Accounting, Business, and Management


Stands for Accounting, Business, and Management. This may be the tune for you. The principles of business, accounting, marketing, and economics will be covered in this Senior High School strand. It will also offer you with digital-related information and skills.

Senior High School under this strand can pursue any of the following undergraduate programs at Informatics College:

- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

- Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

- Bachelor of Science in Office Management

The Objectives of the ABM Strand

The ABM strand curriculum was constructed to shape senior high school students that want to forge their own paths in the areas of accountancy, business, and entrepreneurship. Students enrolled in ABM for Senior High can expect to:

  • Gain valuable skills expected of their field, such as basic accounting, financial management, and commerce

  • Exude confidence in the accomplishment of their projects and assignments in their ABM strand courses, which they can carry over once they dive into their future careers

  • Engage in business simulation and be exposed to the different types of decisions business managers face regularly.

It is our goal to challenge our students through their ABM strand courses to be articulate, have strong analytical skills and build teamwork to become successful business managers or owners in the future. Witness the rise of pioneers and industry movers, at OEd.