of Quality Education and Beyond





Lagro High School is located in the Ascencion Ave. cor. Misa de Gallo St. Lagro Subdivision, Brgy. Greater Lagro, Novaliches, Quezon City. Formerly Novaliches High Institution in 1974, and Lagro High School in 1978. Currently serves all parts of Quezon City District V for over 40 years of quality education shaping students to be the most purpose driven version not just for themselves but to the world.

Lagronians Roars Congratulations as Lagro High School Pride Assumed Top 24 in MWPH 2021

Written by: Blake Justin C. Bangcaya

Miss World 2021 Top 24 Shannen S. Manzano, the youngest standing 5’11 candidate in the competition, is a proud Lagronian. As she gets ready for the penultimate month of graduation and her 18th birthday, she graces The Trindadian in an interview with Blake Justin Bangcaya.

Her career goal is to be a lawyer and planning to take Mass Communication Major in Broadcasting as pre law in college. β€œTo be a Shannen Manzano, you need to be a fighter, you need to be confident of who you are and you need to keep striving for what you want in life” the Lagronian achiever said. β€œYou need to be a goal setter, you need to be a positive thinker, you need to be a lot of things, especially a dreamer,” she added. She is someone that sees the best in everything and will continue to strive hard to accomplish what she knows and what she wants to achieve in life. In realising about readiness for the Miss World stage she answered she hasn't planned to join the pageant and this is her first life changing yes to an offer. According to her, Miss World Philippines offers a platform to speak out her thoughts as a teenager in these times to have her platforms and advocacies to be heard by the world and that made her an urge to be an official candidate for the Miss World 2021.

Shannen hold strongly in the line, Ang Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan and Teenage pregnancy is closest to her heart that she was fighting for because it is immensely rampant in our generation and a social issue that has domino effect to other issues that will affect the future generation as the teens are the hope of the country that is why she is very adamant about stopping or lessening that.

β€œShoot your shot, because you only live once. In this lifetime I want you to try everything in the world that you want to try, explore everything you want to explore because it’s better to have β€œAt least I tried it” rather than β€œWhat if I tried?”. We all hate regrets and that’s what we are avoiding right now and because beauty pageants are just about confidence. Just be confident of who you are and that will radiate in other people who will see that, nobody can drag you down when you’re confident and you trust yourself so much. So, good luck and maybe you're the next Pia Wurtzbach or Catriona Gray.” - Shannen Manzano

What she loves about Lagro High School? People, the teachers, the staff, the students and everything about Lagro High School. "They offer high quality education, they prioritise their students all the time, and their teachers and staff are so accommodating. When you go out of Lagro High School you are indeed a tough student that has survived a lot of years of so much training to become an empowered student ready to conquer college". Now, after these milestones, who knows what's next for Ms. Shannen S. Manzano?

Photos from: Shannen Manzano Instagram

Climate Change in Inevitable Hands of Time

Written by: Michaela De Guzman

The United Nations Intergovernmental panel on climate change wanted to maintain the global temperature average under 1.5 degrees celsius to prevent the β€œirreversible effects" of climate change that can result in more supertyphoons, floods, and wildfires. The US rejoined the Paris Agreement, this is the agreement that binds 195 countries to reduce their carbon emissions by 50% and maintain the lower temperature. Human activities are the main cause of Climate change, especially the burning of fossil fuels. According to the experts, the countries that produce the most carbon dioxide emissions such as China, the United States, India and Russia should be the first to decrease their emissions.

Watch the Video below to see the several information and the possible effects that will happen if ever that we did not prevent this to happen. We as humans should take action on it.


Leabelle C. Cruz

I can say that in the five years since I started at Lagro High School and until now, my final year, I have learnt a lot and it has filled my heart with delight. I was in theater arts elective as a first-year student, and I don't regret going there. My favorite year was the next one since my classmates and I became like family. I understood how simple life is and how it should be appreciated while being mindful of its limitations. What interests me the most are the initiatives that are assigned to us, which are both exhausting yet worthwhile. Festivals, cheerdance, and other activities are examples. I also had the chance to go on a promenade and a fun field trip. But I'll never forget how prominent I was throughout our cheerleading performance. This school made my high school experience memorable! Lagro High School also offers a variety of fascinating extracurricular activities, programs, and competitions. The candidates from Lagro High School usually win since the students here are extremely intelligent and talented. They truly develop high-quality learners. Everything has been constrained since the pandemic, but the quality of education remains. Regardless of the hindrances, Lagro High School makes certain that everyone is included and that no one is left behind. The students of Lagro High School have a well-organized system. My teachers taught me a lot, not only academically but also in life lessons. It shaped who I am today, and I am grateful that I have attended this school, my beloved Alma Mater. Everyone has persevered and will continue to do so. Kudos, LHS!

Joyce M. Dizon

A series of what-ifs really has preyed on my mind. As I reminisce my first days as a transferee student, I had initially presumed that things would be, if not intricate, then at least overwhelming for me. Even at the previous schools I attended, socializing is a quality that I'm working hard to cultivate, as it was not my strongest trait. Thus, things became quite tough for me after a new learning system was put in place.

Lagro High School, from here on, will I be reflecting on all of the experiences and teachings that have been taught to us. It is more than just a learning institution; it is an abode where students can feel safe and comfortable. With the thought of being an outcast by the class fellows, section Trinidad shattered all my misanthropic notions, as aside from getting a foothold in each other, they are also easy to build bridges with.

To coin a phrase: β€œGiving up meat can be hard, but if you take it one day at a time, you'll see that you can do it.” Make a new beginning. A series of what-ifs that had been running through my head before have now flown the coop, as the experiences I, and my classmates, confronts taught us various lessons we could pursue in the future… come what may.

Marc Felix L. Godito

Being a transgender, I can say that I have had many memorable experiences and also traumatic experiences at Lagro High School, but let us focus on what is good. Starting my high school life here was not easy. I have to adjust to the new atmosphere that I am in. I have met a lot of friends, learned a lot of lessons, and gained experience as a high school student.

Luckily, I am able to express who I am for a short period of time, and I felt so happy, it was liberating. Entering Lagro High School made me realize what I want to do, and who I am as a person. Lagro High School plays a significant part in molding me as a person, it taught me a lot of lessons in life, and a lot of experiences to be remembered and be treasured in my heart,

Most of the time, I am always the silent one, but this time, I am confident and active every time. I love that Lagro high school changed my personality, and molded me into the person that I am right now. So I am very proud to say that I am a Lagronian!

Elvie P. Layong

Lagro High School's extracurricular activities including the competitions and programs. Some Lagro High School students are intelligent, humble, and very talented; they are the types who win competitions with other schools as well, due to their high quality learnings. My five years at Lagro High School have been like riding a roller coaster, happy and exciting but also terrifying. My first step in Lagro High School was very scary for me because it was the first time I stepped outside of my comfort zone. It was unexpected and I didn't really plan it in my mind at all, but it feels like it made its way for me or maybe it is destined (sound cringe while writing this tho) for me to attend Lagro High School, which helped me shape who I am today. There have been many ups and downs over the years (sad, happy, enjoy, fear, etc..). Actually, I had no idea Lagro High School existed because my young self was too naive in everything, but thanks to my friend's recommendation, I can say that I did not regret choosing this school; It's all worth it. Lagro High School really made my High School life enjoyable yet challenging. It feels like it was my fate to meet a lot of people over the years who stayed and helped me and became a part of my life up until now.

James Patrick C. Manto

Here at LHS, I have a lot of experience and have learnt a lot of things about being a Lagronian. I've had a lot of friends in Lagro; most of them are just rowdy, but not all of my rambunctious friends are negative influences on me, and I've had a best friend since grade 7 and she's still my buddy until now we support each other and to always stay positive. I have lots of memories of lagro highschool and I will never forget it.

Xyra Kyrll L. Pelaez

Was it too frightening? Or was it very welcoming? I reckon.

The first step out of the safe zone had already sent a nervous sensation throughout the exploration. It is almost a wishful dread to survive in an entirely different context without any joint fatalities. If wandering alone has a prescribed warning, I would be deterred of choice to walk farther off the shore. But the grief of countless missed opportunities will continuously knock even on my unbarred sleep. So it is the ever-gorgeous pieces of foreign languages that lead the track on the way to this academe. With a substantial eagerness to be bewildered by the wonders of languages, the expedition continues in this realm. However, what was reported to me is a dazzling sugar-coated fallacy. If not by luck, my dream is thus far harmed by this false belief. But no, only the mere expectation to have new learnings in my Mandarin specialization has experienced disappointment.

It is quite a tale to tell that the first attempt as a transferee was not very welcoming for one would argue about the prospect of bullying. There exist another disappointment in the form of misguided and misbehaved students. This alarming reality has presented verifiable evidence that shattered the positive perceptions build before joining this academe. Its presence is dissatisfying to any extent that it practically jeopardizes my choice to socialize. Even if the intention is to cause no harm, their rude and unfeeling approach to delivering unwise thoughts had a triggering impact. However, it is to their dismay that they are labeled unwanted by the concerned students who are advocates against violence in any form. The existence of this unfortunate event, moreover, has created an overwhelming appreciation for people who brought a real sense of camaraderie to my being. It strongly influences the idea that this academe is still home to a good community with properly disciplined individuals. And what is deemed beautiful in this academic ground are the chances for various opportunities to learn and develop. The certainty to grow and have character development in the process is the utmost inspirational learning to be accumulated upon nurturing in this school. Furthermore, it is my understanding that the previous encounter with the domineering students will potentially make it to a comprehensive realization and personally acknowledge their inappropriate manner towards people.

And what can be significantly disclosed to the readers is the highly impressive ability of Lagro High School to equip students with rightful knowledge and skills to create decisions that are critically acclaimed as beneficial to their futures. Within two years of conquering the unforeseeable emergence of unsettling catastrophe, I am beyond grateful for the gentle aspect of the connection with the members of this school and the tints of striking brilliancy I have been able to astonishingly taste and behold as I write the novelty of this piece.

Rhea Solon Trucio

Being one of the students of Lagro High School is such a noble opportunity for me, I have learned a lot of things especially in academics. I also found so many friends who give color to my boring world. Despite the fact that It’s very hard for me to socialize or even ask questions in situations that are hard for me to understand, I prefer to ignore that. maybe because I was transferee who felt not so welcoming (I was wrong in indulging negative thoughts like this) it was lucky enough that I have surrounded to a nice person (Classmates and Teachers)who’s astute to judge someone polarity, gives me an inspiration to show my talent and help me to build my self confidence. This is the reason why I am Proud to say that I am one of the luckiest students of Lagro high School.


MAY 2022

  • May 1, 2022 – Labor Day (Regular Holiday)

  • May 2-6 & 10-23, 2022 – National Elections-related Activities

  • May 9, 2022 – National Elections

  • Every Friday Starting May – TAYO Naman! Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Service for DepEd Personnel

JUNE 2022

  • June 12, 2022 – Independence Day

  • June 23, 2022 – DepEd Founding Anniversary

  • June 24, 2022 – End of Academic Quarter 4 and School Year

  • June 27-July 2, 2022 – End-of-School Year Rites

JULY 2022

  • July 1-2, 2022 – End-of-School Year Rites

  • July 4, 2022 – Start of Remedial/Advancement Classes


  • August 12, 2022 – End of Remedial/Advancement Classes during Summer