Module 2 - Conclusion

Person-Directed Care

Take Action

The person-directed care approach sees the person as an individual, with needs, interests, and abilities. We use a recovery approach plus strength-based planning to build hope and confidence. We recognize every person has the legal right to be included in the decision-making process. When capacity decreases, supported decision-making is one alternative to balance choice with safety and care.

The following are some steps you can take:

How many are you already doing? What could you do next?

  • Be interested in everyone you serve.
  • Engage with people about who they are and what matters to them.
  • Commit to learning one new non-medical fact on each visit.
  • Be clear about what you have to offer.
  • Believe in each person's ability to live a life worth living—on their terms.
  • Create a welcoming environment and orient new residents so they feel less anxious.
  • Identify an individual’s usual routines and follow them.
  • Create opportunities for choice.
  • Respect privacy and knock before entering rooms or apartments.
  • Be helpful. Help with ADLs rather than just doing ADLs for an individual receiving services. Allow the person time to do something for themselves, even if it takes longer.


Texas OASIS Mod 2 Participants Manual.pdf
TX-Oasis HCBS Mod 2 - Handout - Strength-based Care Planning
Tx Oasis HCBS Mod 2 Handout Culture Change.docx
Tx Oasis HCBS Mod 2 PP 9.23.17.pptx