her more mobile fingers etc crossed.

Yours Pete

Sorry the offer was a one order deal, only found out when trying to placing second order, despite what it said in email message.

it gone back to their current deal 40% off plus p&p so shot up to £47.92, they occasional do other better deals, but don't know when, So no longer URGENT sorry, Ignore lower price quote.

Hi gang I have put together an album covering firstly our time at RAF Hereford, with captions and all re-unions (bar Funerals), this part with no captions, at first Simon bought 2 for raffelling off, as printers were doing a very cheap deal, in January

But now they've out done them self and offering to do them at 50% of and free postage to any address, discussed with Simon and decided that best to throw it open to you all, . Its an A4 90 page album costing £34.95 ONE BIG SNAG IT FOR 24HOURS ONLY. if you want me to order it, Pm me your address I will send the order, sort out repayment later cheque, PayPal or bank transfer. Hopefully you can see it on -line via this link. Possibly a bit busy through day as my Pat is on standby for an overnight stay in Hospital, just a check up, but will get orders off before midnight all being well.


Different colour covers are free, but also can have a title etc for an extra cost I think of around £3.5.