Who we are?


CLASS 2021-2023

Blake Justin C. Bangcaya

"Just Blake and not anyone."

James Lester M. Braga

"The end does not justify the means."

Sebastian Ahlem T. De Guzman

"Hushed introspection can be extremely admirable, view of misery changes into wonderful mystery."

Duanne Roy Van B. Duallo

"A little progress each day leads to big result."

Jan Deus Clark S. Galut

"If you're not in a good mood today don't worry cause tomorrow is another day."

Aliah Kate T. Lomague

"I think success has no rules. But you can learn a great deal from failure."

Gabriel P. Manongdo

"If you're hungry. EAT!"

James Patrick C. Manto

"The more failure you do, the more lessons you learned."

Jay Christian S. Masangkay

"if your brain gets empty, drink empi."

Cedric Ian A. Matutina

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

Datu C. Nepomuceno

"Stop taking everything so seriously in life, in the end, it all means nothing because all you have is yourself and what you choose to do with your life. Stop waiting for things to get handed to you, go out and get it."

Emmanuel Joshua D. Palino

"Pain is temporary but victory is eternity."

John Paul L. Ramirez

"Failure is a necessary part of success, so don't be afraid of it."

Smith Chester Tablate

"Not anyone, just Smith."

Jomarie F. Villegas

"Live each day as if it were your last."

Divine Grace P. Antiporda

"Ang pag-agaw ng dilim sa liwanag ay hindi kawalang pag-asa, ito'y sandaliang pahinga at muli ring sisilay ang bukang-liwayway."

Cherilyn J. Bartolabac

"Fortune favors the brave."

Valerie B. Bilo

"Still failing, but will never be a failure."

Rachel Joy A. Briagas

"If there's no one believes in my ability, the important thing is that I believe in myself more."

Mark Joseph Cadion

"Maybe I'm not doing my best but I'm really trying to make everyone proud of me."

Shayne Nicole M. Capistrano

"Why is everyone so smart? I can't think of anything."

Leabelle C. Cruz

"Always late but worth the wait."

Michaela De Guzman

"You don't need to prove anything to anyone."

Janna Theresse P. Delfin

"Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning."

Joyce Marie M. Dizon

"Let whoever think whatever."

Chynna D. Eguillos

"You are entirely up to you."

Neslen B. Fulminar

"Do whatever you want, just don't hurt other people."

Marc Felix L. Godito

"Don't chase, let them chase you."

Hazel Ann C. Guevara

"Don't be afraid to fail, Be afraid not to try."

Mariel S. Jakosalem

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

Elvie P. Layong

"Fall seven times, Stand up eight."

Elyn Joy M. Malandog

"The Greatest treasure is gift of me, Being who I am meant to be."

Maecaellah Mharie M. Martin

"Try and fail, but never fail to try."

Shaimae B. Montejo

"Just me and I, " Fight for life for you to survive and bring home the bacon with confidence to face the new chapter of your life."

Hannah M. Narvades

"Remember: reality is an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold. Bye."

Glyza-Me P. Omapas

"It's Me, not Meh."

Menzie M. Paguntalan

"Traveler shall know how to cure and be brave to pursue the dreams even the narrow path is only available for the journey."

Xyra Kyrll L. Pelaez

"Love & films are what excites life."

Thea Ashley R. Rada

"Dream big, aim for the sky, and make it happen."

Khenjie Anne C. Saragosa

"Trust no one."

Rhea S. Trucio

"I’m not sure who I am, but I love reading books."

Being a Trinidadian...

To be a Trinidad is a dream. College life is in a flick of a light but sharing days with my fellow Trinidadians is heaven that I have never seen yesterday. I love that this section becomes a catalyst for me in striving so I can continue not just to be the best man I can be but also the man that influences others to dream big, change the world, and transform lives, one opportunity at a time. To share my knowledge, love and make a purpose driven noise to the world is my dream to make my blessings last a lifetime for names can be forgotten even if they were written in the fanciest font but the works will be eternal.

Blake Justin C. Bangcaya

It is such a great opportunity to be part of the 12 HUMSS Venancio Trinidad. It plays a big portion in improving myself academically. I become a student who aims for the best. Being here, I noticed that despite many challenges, we are still able to fix and meet certain expectations. Our section is such a perfect mixture for me, all the people that I need in some circumstances are there. They changed me for the better and made me realize things that I didn't care about.

Cherilyn J. Bartolabac

When I initially learned that I am a Trinidadian, I was too astonished to talk; it was like entering into a fight without weapons, not knowing what to do because everything was new and unprepared. I'm not sure how to start a discussion with others; basic welcomes like "hii" and "hello" aren't enough for me to envisage myself on a new trip with my new classmates. Taking a deep breath of relaxation and moving one step closer to understanding how this shift in setup affects sociability.

Sharing our opinions was enjoyable, and sharing ideas allowed us to better grasp each other's presence. What could be more exciting than being a part of this section? It is solidarity in the sense that all of the students are cooperating well and able to give their all to aid others when they are asked. Understanding each other's talents and allowing others to help and support each other to the best of their ability. Each of us had an unimaginable experience of not being treated fairly or with appreciation, but we came together as a group to support and encourage one another, allowing them to be the best version of themselves.

Sebastian Ahlem T. De Guzman

Life as a learner is difficult; there are obstacles to overcome, and you wonder whether it should all be finished. It is an honor for me as a Trinidadian to get into this section, because my classmates and lecturers are here with me at the last minute before I graduate from Lagro High School. This is where I had conflicted feelings, since for the few time we were together here, I felt both joy and despair. It was exciting because we would be able to begin a new chapter in our lives in a short period of time, despite the fact that we were not allowed the opportunity to face each other. As a Trinidadian, I am glad to have been in this section since I have encountered dependable classmates and educators who are easier to approach and advise us in any situation.

Janna Theresse P. Delfin

Being one of the section of Venancio Trinidad is such an overwhelming opportunity. I'm so happy to be part of this section where I experience different kind of things and be a helping hand to one another. Even if we all experience hardships in our studies we still try to help and approach one another to the best that we can. There might be misunderstandings that we encounter but We still try to resolve it and make peace with everyone. As one section it is natural to encounter misunderstandings and hardships. In one section they might not always be happy but at least try to have unity to still do good things to each and everyone. We should see good things in every challenge that we encounter because it is not all about those hardships, challenges and chaos that matters, what matters the most is the bond that we build as one section.

Michaela De Guzman

Being a Trinidadian, it honestly felt like nothing but a surprise for how surprisingly great this section is, everyone is so encouraging and enthusiastic, not to mention they are all funny too but everyone now and then like anywhere else; we do still experience conflict and contradictions if we will be completely honest, but we never face stayed that way because we always find a way to maintain solidarity and harmony among one another and pretty much everything else falls in the same place; we help each other in trying times and most importantly we have fun. These little things sure does a lot for a bunch of adolescents like us but that's what keeps us strong and whole.

Datu C. Nepomuceno

As a Trinidadian for me this is a big challenge especially since our country is still in the midst of a pandemic. Each of my classmates I don’t know personally, so each of us is adjusting to this modern learning situation of ours that is called online class. It is a big challenge for us to work with each other as group in group performances in the various subjects we have in class, but as a Trinidadian these challenges can be a simple problem if we work as a group through the unity and cooperation of our whole class. Work hard and don't lose motivation, that's my secret as a Trinidadian. That's it, thank you!

Cedric Ian A. Matutina

Every student has their own experience in Lagro Senior High School. I am one of the thousand students who are enrolled in LHS during the school year 2019 - 2022. All I can say is that being a student in my previous school was good but until I transfer to Lagro High School it makes me realize how hard it is to achieve the Honor of School as a achiever. I am kind of a student that is simple minded, exploring but I have an introverted personality. Even though I only enjoy and explore the school for almost 1 year, for me these are unforgettable and inspiring moments for me as a student. All this year I am actually enjoying my school life at LHS.

Now I'm a Grade 12 student from Trininad Family in Lagro Senior High School. Being a part of this Family is kind of hard but really fun because they are friendly even though we didn’t meet in person but we try to communicate with each other. As part of class we cannot avoid some problems in other classmates when it comes to group work but now we are almost done. There are so many experiences and memories in LHS. One of my unforgettable moments in LHS is being one of the student teachers and I interact with different personalities of students and new students in Lagro High School. For the past month interacting with my classmates now I realize how truly fun and challenges especially we are in Online Learning. But everyday I actually cherish the day, time and commitment we had as a Trinidad student.

Now, we as students of Lagro High School are officially leaving the place or Home we treasure the most. We are actually blessed and thankful for the day and time we spend with each other. To all my teachers we are really happy and blessed for what you have done for us. In short, having a school or home like a Lagro High School is a kind of dream for us. It was really fun and good to have friends and teachers around us. We stand for Lagro High School and we are still be the student of Trinidad Family.

Shaimae B. Montejo

Couldn’t be more proud of an entire year of experience with admiration in the eyes for having to witness our community’s future leaders from section Trinidad. To be in their presence is challenging, for they allowed me to further explore and utilize my full potential. It would not be also for their help that I able to survive the self-doubt and necessary difficulties to assess my strength and weaknesses as an individual. There exist, empathetic students, who are working for the welfare of others, and they have built a strong foundation within our section. This is perhaps the greatest act of kindness to be inspired to in this time of crisis. Being a Trinidadian is a fundamental key factor in our learning that will transpire as we approach the last milestone in our senior high school life.

Xyra Kryll L. Pelaez