
Chemistry in the Auer Lab

Chemistry in the Auer lab plays a major role to design, develop and produce the chemical matter, individual compounds and libraries, to be screened against CTB targets. For the development of our screening techniques and platforms we also need dyes, and labelling and tagging chemistry.

All the different aspects of wet chemistry we apply are summarised below in individual sections.

Computational Chemistry

In silico techniques play a major role within the Auer lab. We have a strong track record in virtual screening by both structure and ligand based techniques. Building upon these foundations, we have further developed these techniques and now have major interests in drug repurposing and drug combinations.

Peptidomimetic chemistry

CTB recognises the importance (and also the challenges) in using peptides as drugs. As such, we have developed a number of tools and approaches to stabilising peptides and peptidomimetics